A Fool and His Money (1989) Poster

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Evangelical meets Ayn Rand
quevaal1 November 2008
With all the negative comments posted I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents. If you want a comedy with big laughs all the way, then this is not for you. And the production etc. is obviously not much to speak of. But if you're in for a little satire on religion, then you might as well watch this. It doesn't go after any of the known religions, but rather after mass hysteria, preachers as well as greed and egoism. There are some unfulfilled premises, like what happens with the short-sellers, and the traditional religions in the end. The acting is so-so, but Gerald Orange is for sure a very believable preacher. It's not one to buy, but if it's on TV, then have a look.
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Too true!
dszorc11 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Shades of the Family and the house at C Street! This could have been (may have been!)an inspirational film for Those-Who-Won't-Be-Named in the right-wing elite. The basic premise is "make money while justifying anything you want to do." Taken as a straight film, it's atrocious - the reproduction is bad, the sound is bad, the writing is sophomoric, the acting ... (you get the idea) But as a piece of satire it's precious. The most troubling aspect is how precisely it portrays the greed and self-centered nature of so much of religion, business, and politics. The film makers couldn't take it to the end without a change of conscience. Now, that's a real fairy tale!
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Tom Cruise & Obama together in this Religious Pamphlet (DVD)
leplatypus10 July 2010
Well, sort of. Actually, the actors (Penner for Cruise and Orange for POTUS) look very much alike and it was my best idea to get your attention. In all cases, it stars the real Sandra Bullock even if her part is a bit small. Thus, she doesn't worth to be at full on the cover! it's a con for idiots (like me!).

It's a very strange flick than this one. It's original because it tackles the two great driving forces of the third millennium (Capitalism and Religion) but the outcomes is rather unusual: a comedy sure but also a criticism of sharks and bigots with a touch of fantastic (God talking in TV while playing tennis). Unfortunately, except the 80s-90s feel, the script fails to grasp such big and explosive thematic.

As ever, we are in need of those movies about faith, wild globalization but a better cast and story would be welcomed. With this movie, it's a golden opportunity missed so everything is still to tell.
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Unbelievable Awful
gandalf-3122 June 2006
I found the DVD on a shelf at a rental condo I was at. Had never heard of it, but Sandra Bullock was on the cover, it was late, so why not give it a go. What a terrible, terrible movie. Perhaps one of the worst ever made. If IMDb allowed a zero rating, this would be it. In fact, I'm tempted to raise my score on the other 5 movies I have rated a 1 on IMDb, just to show how bad this one was.

The writing was bad, the plot was non-existent, the acting was terrible, the camera-work looked like that of someone using a video camera for the first time. My wife and mother-in-law were smarter than me, they went and found something else to do. I kept watching, thinking something has to happen. And you know, NOTHING EVER HAPPENED in this movie.

Go watch a snail crawl across the sidewalk, go watch water dripping from a faucet, anything is better than watching this.
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Perhaps the worst movie ever made.
obxparadise5 January 2005
I bought this DVD in a bargain bin -- you get what you pay for. I cannot watch the entire movie....it's that bad. I'm glad I only paid $3.00 for it. Save yourself some money - avoid at all costs. I thought, when i saw that Sandra Bullock was in it that it might be okay. Wrong. Dead wrong.

The acting stinks, the directing stinks and it's not funny.

Avoid it like the plague.

You'll be glad you listened to me.

Of the subject a bit....but one can usually find some good bargains in the bargain bins. It's how I have built up my DVD collection.
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Awful doesn't even describe
daddysgrlie4 September 2005
I first became interested in this movie because Sandra Bullock was on the cover. Little did I know that she was barely in the movie, and not even her rare appearance (which was the only thing worthwhile) could save this movie. The only reason I didn't stop the movie after the first five minutes was because I was determined to see it to the end--no matter what. Unfortunately, after the movie came to a conclusion (if you can call it that) I felt as if I had been violated with the most awful cinematic experience ever. The troubling parts of the movie were the horrible acting, the worst script, and music that sounded like it was pulled straight from a "country's worst" compilation album, volume one. I would recommend anything else. This is probably the WORST movie I have ever seen, and I have seen my share of bad movies.
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Not worth the time watching it, at best this is a "B" Movie
denngray28 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This DVD has a picture of Sandra Bullock in the foreground on the cover. they try to make you think She is a big part of the movie,

She had at best a cameo in this movie.

Don't buy it, don't waste your time watching it and don't let your children or pets see it, it is that pathetic. When I bought it I was misled by the picture on the cover, I have never seen a bad Sandra Bullock movie till I bought this one.

This is every bit as bad as some of the notorious "B" Movies of the 50's.

This is a very low budget production that should never have been made. The cover has a big picture of Sandra Bullock and her name bold across the top giving the impression she is the lead actor, Don't fall for it! she basically has a cameo nothing more.

After watching this Movie I was deeply disappointed, I am a big Sandra Bullock fan and I hope she never signs on to a movie that is so beneath her acting abilities again.
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An advertising executive gets fired from his job and designs a clever way to "get rich quick."
abner266516 January 2005
This movie is recommended for those who have insomnia's - otherwise don't waste your time. The plot outline on the cover is much better than the actual movie which is terrible. Listening to an oratory by a parakeet would be more exciting than this terrible movie!

The transfer quality of the DVD is also bad. There is a lot of distortion on the sound which makes it hard to understand what is being said. The color timing shifts with the advancing frames. Together with a poor plot, the acting is bad, which is surprising considering some of the actors used in the movie. Although it is sold as a "budget movie," even the low price to pay is not worth buying this movie...if some of you insist on seeing "A Fool and His Money," look for it in the television listings. And, have a "pocket" video game or something to help with the boredom!
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Very bad movie with no plot and bad acting
sandrabullockroks7 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This was just about one of the worst movies I have seen! It is about a guy who is fired from his job and while very drunk is supposedly visited and told by God to start a new religion. He decides to start a self-satisfaction religion causing a huge uproar. It was, in my opinion, 81 minutes of pure torture. Sandra Bullock is advertised blatantly on the cover but she has only a very small role. She does well in her role, but it is too small to help the movie any.

The movie honestly has no plot, and pretty bad acting. The end is quite bad, showing Sandra Bullock's character getting back with her lazy, jerky boyfriend. In reality, he deserved to be dumped- considering his made-up religion gets her beat-up and hospitalized.

I would not recommend watching, renting, or buying this movie unless you are into movies with bad acting and no plot. If you do happen to watch this movie, I suggest you get into a vegetative state as this is the only way you will get through the entire movie.
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Bullock is cute, but NOT a good reason to buy this cheap DVD.
TxMike15 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie, "Religion, Inc.", was made before any of us knew who Sandra Bullock was. Here she has a relatively minor role, but is prominently featured on the DVD cover, wearing a nice red dress which doesn't appear anywhere in the movie. Plus, they are marketing it as "A Fool And His Money". We fell for it! We bought a copy at $5, and it is barely worth $1, for the quality of the DVD but even less for the movie. Seriously, there are better DVDs available for $1. You may wonder "What is wrong with it?" Fair question. First, the sound is inferior, kind of fuzzy, listed as stereo but sounds closer to mono. Second, the picture is not even as good as good VHS quality. Third, there are chapters and nothing else, as basic a DVD as you can find. Still, all that would not be terrible, had it contained a good movie.

The movie is a very cheesy "B" grade movie at best. "The Lord" tells the protagonist to start a business, so he starts a company called "religion, Inc", to establish a new religion. It works for a while, but then trouble strikes. So far, such a premise has promise for a different kind of comedy. Unfortunately the writer had no vision and everything falls flat in the second half. The only redeeming quality is that it runs a short 80 minutes.

SPOILERS FOLLOW, for my recollection. Trying to think of a name for the new religion, they pick the opposite of "Protestant", the "Preferant" church, which preaches it is OK to look out for yourself and accumulate wealth and advancement. It is OK to have extramarital affairs and to take advantage of the less fortunate. A janitor with a PHD in Philosophy becomes the "spiritual leader." Even though the new religion, which plays on followers' dark desires, flourishes, the founders have chest pains which can only be relieved when they go straight. Cheesy, hokey, choose your adjective, but we found it a total waste of 80 minutes. Except to see a young Sandra Bullock with acting promise.
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A total dog of a movie
KYWES3 July 1999
This is the worst movie I have seen in a long time. I watched it all the way through hoping for some redeeming ending but there was none. I was very glad to see that this is only the second movie for Sandra Bullock.
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A Fine Piece of Satire
pstuart-33 May 2006
Some people just don't get satire, I think... or maybe it hits them a bit too close to home.

This movie rocks. It takes on Big Religion in a way that no other flick has ever had the cajones to do.

If you're not a rigidified True Believer living below the belt, as it were, you'll love this. George Plimpton as god with a tennis racket, dispensing tax advice... totally inspired.

Whatever happened to Jonathan Penner anyway? The only other movie I can think that he was in was Anarchy TV which was similar offbeat, independently-produced satire aimed at religion.

I originally found this movie in a clearance bin under the title "A Fool and His Money." "Religion, Inc." is a better, more descriptive title.

Sandra Bullock makes an early appearance... did she get a nosejob after this role? Anyway... she's okay, but not a key player and not in the flick all that much anyway.

So... If you can find this flick and you have sense of humor that might actually involve thought - pick this baby up.
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Interesting concept which could have been worked out (way) better
vanmaanenlars31 March 2022
This movie reminds me a lot of a Dutch documentary called "God, Jesus, Trump", which shows American evangalicals embracing values which aren't far departed from those preached by the Preferent Church in this movie.

In other words: this movie could have been a great social satire, exposing the hypocrisy of some religious tendencies or perhaps religion in general. It did, however, turn out to be predictable, uninspired and rather unfunny. Still watchable, though, and definitely not the worst I have seen.

The VHS tape I watched this movie on had been played till somewhere in the middle, so apparently its former owner disagreed about it being watchable (and didn't even bother rewinding). Its cover art and text (and even its title) are indeed misleading, even going as far as completely obscuring the fact that this movie is about religion.
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Not worth your time
zanhecht26 March 2007
Despite the cover art (and the DVD label itself, which is even more misleading), this is not a Sandra Bullock movie. See that tiny guy in the corner? He is the star of this movie. On the DVD itself, only his head is visible at the bottom of the disc, while Ms. Bullock takes up nearly half the image. While this movie does have Sandra Bullock in it, she only plays a minor role as the main character's girlfriend, and is in about five short scenes in the whole film. And I'm not sure where the picture of her with brown hair and a red dress came from, since in this movie she has black hair, wears glasses, and never wears anything close to that elegant.

But enough about misleading cover art. While the concept is fascinating, and could make a great movie, the filmmakers here really dropped the ball. This movie is bad. Unfortunately, it's not bad enough to fall into the categories of "it's so bad it's good" or "movies that are fun to make fun of". The story goes nowhere, and the ending is so quick, nonsensical, and clichéd, that it appears that they had no idea how the movie was going to end and panicked when they realized they were running out of time. Add to that that the picture and sound quality on the DVD are terrible (about the level I would expect for something taped on a VCR circa 1985 on the lowest quality setting), and this movie simply isn't worth getting.
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Possibly one of the worst movies in the universe
michael-connelly31 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Sandra Bullock, bless her heart, is on screen for mere fleeting moments in this dunghill of bad writing, bad production values, bad concept, bad acting, this agglomeration of remorseless stupidity that should never have been made. Everything that Bullock has done from this movie forward is undoubtedly partly done to put this movie farther and farther behind her. In this film, a talentless loser is visited by God who tells him to start a corporation, but neglects to say what sort of company. Talentless loser decides that it would be a clever idea to start a new religion, with greed and self interest as the cornerstones. "The worst of capitalism and the best of Christianity" is the general idea. Wow! How imaginative! Big surprise, the idea works, the TL is raking in the dough, and then, surprise! he Sees The Light, declares himself and the religion a bad idea, a fraud, and gives it all up. In the end, for the final Huge Surprise, TL and Sandra Bullock are reunited on a tropical island paradise (well, we don't know that, we only see the inside of the plane terminal), he declares his love, she accepts him for some unfathomable reason, and they walk off down the hallway in blissful togetherness, probably grateful to have this wretched stinkball of a movie behind them. This film is actually worse than Governor Arnie's The Villain, which is really bad.
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Brilliant film
dra101-122 December 2005
This was a brilliant film, not necessarily understood by everyone. The premise of a religion being marketed like a bar of soap has limitless metaphoric possibilities, and this film takes advantage. The occasional spotty acting and low budget appearance is more than made up by the wonderful writing. George Plimpton was a pleasant surprise as "God" (or at least the main character's idea of Him). I believe this was Sandra Bullock's first film, and I can see why she became a huge star. She is attention-grabbing when on screen. Jerzy Kosinski, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author gives a startling performance as a beggar, and Jonathan Penner as "Morris" is definitely believable.
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Great movie, funny from start to finish
rs7734513 September 2004
I've seen this movie many times and it's very funny from start to finish.

Who would have thought that forming your own religion that promotes greed and selfishness would be so funny. It really gets rolling when the cast of leaders is chosen, especially the custodian. And it just snowballs from there. George Plimpton puts on a spectacular performance. The scary thing is that the plot could work in real life.

Religion, Inc, is to religion what Spinal Tap is to musicians.

Definitely not to be missed.

Highly recommended.
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The second ever Sandy Bullock, version 1.00
annevejb2 March 2009
I obtained this as part of a batch of early Bullock and they were a lot easier for me to find than a couple of years ago.

This has the qualities of many of Sandra Bullock's other very earliest features, so it will not appeal to everyone. With this there is poor visual quality. It is a 4x3 screen image likely trimmed from wider. Sandy is only in a few parts. I still find it to be okay, just not for watching too often. Liable to appear to gradually improve if not watched all that often. More approachable than Hangmen. Very okay Bullock.

It is also looking at questions of good practice, doing that in a fairly simple and open way. Those who like later Sandy because of the 'good guy' element could find that most of these early Sandy have something too, but expressed in a way that is easier in some ways but more difficult because of the low budget factor.


Is this about religious or political or business beliefs? It is very post seventies.

Sandy manages to keep to her good girl beliefs, typical early Sandy, but gets badly mauled because of that.

There is a happy ending, which is fitting and makes for a nicer sort of entertainment. That a less than happy ending might appear to be more reasonable is not the issue as entertainment value has a priority, here. This is obviously not a low budget documentary about post seventies beliefs, though it does have a lot of the qualities that such a documentary might have.
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