Great Balls of Fire! (1989) Poster

Parents Guide

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Sex & Nudity

  • Two instances where Jerry Lee grabs a woman's breasts. One that is very brief and the woman runs away. The other is a scene when Jerry Lee and his cousin are playfully and romantically wrestling on the floor and he grabs her breasts for a very brief second and then stops himself and they both laugh.
  • A kissing scene between Jerry Lee and his wife. She asks "what are you doing?" and he says "what do you think I'm doing?" as he grabs the top button on her collar.
  • A couple are seen in bed. He is shirtless. She is in a bra and for a brief moment she wiggles and dances in bed to the music that's on TV.
  • Lots of discussion about how young can a woman get married. Someone mentions that they knew someone who got married at 9.
  • At the beginning of the film, young Jerry Lee goes to a club full of dancers dancing provocatively. This is mild but at one point you do see a woman's underwear. And later on in the film, we return to this same club and a woman is on stage singing and she walks up to the men in the crowd and twice she rubs their faces into her cleavage.
  • A very brief moment where a woman is looking at herself in the mirror in her nightgown and she reaches her hand into her dress and adjusts her breast. No nudity. After this she goes to lay in bed with her husband and after a discussion they begin kissing and the scene ends.
  • A woman climbs into Jerry Lee's car and climbs into his lap and says "I want you to play me like you play that piano." and kisses him. The very next scene, they are seen in the same bedroom but she is on her way out after she cuts a piece of his hair and she says "you got what you wanted and I get what I wanted"
  • One of the story's main themes is the incestuous relationship between a man and his 13-years old cousin. The couple can be seen kissing a few times throughout the movie. In one scene they have sex: they both undress, then lie on a bed (the girl's bra in seen), thrusting is seen, and the man stops and says she doesn't behave like a virgin. They eventually get married.

Violence & Gore

  • A man runs into a music studio holding a gun yelling that he's going to kill Jerry Lee
  • Seldom punchings, beatings, and fights.
  • A man crashes a piano.


  • Some rude language can be heard together with a few sexual references. Nothing too strong overall.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Some drinking, smoking and drug use.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Lots of discussion about if rock n roll is the devil's music.
  • One of the film's main themes is incest with a thirteen-year-old girl (his cousin).
  • Some scenes are dramatic.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • At the very end of the film, Jerry Lee is in a church and rejects the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ and walks out of the church and says "If I'm going to hell, I'm going there playing the piano."

See also

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