Psychos in Love (1987) Poster

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Twisted Love Story
kirbylee70-599-52617922 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If you're like me and have a bit of a twisted sense of humor then the odds are pretty good that you will like PSYCHOS IN LOVE. Made in 1987 while the video boom was still going strong the movie was one of those straight to tape films that filled the shelves at mom and pop video stores across the country. With its cover depicting a wedding couple kissing while the groom is stabbing a woman and the bride is decapitating someone with a chainsaw pretty much summed up the movie in a single picture it was either one you sought out or were repulsed by. Back then I was at least curious.

At the time I wasn't all that impressed but then again I was watching so many releases while owning a store and trying to decide what to buy that I was a bit jaded. With the film's release by Vinegar Syndrome I can now make a better call on if it was good or not.

Joe (Carmine Capobianco) owns a bar where he meets women. Once he finds himself alone with them rather than what most would expect, a quick roll in the hay, he instead kills them. Until he meets Kate (Debi Thibeault). Kate has the same compulsion as Joe in that she goes out with a guy, takes him home and then kills him.

As any fan of TV crime shows will tell you it usually takes a trigger to provoke a serial killer. In this case it's grapes. Both Joe and Kate have an aversion to grapes in any way, shape or form as well as anyone who likes grapes. Thus when grapes or wine are mentioned they kill the person promoting them.

The couple eventually move in together and carry on with their hobby of killing people. It's not cheating as no sex ever happens and the end result is always the same, a dead body. That becomes an issue when their drain gets clogged with body parts. The good/bad news is their plumber doesn't hold that against them since he's a serial killer as well. He just asks that they give him the body parts once their deeds are done so he can eat them.

Here's where a problem comes up. Finding happiness with one another both Joe and Kate have begun to feel that they no longer need to kill anyone. Their psychopathic ways are stifled by their love life. What are they to do? The movie is a mix of good and bad parts. The good is that there are some truly funny moments in the film. It does a decent job of combining the dark humor necessary to make it work with the gore factor that will keep gore fans happy. On the downside the acting is pretty weak and perhaps that's intentionally so. The cinematography is also very low budget. In some cases that helps with the humor as boom mics pop into a scene and are grabbed by the actors. Moments of the fourth wall being broken also add some funny spots.

Vinegar Syndrome has done a bang up job with this release. Not only are they offering it in much better condition than ever before with a new 2k scan from a 16mm camera negative. The amount of extras included here is amazing for a film that's more cult favorite than box office smash. Included are a commentary track with director/writer/producer Gorman Bechard and Carmine Capobianco (who also helped write the script and the music), a commentary track with Gorman Bechard, DIRECTING PSYCHOS an interview with Bechard, PLAYING A PSYCHO an interview with Capobianco, DISCUSSING PSYCHOS a discussion with Bechard and Capobianco, MAKING PSYCHOS a making of featurette, a Q&A session shot at Cinema Wasteland in 2016 with Capobianco, the original trailer, behind the scenes photo gallery, promotional image gallery, rough edit outtakes and extended scenes, highlights from the PSYCHOS IN LOVE stage play, four short films directed by Bechard, a booklet essay by Art Ettinger and Matt Desiderio, original artwork from Derek Gabryszak and a reversible cover artwork. Whew! That's quite a load of extras! As I said this movie is not for everyone and the more mainstream your movie tastes run the odds decrease in how well you will like this one. But if you enjoy the quirky, if you like movies that are a bit off base, if you sense of humor runs toward the dark end of the spectrum then you'll want to add this one to your collection.
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Psychos in Love
Scarecrow-881 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Cheery serial killer comedy has Joe(Carmine Capobianco), a homicidal murder of women meeting Kate(Debi Thibeault), a psychopath who enjoys killing men, with the result being a match made in hell. Joe selects his victims through a strip joint/bar he owns, sometimes customers, other times employees. Kate is a manicurist who often slays male customers who make sexual advances. We follow their extra curricular activities and complicated life before and after marriage, dealing with the urge to kill and loss of thrills that derive from slaughtering too many victims. Also, in a minor sub-plot, this plumber butchers and eats clients who call him up to fix their clogged sink pipes.

The entire film is completely tongue and cheek, but features sick humor regarding the joy of burying a knife or another weapon into chosen victims for kicks. Lots of blood and throat slashing..with knives, scissors, even a finger-nail file stabbing into the bodies of unfortunates who decided to accept what they thought was a type of probable sexual encounter. The film doesn't really follow a narrative with the filmmakers instead allowing us into the disturbing lives of this psychotic duo, and how they go about their daily activities;the selection of victims, how obnoxious those chosen can be, the time spent with them before Joe and Kate tire of their presence with bloodshed not far behind. Plenty of tits feature prominently during dances in the stripper joint, not to mention, those female victims who come home with Joe. Even a bevy of shower sequences with the camera shooting up close often gliding down naked bodies as women bathe. Thibeault is not bad to look at, and one can see why she has a wide selection of men to off in sadistic ways. Capobianco seems to be enjoying himself, not really even trying to act..I felt just by watching him that Capobianco acts like this all the time. Director Gorman Bechard and his film-making team were able to get a lot of women to go topless in this film, with obviously many being local gals. Shot on a shoestring, you can see how the filmmakers cut corners in an attempt to realistically present the nasty behavior of psychopaths with a pleasure for violence and dismemberment. That's why they do everything they can to ratchet up the zany comedy and endless supply of zingers with some hitting the mark, and others painfully lame. While their acts of violence, and calm reserve during and after them, are meant to shock, you never take the film seriously due to the lighthearted tone.

To a certain crowd, this will be a lot of fun, but for a vast majority, I feel it will be considered repulsive and cheap. I think for such a low budget(..Capobianco doesn't shy away from the fact that he used a Casio for the film's soundtrack, it's even out during a scene at his bar while the crowd was dancing), many will turn it away. But, I consider this to be one of the better micro-budget flicks to come out of the 80's. Shot mostly in Joe's home and bar, the film can be a bit claustrophobic at times. Oh, Joe and Kate's loathing of all things grapes is constantly reminded to us..they even kill people who claim to like grapes.
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The Grapes of … Insanity
Coventry20 October 2010
Back in the 1980's - when pretty much everyone thought they could make their own independent horror movie - there was an overload of amateurish, insipid and often downright awful films. Basically "Psychos in Love" is such a film, but at least it remains endurable at all times thanks to the general absurdity of the plot and the spirited enthusiasm of cast and crew. Joe is a strip club owner who tells bad jokes and brutally kills young girls as a hobby. Kate works as an independent manicure and she enjoys killing all the pathetic men that try to get in her pants. It's love at first sight for the two psychopathic killers, especially upon realizing they share an extreme detestation for grapes. Let it be clear, they hate grapes! They hate blue grapes as well as green grapes. They hate them with seeds or without, peeled or not peeled. They hate them in bunches, separately or in pairs! Well I'm sorry to rant on about the grapes, but this monologue gets repeated at least half a dozen times in the movie, so the least I could do was to include it here as well. Joe and Kate decide to have an open relationship, where they can each slash and mutilate as much as they want, but they quickly grow tired of killing. They attempt to revive their mutual hobby by killing together and there's also a bizarre encounter with a cannibalistic plumber. As you can tell, "Psychos in Love" should definitely NOT be taken seriously, and that's exactly the reason why it's still somewhat amusing. It's okay that the acting performances are abominable and the dialogs appear to be written by kindergarten pupils. The bad make-up effects are quite charming and the overload of gratuitous female nudity is actually also an obligatory thing in a tasteless 80's horror movie. Main problems here are that the ingenious gimmick of murdering lovers gets dull rather quickly (especially since they even exist to sing a song about their love) and personally I really hated all those stupid "we're in a movie" jokes. Microphones deliberately hanging in the picture, characters talking straight into the camera and referring to previous scenes, etc. Why insist on assuring the audience that this is just a movie through lousy humor? I mainly agree with the general statement claiming that "Psychos in Love" is what B-movies are all about, but they should have dropped that.
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I Still Like It!
CARMINE5810 October 2001
Okay, maybe I'm biased. I've seen my other films and other than a few pleasant memories with the people involved, there wasn't much to remember. PSYCHOS, still, to this day, makes me laugh. For those who disliked it - well you just don't get it, do you? You need to know the movie references and also have a sense of humor. And a hat. I can hardly wait for the DVD release that is supposed to have lots of extras. I appreciate all the fan mail that I get and it's amazing what fans consider their favorite parts. Scary, ain't it? OK. The acting was bad, the script was practically rewritten on the set and the effects seemed amateurish - but this movie makes people laugh. That's what we set out to do. I liked it. It's no PHANTOM MENACE - whoops - CITIZEN KANE, I mean, but it doesn't pretend to be. However, I like to pretend I'm Orson Welles and eat fish sticks. But that's another movie.
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Bizarre, but enjoyable!
markovd11129 April 2020
While it's far from a good movie, and it doesn't have anything to do with real horror other than giving homage to it, "Psychos in Love" is self aware comedy about two psychos who fall in love because of their hate for grapes and love for killing. Given the theme, I think this movie can't be better in it's portrayal. There are constant breaking's of the fourth wall and dumb gags which fit perfectly with the cast who obviously enjoyed making the movie. There is also a lot of blood and boobs. With that in mind, it's obvious that the movie is doomed to forever remain a mediocre one, because story is pretty much just series of gags and killings. And as much as that can be fun and interesting, it screams for a better story and even more humorous scenes. Still, if all this sounds cool, it's a good fun and a perfect movie for a date night with you nicer horror movie loving half. I give it 6.5./10! It's fun and deserves to be seen by every horror movie fan at least once in their lifetime.
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"Eating Raoul" it's not ....... or is it ?
merklekranz28 September 2009
This is essentially a one joke movie. The catchy theme song "Psychos in Love" will stay in your head long after the film is forgotten. The killings are not creative enough and seem overly repetitive with the numerous slashings. The script is padded with Woody Allen type talking to the audience interludes, and overly talky scenes that do nothing to advance the story. "Psychos in Love" comes across as either a sincere homage to "Eating Raoul" or a total ripoff. Similarities abound, same squeeze toy squeaked by Robert Beltran, the frying pan bop on the head, reading outrageous newspaper headlines, and a plumber who wants the bodies for his own secret purpose. - MERK
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Face it, this movie needed to be made
Tromafreak19 June 2009
Joe is a lonely bartender, just looking for a special lady who shares his loves, as well as his hates, namely a passionate hatred for grapes, and an uncontrollable love for a little hobbie Joe likes to call "cold-blooded murder". One night, Kate, a cute little Molly Ringwald lookalike manicurist walks in to Joe's life. Learning about Kate's hatred for grapes would no doubt, give Joe the courage to ask for a date, but once he discovers that she too is a psychotic killer... well, this just might be love. Psycho's In Love is the quintessential Horror-Comedy, truly a breath of fresh air to any lover of Horror, tongue-in-cheek humor, but most of all, B-movies, and I regret that it took me this long to hear about it. Perhaps a bit too silly and overly spoofish at times but one can't deny the enthusiastic, positive feel to the whole thing, along with a thick layer of dark humor that might remind one of something like Eating Raoul. Psycho's In Love is just a pitch-black good time, from beginning to end. Also, I can totally relate to Joe and Kate, I have no issues with grapes, or anything weird like that, but I've always had a phobia of bananas. Anyway, the fact that I never even heard of this movie before this year, and that it only recently got an official DVD (Shriek Show) release tells me exactly how unappreciated and underrated this lovable 80's exploitation gem really is, and I'm sure the cult will grow in time. I suppose You can always settle for Scary Movie 1 and 2, or even 3 and 4 if you're a child, there will be cheap laughs and shameless spoofing either way, but for something with a little more style, head out to Exploitation Country to find out what's so terrible about grapes, and what's so great about being a psycho... in love. 8/10
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Perfectly awful. But perfect in its own way
Gadlen18 December 1998
It's awful, horrid, terrible.

I would recommend it to anyone I know.

It is just so perfectly awful. The soundtrack was obviously done on a $19.95 Casio by a one armed musician. This film's appeal can be compared to that of "Toxic Avenger", another New Jersey homespun tale.

Its caring details make it a caricature of itself and of horror films in general. It's funny. It's awful. It's awfully funny.

And if you groaned even a little at that last joke, see this film.... if you can find it.
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Don't waste your time or money!
jessebrenda8 June 2008
Pay no attention to the comments behind the curtain! The majority of people leaving positive comments about this film must be receiving royalties. This is a horrible film in every way. Imagine high school kids with no money and no sense of humor making a slasher/comedy video. They would receive a D for this. College kids would receive an F or asked to leave the school. Since this monstrosity was made by "Professionals" I believe there should be jail time or at least cinema probation. I enjoy watching bad movies Like "Plan 9 From Outer Space" but, this thing doesn't even fall into that category. The script, acting, sound, and directing are so bad that it is virtually unwatchable. If you enjoy watching bad films that are amusing stick with Ed Wood, blaxploitation, or 1970's horror films. After viewing this you get the feeling you've wasted an hour and a half of your life.
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My life has been a vacuous void without this film!
UvulaPie15 April 2002
If you had one shot to make a perfect comedy movie with slasher gore effects, you would throw in every idea, every concept, every joke imaginable, right? And they did and it works.

I just saw this film for the first time in over a decade and I had forgotten how great it is! Largely snubbed by The Academy, this film has bad humor, odes to Hitchcock, gore, Pythonesque meta-film moments, and gratuitous T&A... well, gratuitous T. But very, very funny. Sure the sound overdubs are not always dead on (and they know enough to make fun of this) and the acting isn't quite first-rate, but dammit, this film is pure gold!

Expect to hear me playing the "Psychos In Love" theme song in a coffee house near you!
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Grossly unfunny
Leofwine_draca15 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
PSYCHOS IN LOVE is a grossly unfunny indie comedy horror film of the 1980s. The plot literally has a male and female serial killer meeting up and falling in love. It's cheap and stupid throughout, with excruciating mannered tongue-in-cheek acting from beginning to end and plentiful gags which simply aren't funny. The first half of the film is one riff on the PSYCHO shower scene after another, with copious topless nudity from briefly-seen female starlets and tomato ketchup spraying all over the place. Later, cheesy gore effects are the order of the day, and they're pretty stupid. The only thing I can commend about this is the excellent high-definition presentation by Vinegar Syndrome.
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Cult classic
nick6914 October 1999
Pure genius. I can't recommend this film enough. Rent this movie and start laughing. A film about 2 serial killers that fall in love. The soundtrack was done on a Casio and the acting is amateur. This is what B movies are all about.
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About as sophomoric as you'd expect...
MrGKB23 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
...and really not worth your bother, "Psychos in Love" will likely remain notable for two reasons, and two reasons only: make-up artist Jennifer "Street Trash" Aspinall's participation, and the absurdist hook of two serial killers with a mutual loathing for grapes. Beyond that, it's a regrettable mess, chock full of boring dialog, hapless actors, and all the production value of a slapdash student film. Don't be fooled; this pitiful excuse for a movie fails utterly to live up to the promise of its title. The leads evince no chemistry whatsoever, deliver their lines like they're reading from cue cards, and thankfully went nowhere significant in their careers. Small recompense to anyone who sits through this dreck.

I paid nothing to view this, but still feel ripped off.
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Funny, weird, and out there. Betrer if you're a bit buzzed.
marimbadaddy29 June 2008
This movie appears to be a weekend project that the team did in their spare time. It was recommended to me by some friends in college and I did enjoy it.

The title of the movie explains the plot, and there's really not much more depth to it. It is like a very unsophisticated and non-musical Sweeny Todd. Definitely in the genre of Scary Movie, but not a spoof on other movies, it basically spoofs itself.

Technically the movie really is pretty lame. Nothing to write to mama about with regards to cinematography, sound, editing. Though the performances were pretty good, over the top and over acted, but fits the style of the movie well.

I would recommend this if you are with a bunch of friends, looking for something to ridicule. Having a few brews would also help.
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Enjoy it for what it is
vegasniceguy-126 October 2005
I saw this movie when it first came out. Was in charge of ordering movies for a large video store. Saw it in the catalog and had to buy it.

This is a fun movie. The theme song is catchy, has a nice chorus. I even put it on a number of tapes I made. (it always impresses my dates when they hear it) A low-budget flick that doesn't take itself seriously, it is a unique love story. It probably was a blast to film, wish I could have been there.

I really enjoyed this movie, wish I could find my copy to watch it again.

"Grapes. We hate grapes."
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Love may hurt and so does viewing this movie
mr pink21 October 1998
By reading the box at the video store this movie looks rather amusingly disturbing. You know the type....funny but supposed to frighten you.... this was not funny or horrific. the writing was lame...the jokes failed to make me laugh even at their extreme mundaneness....they were so expected. the actors didn't even do much with such a not so good least I hope that wasn't their this movie at your own risk......I give it negative 3 stars outta 10
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Sheer brilliance.
Hey_Sweden23 November 2013
The loose and wacky splatter comedy "Psychos in Love" isn't quite perfect for what it is, as it gets dull in places and some scenes simply go on too long. But when this movie hits the mark, it's a riot. It satirizes the slasher film while also supplying enough female flesh to keep its audience happy and delivering some major gut busting laughs. It's at its brightest when playing with the conventions of filmmaking. It makes sure to remind us that we're watching a movie and has some terrific moments of fourth wall breaking.

One senses that this was a labour of love; various cast members also work behind the camera. Star Carmine Capobianco composed the silly, often hilarious music score, and was on the special effects team. And his leading lady Debi Thibeault designed the costumes. The two play Joe and Kate, a bar / strip club owner and manicurist respectively, who each has the bad habit of murdering the people that they date. When they meet, and confess to each other their big secrets, it's a case of true love. And while this is going on, an incredibly creepy plumber named Herman (Frank Stewart, who also did the hair and makeup) regularly kills his customers and then eats them. You know it's just a matter of time before his path crosses that of Joe and Kate.

There are some truly wonderful moments; one occurs around the 25 minute mark and another takes place close to the end. You'll know them when you see them. Capobianco and Thibeault are an engaging pair. Among the ladies delivering the goods are Cecilia Wilde, Ruth Collins, LeeAnn Baker, Angela Nicholas, and Patti Chambers. The (lack of a) budget may be evident at all times, but this is hardly an issue as the cast and crew have a hell of a time, and show their viewers a good time in the process.

Capobianco co-wrote the playful screenplay with Gorman Bechard, who directed, shot, and edited the movie as well.

If you love good trash, a good comedy, and the prospect of filmmaking in general, you should find this quirky gem to be quite a hoot.

Eight out of 10.
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The worst movie I have ever seen.
Datrebor6 July 2023
I've seen some bad movies like Avatar: The last air bender movie. That was a terrible movie and has almost nothing to do with the TV series but IMHO this is worse than that one. How can we forget the line, so you're a psychotic killer too? This made the Naked Gun and Hot Shot movies seem like a great script and acting and not a silly and yet very funny movies. I did not see anything funny about this movie. It was like when they made the movie The Beverly Hillbillies based on the TV series. The script and the ham-fisted acting was really bad. They were working way too hard to be funny that it was not funny at all but stupid. Instead of being funny they tried too hard to be funny and failed at it.
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A genuine one-off and unforgettable
FilmFlaneur19 September 2000
I have only seen this film once, and a few years back at that, in an imperfect video pirate copy (it is very hard to see at all, let alone uncut in the UK), but have never forgotten it. That's a hell of a lot more than I can say about many other films.

It's a brave perhaps prematurely postmodern, film, one which takes risks with taste and art as well as the audience's genre expectations - but which succeeds triumphantly. Wes 'Scream' Craven cold take some tips from a film which wears its self consciousness so lightly and its irony so affectingly!

What could easily have been forgettable trash actually transcends its origins to become something memorable and witty, commenting on the genre as well as confronting what is meant by 'good taste'. Despite every handicap Psychos in Love rises above its origins to become a deserved and disturbing cult classic whose reputation will grow and grow... a Z grade classic!
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Move on even if you're into campy cheasyness
metamatica29 July 2020
This is just painfully embarrasing all over - even for a mid-80's humour/horror tongue-in-cheek campy flick! Horrible 'effects' & horrible acting, this actually work in some movies that are more passionate about their subject, but perhaps this is just meant to be a cheap low budget comedy although its no fun. To think I first read about this in 'The Official Splatter Movie Guide' in '91 and thought hey I'd like to see that some day... and here we are some 30 years later and whoa what a complete disaster. (I would have thought so as back in the day as well) Too bad!
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The horror comedy for those who think that Troma movies aren't silly enough.
BA_Harrison16 October 2018
After watching the downright bizarre slasher Disconnected, I simply had to watch another of director Gorman Bechard's movies to see if they were all as strange. Although not quite as off-kilter as Disconnected, tongue-in-cheek gore comedy Psychos In Love certainly has its curious moments, with oddball humour that, at times, borders on the surreal. While I can't, hand on heart, say that I laughed at any of the gags, my ribs remaining untickled throughout, I will admit to still quite liking the film, largely thanks to the amiable cast, who are clearly having a lot of fun, and also because there's loads of T&A from some rather scrumptious ladies.

Lovely Debi Thibeault (think Molly Ringwald with more sex appeal) plays psycho manicurist Kate who hooks up with serial killer strip-club owner Joe (Carmine Capobianco) after they realise that they have two things in common: they enjoy slaughtering people, and they both hate grapes. That's pretty much all there is in terms of plot, the bulk of the film consisting of Kate and Joe luring victims to their demise, which leads to lots of very silly comedy, plenty of gratuitous female nudity, and some cheap and cheerful splatter. The end of the film sees the murderous couple trying to kick their killer habit, but once again resorting to violence to contend with a cannibalistic plumber named Herman (Frank Stewart).
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the flesh, the splatter and the joking about
christopher-underwood1 February 2010
This is really good fun. Clearly the two writers, Carmine Capobianco and Gorman Bechard, who also star and direct respectively knew they were on to a good idea and ran with it, barely making a false move. Sexy and gory by turns from the very beginning, it is also very knowing and mainly very amusing. Once or twice, particularly towards the end, I felt the humour become a little silly and the running joke barely amusing anyway. But let us not quibble, this is packed with sexy action and if the lovely leading lady, Debi Thibeault is a little shy about getting naked, nobody else seems to be. Uncompromising and funny, this film was a real surprise to me. I expected to have to ignore ropey acting and evidence of the low budget, but no, all is very competent and even the theme song is pretty decent. The best line has been nicked from Groucho Marx, but so what, let's call it an homage. There are indeed other movie references to enjoy as well as the flesh, the splatter and the joking about.
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I hate F'n Grapes
Fitzy1420 May 2021
What do you get when you combine a Strip club owner and a Manicurist? Well you get one of the funniest of the worst 1980's slasher flicks. It is the best of the worst and worth a watch, it is low, low budget, it has bad continuity and choppy editing, the acting is horrible the scrip is pitiful, but for some reason the movie made me laugh, shake my head in disbelief and question my love for grapes!

The 2 main characters love murder and each other so what else could they do? Kill strippers obviously.

A horrible movie and one of my favorite Low, Low, Low, Low Budget films of the 1980's, Did I mention is was a Low Budget Slasher? I do not rematch this that often and I have not seen it for a decade or two, it still makes me laugh, sometimes nothing makes you feel better than watching a Slasher film. Don't expect great things from this, it's all fun, bad fun, but fun just the same.

Popcorn for everyone!
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An unappreciated satirical masterpiece
Josef K.-224 April 2000
This film isn't hokey or predictable, it knows exactly what it is doing: messing with the audience and having a great time. The dialogue between Joe and Kate is some of the best, quirkiest, and offbeat genius I have heard come out of a forte of slasher comedies from the 80's. The film satisfies. It placates. It delivers the bloody goods on so many levels. It's hard for me to explain the appeal; most people hate it unjustly. It seems to come from this pit of frustration the writer(s) feel, exploding in a wave of nihilistic apathy and brilliant gore. It defines the eighties. It defines the way people feel and is entertainment on an elevated level. It is classic.
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The best movie Troma never made!
sexdwarf12 September 2002
Ok, PSYCHOS IN LOVE is pure unadulterated silliness from start to finish. Not a moment of it is to be taken seriously and anyone who does take it seriously should seriously have their head examined. It plays out very much like a poor man's Troma film (if that's possible!) replete with lots of unconvincing gore and T & a shots. The two lead actors are a hoot and do their job very well. I especially liked Kate's character and how they made her up to look like Molly Ringwald. Plot is fairly simple: Two mad slashers meet, find they share a similar hatred for grapes (!!) and before you know it, they're headed for the altar! Amidst the romancing and killing, a cannibal plumber named Herman is on the loose. The sub-plot involving the cannibalistic plumber doesn't go far but then, you aren't watching PSYCHOS IN LOVE for depth and characterization. Herman comes to fix the psychopathic newlyweds sink, finds out they are killers, blackmails them and then. I had a fun time watching this thing. The jokes are extremely dark and subtle, and are almost always dead on. A real gem in a long line of slapstick comedy-horror. Recommended for connoisseurs of all things cheap and stupid.
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