Stuff Stephanie in the Incinerator (1989) Poster

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I generally enjoy Troma films for what they are, but this one badly misses the mark
kevin_robbins24 February 2024
I recently watched the Tromaville picture Stuff Stephanie in the Incinerator (1989) on Tubi. The storyline follows a couple who get caught by the rich and put in a game of life and death.

This picture is directed by Don Nardo, in his line directorial project, and stars Neil McGarry (Killing Dinner), Catherine Dee (Dead Rain), Paul Nielsen (Embrace of the Vampire) and Phil Vincent (Proper Binge).

This is one of those films that had great potential and a unique premise, but does absolutely nothing with it. The films starts with a wild "old lady" that wants to watch people have sex. I thought this was going to be great. There's really no worthwhile horror elements. The games were cheesy and there's no worthwhile kills...the entire movie. The cinematography is also mediocre and feels low budget.

In conclusion, I generally enjoy Troma films for what they are, but this one badly misses the mark. I would score this a 2.5-3/10 and recommend skipping it.
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I didn't see that coming... and that... and that.
lost-in-limbo16 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Stuff this film in the incinerator! No actually make that Lloyd Kaufman and Michael Herz. Definitely didn't live up to the eye-grabbing title, tagline and film poster courtesy of the good folks at Troma... playing 'their' games. Misleading, sure... which the advertising push didn't entirely fit with the tone of the film. There are moments of camp and even an incinerator (for a good minute) but it's fairly half-baked, no one is incinerated and underlining it was something much more elaborate.

Surprisingly the cloak and dagger idea of this peculiar story had potential with its many sleight of hands. Leading you down one path, before deciding to shake things up again and again. Maybe one too many times in its quest to blur the line between reality and allusion.

Charades, theatrics, deception, greed and murder are at its core. However stiff and laborious execution all round made this a flat dark comedy without the risqué edge to carry it through. Someone like Paul Bartel could have done wonders. And that music score surely did get on my nerves.

"All the world is a stage. All the men and women... merely players."
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PIST-OFF10 June 2000
This movie is so bad it makes Police Academy 6 look like Citizen Kane. There isn't one single good thing about it. Bad dialogue, deathly bad acting, horrendous camera work, terrible writing, a lame and pointless plot, not so special effects, unbearably bad pacing, shoddy directing, etc.... The title makes no sense with the movie but I guess you can't name a movie "Piece Of S**t" That is exactly what this movie is. > It's long and very boring. It doesn't even fit any category of movie: Action? What action? It's slow and meandering. Drama? I personally see more drama in a Hagar The Horrible comic strip. SciFi? Not with these lousy effects. Horror? I've coughed up scarier crap. Suspense? Romance? No it's just bad. This movie is so bad it gives me new insight into the depths of human depravity and makes me lose all hope for the human species all together. Who put this movie together? Who paid for it? Who thought it sounded good? Why did people actually waste the time of day making it? Why are they not ritualistically beheaded for the benefit of all mankind? If this is what people find entertaining then we are surely doomed to a bleak existence. If there truly was a GOd he would never have allowed it to go this far. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I feel cheated out of the 50 cents I paid to rent this. This is my flag to warn all of humanity to stay away from a movie so bad it escapes any term the English language has to describe it. It took me seven tries to watch it all the way through because I continually fell asleep throughout it. Each part I watched I hoped would redeem it and each time I was let down by subpar performance. They couldn't even get a decent looking female lead to make up for the movies numerous gaping inadequacies. I'm currently now enrolled in a 12 step program to help recover from the paralyzing effects of this the worst of all movies. With patience maybe one day I can rent movies without fear again.
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Utter Garbage
mockymur-18 December 2008
Less than awful. My cat produces better viewing fare from his behind without even trying. The people who made this atrocity should compensate viewers for the time lost watching it. It's just BAD film making across the board. Pitiful acting, terrible sound quality, no perceptible direction or production qualities (they must have been drugged out porn capitalists with money to burn) it's hard to believe that there were any professionals involved in this thing at all. Perhaps the makers of this poor excuse for a movie were simply high on their own egos. That would be my best guess. It's the sort of thing I would be embarrassed to find under my name on an internet search. Not even worthy of irony.
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The worst movie I've ever seen
dob-24 July 1999
This was the worst movie I have ever seen, bar none, and I've seen some honkers. I cannot conceive of how or why it was made. It was pathetically acted, painfully scripted, and all-around stupid.
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Twisted Illusions
Tromafreak9 February 2010
A PG-13 Troma movie? Yeah, and it's actually a pretty good one at that. So, obviously Stuff Stephanie In The Incinerator isn't "Decampitated good", or "Blood Sucking Freaks good", but rather "why is this a Troma movie good". Don't worry, it's still a bad movie. Aside from the catchy title, Don't Stuff Stephanie In The Incinerator is fairly normal... well, normal compared to any other Troma title I've seen. No Gore, or even nudity that I can recall, just a decent, well-thought-out story, with plenty of twists, and even some passable acting along the way. A story that shows exactly how far rich people, with too much time on their hands, will go to amuse themselves. Apparently, after achieving wealth, role-playing games are the next step to achieving true bliss. Not just any Role-playing games, but entire scenarios, outrageous scenarios, which could last for days, or even weeks at a time. living as their chosen character, and following the script till the very end. We the viewer are oblivious to when one scenario ends and another begins. A story with enough twists to keep just about anyone on their toes. Definitely interesting enough to keep you awake too. Well, the truth is, most people, or even most fans of bad movies would probably see this movie as a confusing, low-budget joke, and a waste of your time and money, not to mention Troma's money. And you're right, this movie will most likely never be apart of the Tromasterpiece Collection, But stick with it till the end, friend, and you'll see that Stuff Stephanie In The Incinerator, at the very least, is intriguing.... well, despite the fact that no one really ever gets stuffed in anything, but intriguing, nonetheless. 6/10
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A must-see for fans of the ridiculous
BrandtSponseller16 March 2005
As it begins, Paul (William Dame) is an airplane mechanic who is suddenly accosted by two older crooks in trenchcoats. They knock him out. He awakens to find himself in an older mansion, where a woman, Stephanie (Catherine Dee), seems to know him despite the fact that he's never seen her before, and an older transvestite, "Roberta" (M.R. Murphy), is keeping Paul and Stephanie captive, apparently with the intent of watching them have sex. Just who is Roberta? Is that really her motive? How did Stephanie get there? How long has she been there? Why did they pick Paul?

Forget that the title is a misnomer and we never get to see Stephanie stuffed into an incinerator or even an attempt to do this. For fans of the ridiculous, this is a little gem resurrected by Troma and Brentwood/BCI Eclipse for their recent "Toxie's Triple Terror" DVD releases. To appreciate the film, you have to not only not mind filmmakers breaking their "generic (genre-related) contract" with the audience, but breaking any kind of implied contract about narrative forthrightness. The name of the game here is really "pulling the rug out from beneath the viewer", but amusingly, neither the apparent scenarios nor the rug-pulling are very sophisticated, making Stuff Stephanie in the Incinerator usually play like a more pedestrian "so bad, it's good" horror film gone haywire after viewing far too many "rubber reality" films, ala Mulholland Drive (2001), The Butterfly Effect (2004), etc. That Stuff Stephanie in the Incinerator predates all of the rubber reality films, which could reasonably be said to begin with Jacob's Ladder (1990), doesn't make it prescient so much as retroactively, accidentally related. In 1989, this probably seemed like so much nonsense rather than anything groundbreaking or postmodernist.

Being less generous, it's easy to imagine instead that writer Peter Jones and writer/director Don Nardo continually didn't know where to go with their script, so every once in a while they used a variant of the old, "No, that was just a dream" tactic and basically started over. At least this variation on that ploy gives an "excuse" for bad acting, which is deliciously abundant in the film--delicious because it is bad enough to be hilarious. Maybe the script wasn't even done when they began, and as they were shooting they were continually unhappy with the tenor of their footage, so they periodically changed gears. Whatever the cause, if you've a taste for bizarreness, absurdity or camp, you're going to want to watch this film. In fact, it is a must-see for you.

While I'm sure other writers are giving away the nature of the "reveals", I think the film is a lot more fun if you do not know what to expect, so I'll refrain from describing the plot in any detail. That doesn't disallow describing some of the characterization.

Paul ranges from amusingly gruff to buffoonishly pompous to slightly sinister. Dame (as Paul) gets his best lines, with the funniest delivery, in the first section of the film, where he continually breaks the mood. From the audience's perspective, the beginning seems like a slightly pretentious low to no budget film, ala Insaniac (2002) or Last House on Hell Street (2002), for which Paul gets to voice the concerns and protests of the viewer, if the viewer drinks a lot of Budweiser and lives in a trailer.

Stephanie seems most concerned with continually getting laid, and later with money, no matter what level of reality is revealed. There is nary a male character she doesn't seem interested in at some point. This is made more amusing by the fact that while she's attractive enough, her facial structure makes her something like an attractive Neanderthal (I don't really mean that as insulting, but I'm sure it will be difficult to not take that way). At least the film was shot in the days before boob jobs were so ubiquitous. We can be thankful that Nardo didn't know any strippers well enough to talk them into doing the film--I actually like more "plain" and "interesting"-looking women like Dee (who plays Stephanie) better. The poster artist, who displays a very active imagination, might not agree. At any rate, at one point this character gets to provide an unconvincing "voice of sanity" for the audience, but it turns out to be just as much a false reality as the rest of the film.

Roberta, who turns out to be a more minor character, is most charming in transvestite mode, where s/he comes across like Tootsie (1982) with fewer acting lessons. Later, when s/he is just a guy, we keep hoping s/he'll put the bra and wig back on. Perhaps Murphy should have been given a bigger role, but maybe we should be glad he wasn't.

The actors, although not good in any traditional sense, are certainly fun to watch. The technical elements are more difficult to speak about so highly. Nardo's direction, in terms of staging, is sometimes competent but never impressive. Occasionally it's more incompetent. Some scenes are so dark you can't tell what is going on, and too often it's difficult for the viewer to piece one location's relationship to another location. That is important to get right for narrative flow. There are also a couple characters introduced but mysteriously just dropped (think of the gym scene). But maybe Nardo was concentrating on getting the "right" performances from the principals.

My rating may seem high to some given my comments, but for this one, I'm rating how fun it is to watch if you enjoy the ridiculous. Often, a film like this would get my "so bad, it's good" rating of 5, but I don't really think this is a bad film--there are too many signs of competence. It's a shame that none of the cast or crew seemed interested or able to pursue other films. There is a lot of potential here.
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Get some beers in first!
J Lane22 August 2001
This film is one of those that is so bad that it is good. Though the best thing to do is watch it late at night when you have had a few bevvies and then it seems OK. Though it is perhaps one of the worst films ever made. But the ending is really worth the wait.
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Sometimes the worst movies are the best...
smokeycrabtree19 October 1999
I saw this movie a couple of years ago, after I saw the trailor when I rented "Return To Boggy Creek". Of course, this movie IS "bad". But that depends on what your definition of "bad" is. No doubt about it, this film was independant and low-budget. But when you think about it, a blockbuster like "The Blair Witch Project" probably cost even less to make, so who cares? I was actually surprised to see that this movie was made in '89. I thought for sure it was a late 70's flick. If you like low-budget 80's horror movies that should be played on TNT's Monstervision, RENT THIS! However, if you refuse to bend out of conformity, and only will see million-dollar Hollywood projects, stay very far away. (Keep in mind you most likely won't be able to find this movie at Blockbuster, but possibly at an independant local movie rental store). *An 80's B-movie classic.*
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Interesting for an inexpensive, independent film
Reflux25 February 2003
This movie was made for a very small budget ($100,000 at a time when the average movie cost $15 million). It was meant to appear to be a psychological thriller, yet, ultimately, it's something else; the kind of "now you see it -- now you don't" that normally doesn't happen in inexpensive, quickly made movies. The film suffered from distribution problems, eventually being bought by TROMA, which purposely made it look, as in all previous TROMA films, like a trashy horror film, which it is NOT, renaming it from IN DEADLY HEAT to STUFF STEPHANIE IN THE INCINERATOR. The potential viewer then expects to see a campy grossout, but that is not what happens at all. So,if you run into this film, give it a chance. It's not great, but it does have a clever spark that is unusual for a supercheap indy.
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if you're a butthead you won't like this
dallon7 October 2006
this movie rules more than buttheads will like to admit. It starts out being incredibly confusing, then you kind of figure out whats going on, then figure out you were toad-ally wrong. the highlight of the film was a man standing in a closet, falling on a box of spilled marbles. THIS IS AN AWESOME MOVIE! even though lame-os will whine about the name not making any sense, that's part of why it's so awesome. The name kind of makes sense anyway, i'll bet that half the people who hate this movie didn't make it through the first hour. They said, "THIS MOVIE SUCKS" and then turned it off long before it was over, and started to make any sense. besides, there's a picture of a girl with a huge butt on the cover, what more could you want?!?!?!?
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if you thought The Game had twists you haven't seen anything yet!
jccalhoun8 December 1999
This movie will have you shaking your head in bewilderment more than once, but all is explained in the end. This is a tightly plotted story that is an excellent rental! The situations are switched around so many times you won't believe it. This is a very very cool movie!
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Bad and nothing else!
RodrigAndrisan3 February 2019
The title is very catchy indeed. But the film is not. I think they wanted to recreate somehow "Sleuth" with the great Laurence Olivier. And that guy Michael Caine. But it does not compare at all. The story, the direction, the actors, everything is far far below the artistic quality level of Joseph L. Mankiewicz's film. So, no, the worst movies are not sometimes the best, they are simply bad. It's no surprise that Don Nardo has done nothing else after and this is his only child conceived with a camera.
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(Spoiler Alert) No Incineration for Stephanie
Access Sanctuary18 October 2001
Warning: Spoilers
What a day. Paul is knocked out by two ugly guards in trench coats. He wakes to find himself in the parlor of a strange house/mansion. As he searches the house, he stumbles upon a bland, clueless blonde who knows more about him than he's comfortable with. Then he's summoned to dinner by what is obviously a man in drag. At dinner, Roberta proposes Paul make love to Stephanie while she watches. This is just too much and Paul tries to make an escape. When he returns to the table, he is spooked to see Roberta has vanished (reason enough to be spooked in any TROMA film). Paul and Stephanie formulate a plan and try to escape from Roberta's evil clutches. Just as they think they've gotten away, they both become equally interested in each other and unknowingly Roberta's watching them. They are taken captive once again by Roberta but as it turns out Roberta just wants Paul to make love to her. Paul is not about to 'do' such an ugly 'chick' but as Roberta commands for the murder of Stephanie, she persuades Paul to see things her way. Now that Roberta finally gets what she wants, what happens but she calls out, "I don't have to go through with this do I? You said it would stop here?"

And in response: the panicked Stephanie who is cramped in a maiden (the torture device used in Scotland) suddenly cocks her head back and with a devilish grin replies, "So I did. You can stop now Roberta, darling." Robert takes off his wig and all goes back to normal. So, what is normal you ask? Stephanie is Casey and Paul is Jared. A married, rich couple who engage in eccentric historical 'games' with a kinky and deadly twist, as Casey rehashes in confrontation with her husband. But normal for Casey is not waking in the night to find Robert lurking around in her house, hoping to find some more filthy money. The two come up with their own plan to kill Jared, hide his body, and split his money once he can be declared legally dead. But somebody's playing for keeps, and in this game, everyone loses.

Intriguing and imaginatively written. But, unfortunately the production is poor and the cast is collectively less than motivated. Though I would have to say M. R. Murphy did turn in a stunningly captivating performance as the drag-queen, Roberta. Best scene in the movie (got me and my friends cracking up so hard): the close-up shot of Roberta at the table as he says, "Yes, my pet. I like to watch," in a very squeaky and creepy tone.

I recommend this movie because it's very much unlike TROMA's gross-out flicks and because it's pretty good in it's so-bad kind of way. The '80's doesn't get any cheesier than this! 'Gag me with a spoon'.
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Movies like this make you look at blindness as a pleasant alternative!
reptilicus16 October 2004
Gadzooks, I wasted 97 minutes of my life watching this? For the first half hour you get drawn into what you think is a remake of the 1969 movie GAMES, but then it switches tracks and becomes a murder plot by an unhappily married wife against her rich and eccentric to the point of completely weird husband (he imitates Beethoven, Hamlet, and Toulouse-Lautrec to name only three). Sadly the murder for profit part is, to say the least, predictable.

I can see why the people at Trauma Films . . .er . . .excuse me, I mean Troma Films picked it up. Personally I would rather watch anything done by Harry Novak (yes and I am including AXE and THE CHILD in that group) or even Bill Rebane (give me THE GIANT SPIDER INVASION or even RANA, LEGEND OF SHADOW LAKE any day).
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THIS is a cool movie
Jedigoat10 October 1999
This is a really cool movie. One of the most unique films I've seen. The characters are as hilarious as they are unpredictable, the script is mind blowing, with more plot twists than any other film I've seen. [Good Plot twists, not absurd ones like Wild Things]
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