I Will Buy You (1956) Poster

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davidmvining10 June 2022
This is the Japanese baseball version of Ace in the Hole, but it's missing one component that could have pushed it into greatness. The characters are well-drawn, the situation appropriately murky, and the tension real, but there's a moral component to the story that Masaki Kobayashi seems to take for granted. This isn't a man's life or death in the balance, this is contract negotiations around a baseball player's entry into the pros. We can definitely see the impact this has to people involved, the overall wearing down of ones humanity as one approaches everything as a problem that can simply be solved with a few more thousand yen, but it's not the clear-cut moral case of a man leaving another man to die for his own advantages. This waxiness around the morality of the situation ends up reminding me of The Wolf of Wall Street in a similar way, where the central point ends up a bit obfuscated instead of highlighted.

Goro Kurita (Minoru Oki) is a college baseball player who's shaking things up in center field and in the batter's box. He's a once in a generation fielder and batter who is obviously headed for great things in the Nipon League in Japan. The talent scout for the Toyo Flowers Kishimoto (Keiji Sada) is sent to negotiate with Kurita's personal coach, Ippei Tamaki (Yûnosuke Itô) and, what the scouts call, a leech. He's someone that the scouts see as purely an impediment to negotiations and one that they will need to buy along with Kurita. Kurita has a girlfriend Fudeko (Keiko Kishi) who has grown disillusioned with her boyfriend as he's gotten closer to entering the professional league and a large family in a small, poor village who all want their piece of the pie that's coming Kurita's way.

The bulk of the film is the extended negotiations that happen between the first efforts to talk to Kurita and the fall championship series at the collegiate level. What makes all of this incredibly involving (despite my reservations in my introduction) is that the line between genuine emotion and backstabbing manipulation is never, ever clear. Tamaki has an illness that makes him topple over in pain from his gut from time to time, but Fudeko (who is sister to his mistress) insists that its at least partially fake. She hates baseball and what Kurita has become, dreaming of a smaller, more honest life. Kurita himself is actually barely in the film, but when he's on screen he alternates between seeming completely innocent to, in particular with his interactions with Fudeko, underhanded and hiding something.

In the middle of all of this is Kishimoto. He is the purveyor of the series of bribes (gifts) that he must give out to Tamaki, his mistress, Fudeko, Kurita's family, and Kurita himself, and yet he's just trying to sign a promising young talent to his team. Here's where the morality aspect of it kind of fails a bit. There is talk from Fudeko about how Kishimoto is treating Kurita like a commodity (it's true). That's surely dehumanizing, but it will also end with Kurita becoming a millionaire at 20 and being able to simply play baseball for a living. I don't think the moral issue is there, but with just the general wearing down of the rat race and the fact that Kishimoto has to bribe just about everybody. And why does he have to do that? Because Kurita isn't straight with anyone.

Kurita ends up looking a bit like a monster by the end of this. He makes a decision early based on reasoning that he repeats, but he keeps the specific decision secret. No one listens to his reasoning and simply throws money at him again and again and again. He's not treated like a person with desires and wants, but, yes, like a commodity. However, he's not some passive, meek nobody. He's sneaky and gets exactly what he wants in the end, and he disappoints a lot of people along the way, but they never listened to him anyway. Everyone, from his family to Tamaki, treated him as just a commodity. The only one who didn't was Fudeko, and that's because she had once loved him and had grown to hate him. An interesting little subplot is that it seems like Fudeko and Kishimoto end up with a possible future together as a romantic couple because they both just want what's best for Kurita in their own way. They're really the only two genuine people in the movie.

Most of the film is between Kishimoto and Tamaki, though, and Kishimoto's desire to trust. The problem is that Tamaki really is faking his illness, sometimes. When he sees Kurita off to go home for the last time before he makes his decision and signs with a team, we see Tamaki bend over in pain, try to extract a promise from Kurita to sign with the Toyo Flowers because they will offer Tamaki the best deal for himself, and then stand up without problem as soon as Kurita is out of sight. He's also actually suffering from it, at the same time, and he goes into painful convulsions the night before the signing that he cannot stop. Did his faking of symptoms at opportune times undermine Kurita's faith in his coach and lead him to simply dismiss his needs and desires? It's never said, but I think the implication is there: the fakery of it all destroys trust between everyone.

The only thing holding me back from calling this Kobayashi's first great film is that moral component which seems to be tied to Kobayashi's socialist ideology. He finds the buying and selling of players to be immoral, but Kurita happily takes advantage of the situation to get the best from himself while leaving all of his leeches to fend for themselves. Is that immoral? It's unclear what this sort of moral aspect is supposed to actually be and if Kobayashi's own characters and film undermine it. So, I end up with a similar reaction to The Wolf of Wall Street, but the film looks and feels a whole lot like Billy Wilder's Ace in the Hole at the same time.

I also want to note the title. The title comes from a line of dialogue and, taken out of context, it seems so aggressive. However, in the film itself, it's done almost meekly as Kishimoto agrees to fully take on Tamaki as, essentially, a secondary client. It's what ties Tamaki to Kishimoto completely. I just found that interesting.

Aside from an unclear moral aspect, this is probably Kobayashi's best film up to this point. When I first started learning about Kobayashi's body of work (right after watching Samurai Rebellion) a couple of years ago, it was this one that excited me most to visit. Now that I have, I'm not disappointed at all.
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treywillwest5 July 2016
One of the most cynical sports movies ever made. Baseball is the metaphor for imported American capitalism in post-war Japan. Professional sports, much like "capitalist democracy" is legally sanctioned human trafficking. The irony here is that the trafficked "product" is one of the worst predators.

Everyone in this film assumes everyone else is lying and acts accordingly. The, almost optimistic in its way, ending affirms that sometimes someone really is suffering without manipulative affectation. Illness and death are real and seem like the most affirmational forces in the movie. Maybe, just maybe, suffering can even inspire actual love and tenderness even in the age of capitalism.
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Excellent & smartly thought-provoking, if dispiriting (and maybe a little imperfect)
I_Ailurophile10 June 2024
In the course of watching, this made a few different impressions at different points. What first struck me was that in a time when the broad genre of "sports drama" is filled with cookie-cutter stories of struggle and triumph over adversity and long odds, it's refreshing to see those relative few that approach the subject matter from a different angle. Second was that Kobayashi Masaki's unmistakable condemnation of the extant sports establishment, ruled by money and perceived commercial value, was lessened in some measure by the presence of a character who showed some semblance of conscience, like Watanabe Kanji in Kurosawa Akira's 'Ikiru'; then again, as the length draws on, both these factors strengthen until the second impression morphs into the fourth. The third impression, that there comes a point where the proceedings feel overlong and lagging, may still remain true but fades into the background in the last stretch as that fourth impression, and the fifth and last, take over. Strong as 'I will buy you' is overall, it bears extra power in the last ten minutes or so, and in so doing reminds of other titles that happen to follow a similar pattern (e.g. Celine Song's 'Past lives,' Ang Lee's 'Brokeback Mountain,' Martin Scorsese's 'Killers of the flower moon'). In the case of this picture, though, that power is twisted into a level of condemnation that stops just short of Abel Gance vehemently lashing out with 1919's anti-war epic 'J'accuse,' and which at its peak more closely minds of the wholly bleak assessment of humanity that is Billy Wilder's 'Ace in the hole.' 'I will buy you' is a sports drama, technically, but through the lens of critiquing modern (contemporary) baseball, it has just as much to say about people and society at large, and ultimately Kobayashi does not mince words.

Through to the end and the very last moments I don't think the feature is flawless in its tone, pacing, length, or otherwise conveyance of its ideas, and the impact this carries is a little less than it would have been otherwise. Be that as it may, in adapting the source material, the filmmaker and co-writer Matsuyama Zenzo take a long, hard look at the extent of the infection in sports of money and business sensibilities. In so doing the film speaks to the pernicious corrupting influence of capitalism, to the cynicism and mistrust that it breeds, and to the way that our occupations and otherwise places in such a baneful system demand - nay, require - that we forsake our sincerity and values, or at least relegate them to a small hole where they can be locked away, diminishing ourselves in turn. While the primary focus here is on sports and baseball, news media also fall under Kobayashi's crosshairs, and these are nothing if not a microcosm through which the man assails humanity at large. Can you even imagine what Kobayashi might have to say about the state of these in 2024?

Despite imperfections this is far better than not, and very much engrossing and satisfying. If long in the tooth the narrative is compelling even in its dreariness, and the scene writing is unfailingly sharp and vivid, as the writing arguably takes center stage. The cast are superb in bringing the sorry tableau to life, with fantastic performances of range, nuance, physicality, and at times notable emotional depth realizing these characters who are trapped in the quagmire of a culture driven by money. Sada Keiji and Ito Yunosuke surely stand out most as Kishimoto and Kyuki, both for their prominence and the skills that their parts allow them to demonstrate, but this is hardly to count out Kishi Keiko, Oki Minoru, or Mito Mitsuko, among others, who all unquestionably have their time to shine as the tale progresses. Other elements of the movie are less outwardly noteworthy, but rest assured that the production design and art direction, costume design, cinematography, editing, and not least Kobayashi's direction are all solid and commendable in putting this together.

It may not be an immediately striking, impeccable lightning bolt of brilliance like some other titles, including some others in Kobayashi's body of work, but the clarity of intent and the vibrancy of the themes absolutely come across in the storytelling and in the acting. As other participants round out the proceedings with fine, able contributions, the end result really is absorbing, and hits hard, even if the execution slightly falters. All told the flick may not totally demand viewership, yet whether one is a fan of Kobayashi or someone else involved, has some other special impetus to watch, or is just looking for something good, when all is said and done it continues to hold up and is well worth checking out. For various reasons it won't appeal to all comers, and it bears repeating that the overarching mood is decidedly dour. If that tenor and a few minor faults are no obstacle, though, 'I will buy you' is an excellent, thought-provoking picture, and I'm pleased to give it my firm recommendation.
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A sports drama with the emphasis on drama
Jeremy_Urquhart23 January 2024
Before he made his best known films (like those in The Human Condition trilogy, Harakiri, and Kwaidan), Masaki Kobayashi made a handful of fairy small-scale dramas. I'm not crazy about them (and I'm also not crazy about sports movies much of the time), but such films are still pretty interesting and well-made, and I Will Buy You is no exception.

It's a very downbeat look at the behind-the-scenes machinations that go in within the baseball industry in Japan, with the lives of people being bought, swapped, and bartered on, all in the name of a national pastime. The film is a little dull, but I think at its core, the subject and approach does contain some interest; it's definitely got things to say, I just wish I found it a tiny bit more engrossing.
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The morality of immoral practices
IamROCKAS16 July 2023
The premise of the movie is rather unique and I feel it's even more meaningful nowadays - it is about a sporting scout trying to recruit the next promising young star to join his team. Like a vulture, from the very beginning, he is looking for weaknesses in the coaching staff of the young star and he quickly starts enjoying moderate success as he gets close to the coach of the star, the star's family, and his girlfriend, who, at he describes as a chameleon as he's unsure how to bend her in his favor.

After a while, a lot of moral and ethical issues come to light as he starts questioning whether what he is doing is right or if it is just the price of his job to be dealing with such issues. As the scout of rivaling teams is also interested in the young star, the whole situation starts a discourse that describes the ambitions to get the star as a war where instead of bombs money is used.
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