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Not A Bad Drama But It's Easy To See Why It's Obscure
Theo Robertson23 November 2011
Richard is a journalist for Metropolis Magazine and attends the opening of the Empire State nightclub redevelopment . Whilst there he meets a teenager from Newcastle who is searching for a friend who worked at the club and who has disappeared in mysterious circumstances . Richard becomes more intrigued as the clientèle at the club may have shady secrets

EMPIRE STATE is a very obscure British thriller . It was shown once on channel four a year after its release . It's one of these productions that Channel four churned out on an almost weekly basis that received a very limited release and the fact that a grand total of two people have commentated on the film on this page speaks volumes as to its obscurity . It's not very difficult to understand why it's obscure

This is a gangster thriller made in Britain and before Guy Ritchie came along very few British gangster films did well unless Michael Caine or Bob Hoskins were cast . This contrasts with American gangster films that followed a formula were a fatherless immigrant takes on the American dream that eventually becomes a a self destructive American nightmare . In other words capitalism has its uses whilst violent exploitation has none . In some ways EMPIRE STATE mirrors this in that the novue riche yuppies rather than violent working class hardmen are the new gangsters . Thatercherism has given a new respectability to crime but this rather underdeveloped

In fact the problem with the film is that the multiple character driven story lines are very much underdeveloped in that characters suddenly disappear and it's noticeable they were only included to set up a plot turn , a plot turn that often frustratingly go nowhere . There's also a strong homosexual subtext to the film which isn't surprising since the director is Ron Peck .Is there anything more clichéd than a gay British gangster ? There's also the terminal fault of a 1980s channel four production and that is that has a very TV type of look despite some graphic violence and bad language . It's a film that never appears truly cinematic

That said if you're able to remember club culture from the 1980s then it's certainly a semi pleasant nostalgia trip. It's very dated of course but for those of us who remember jackets with padded shoulders , big hair, a very expensive drink costing £1.40 and bars surrounded by cigarette smoke then it's a film that brings back guilty memories . There's also a case of spot the TV face before they became well known. But at the end of the day EMPIRE STATE will always be a forgotten gangster thriller from Britain
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Forgotten exploration of East End criminal life
Leofwine_draca9 December 2011
A film that plays out over the course of a single day and night, following the misadventures of various peoples whose lives are entwined with the titular nightclub. Your enjoyment of EMPIRE STATE will depend on how much you enjoy watching an evocation of '80s-era East End London, seeing as the movie is chock full of dated locales, fashions and dialogue, especially during the latter interludes set within the nightclub itself.

Plot elements are familiar from anyone who's seen the type of gangster flicks favoured by Guy Ritchie; there's drug dealing aplenty, along with gambling and illegal hand-to-hand fights. The film is a thriller and it certainly held my attention throughout, although that was partly due to the expectation of drama that never really arose. British viewers will spend half of the film struggling to remember the name of that actor they recognise from one British TV show or the other. There is also, unusually, a strong homosexual angle to the plot, as most of the main characters seem to be rent boys and even the imported American star (Martin Landau) gets up to some dodgy goings-on in his hotel room. The director, Ron Peck, appears to be an important figure in British gay cinema. This one-of-a-kind movie is understandably obscure by modern standards.
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worse than young soul rebels that is saying something.
ib011f9545i29 April 2019
I saw this dvd in the British Film Institute shop in London and had the idea I had liked it years ago. So I bought it and my god it is awful. If there is a plot I don't see it. There are no good performances. I must have enjoyed the titillation of the women's outfits and the nudity when I saw it 30 years ago. The sets are amazing but there is no shape or plot.
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midnightschool15 February 2002
Empire State is an amazing film,as the trailer saya it's a 'night on the edge'...it certainly is.The film is set in London's Docklands and is one of the best 1980's club movies around.It's a real shame the film didn't get a big release...We follow the lives of very different characters arond one night at the 'Empire State' club.Don't be put off by the fact that the film has a (sort of)gay theme,there's nothing too kinky.I think that it is best watched in summer,because the settings are just right,the stylish direction is great and the songs are perfect.Watch this movie and see what you've missed in the way of a great crime/drama/thriller film...
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Empire State
Prismark102 December 2022
In 1987, America charted the changing face of corporate America with Oliver Stone's Wall Street.

In Britain, Empire State chronicled the transformation of the East End of London. These are two very different movies with contrasting budgets.

This low budget film is filled with future actors for Eastenders. It has a sprawling cast that all meet up in an East End nightclub. Frank (Ray McAnally) is a lowtime gangster who runs the nightclub. Only to find that his lease of the club has been bought out and his boxer's latest fight was nobbled and he lost a lot of money.

Paul (Ian Sears) is the up and coming Yuppie gangster who has some initial backing to develop a housing project. Paul needs the money from Chuck (Martin Landau) an American investor who has flown into to look at the proposals.

In the midst of all this are other characters such as a journalist looking for a missing person who came down to London and disappeared.. A crook with financial issues and under pressure from his girlfriend.

Director Ron Peck is a name familiar in queer British cinema. There is homosexual subtext in this film. Several characters are rent boys or use rent boys. There is even a camp element to the movie.

Empire State is also underdeveloped. You care little about the characters and there is no focussed story. For example Paul has no other investors lined up apart from Chuck. You wonder how he managed to get this far with his plans.

The random shootout at the end is bewildering. A lot of the movie does not make sense.

Empire State was funded by Channel 4 at a time when they released low budget films at regular frequencies. Good news for the British film industry but there was not much quality control. It was as if Channel 4 were hoping that more by luck they will have their next Mona Lisa or My Beautiful Launderette.

Empire State disappeared without trace. Not finding an audience in the cinema, the video rental market or even on television.
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Bad acting, rubbish script, Jimmy Somerville, this film has it all
scott_thompson745426 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I recently caught this on Film4, showing as part of the British Connection season. Missed it on its initial release but then so did most people. Having struggled through the movie, it's not hard to see why this remains largely ignored. First thing's first, Empire State is funny. Really funny. Only problem is it's not supposed to be amusing. It's supposed to be a gritty East End crime flick, striving to say something serious about Thatcher's Britain. This is one of the worst films I've ever seen but somehow I couldn't stop watching. Ten minutes in, I nearly turned off, annoyed by the terrible dialogue and nonsensical plot. But I persisted. Halfway through, I was nearly done but Empire State is so atrocious, I had to keep watching, just to see what camp nonsense the director would come up with next. Connoisseurs of bad acting will be transported by this movie, in particular the guy who plays the London wideboy/prostitute, the woman who gives an Oscar worthy performance as a lonely heart who has come to the titular nightclub to meet a blind date, and the Byker Grove reject in London to track down a mate ('You's said you's would help me find me mate, canny lad, there annat no one who cannae stop me from finding oot where he is!'). How these three didn't go on to become leading comedic actors is beyond me. The film also boasts some of the best/worst moments ever committed to celluloid. My particular faves being an hilariously pointless montage in which various male and female characters take soapy showers ahead of a night out in the biggest club in the world. Plus a fight scene at the end between Viz's Big Vern and the guy out of Monkey (stand out quote courtesy of token posh bird - 'this is getting out of hand!' - as they kick the hell out of each other and an old school cockney idiot and yuppie pimp bet everything they have on the outcome). Empire State barely deserves one star status - that it avoids no star hell is thanks to Elizabeth Hickling's dead eyed schemer Cheryl - cracking pins, Liz!
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Cockneys versus Yuppies.
torrascotia28 June 2022
Try finding this movie its certainly not easy... This was apparently a 1980s Channel 4 production, it certainly has some of its hallmarks. It is most definitely a London 1980s time capsule of a film. Its hyper-stylised which would probably have given this quite a strong impact when it first came out. While its billed as a gangster movie, it has very little to do with actual gangsters until the final act.

The actual story is split between a number of groups of individuals with a nightclub called the Empire State at the centre of the narrative. A problem with the narrative however is that some of the characters simply seem to exit the movie halfway into the story. The most famous face in the movie could have easily been removed from the story, which would have been welcome as this clocks in at one and three quarter hours. In terms of the main actors, you probably haven't seen any of them before or after this, although a few better known faces do appear in bit parts, recognisable from Eastenders. There is also a nightclub scene and I swear I saw the lead singer from Depeche Mode on the dancefloor.

Its actually difficult to describe the story as there are too many characters in the fray and many of their stories simply do not resolve. The final act however is about a young upstart yuppie trying to challenge his old boss, with an underground MMA style fight which still seems over the top in brutality and gore to this day. That is basically what Channel 4 thought was "edgy" at the time. That and lots of gay content as well as heavily featuring of rent boys, which will no doubt put off a lot of the typical London Gangster Geezer genre fan. I don't think there was any heterosexual sex in the entire movie, I lost count of the gay scenes however and its was in the main pointless. Although one look at the directors other projects may explain why. The screeching Communards style soundtrack isn't exactly easy on the ear either, although I suppose in some circles that was music trendy at the time.

I can certainly see why this sunk without a trace, although it has had a recent digital re-release. You cant really market a London Gangster movie which has the under current of not so much gay sex, but the implication being that gangsters are all either rent boys or use their services, to fans of this genre.

Its best viewed as a snapshot of the 80s London clubbing scene, where dress codes meant suits and shoes, designer drugs like ecstasy had just arrive, acid house was round the corner and yuppies make a financial killing. Hard to recommend other than as a curiosity as its certainly not a decent or satisfying watch.
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We'll have a carvery....
FlashCallahan17 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If you know of the Duran Duran song 'drug', you are in the right place.

Based around the titular club, we have a who's who of eighties actors, and a story based around crime, bare knuckle fighting, shoulder pads, and Martin Landau liking it rough....but not too rough.

This film does nothing to stimulate the brain, but the performances are great. It's the Anti 'Wall Street', with people shown from both sides of the monetary spectrum.

We have a sub plot involving Landau, trying to build property with your good old yuppies, right down to the curly haired youngster, hanging around With the cut price Gary Oldman.

Money is the issue here. And the moral here is, you either have it, or you haven't.

It's great though to see actors of some gravitas now, doing what they did back then.

Foreman is great, as is Billy from Eastenders, and the guy from Londons Burining.

If you loved the eighties, and its excess, it will mean something to you, despite narrative being reasonably absent from the whole proceedings.
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Awful. Keep it in obscurity.
harrymccormack198120 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this on Film4 the other night and while I wasn't expecting a full blown classic I felt cheated by its awfulness - the acting, the lack of plot and the ear aching 80s soundtrack.

The film basically marketed itself as a British crime drama set in a London nightclub and it's gangland activity around it. It stars Ray McAnally and Jamie Foreman amongst the familiar faced cast (in early roles) as the nightclub owner as the stereotyped loser respectively.

The film basically didn't have a main character focus (despite it's little trickery at the beginning) and gives you an assortment of characters including an annoying gay prostitute pimp, a harassed reporter, a spoilt bullying nightclub dancer and her stereotypical loser boyfriend, an arrogant gangster wannabe looking for business interests,a boxer,a veteran nightclub owner, an American tycoon with a rough gay fetish, a woman looking for love and a naive teenage Geordie looking for his pal Mick.

It appears that the so-called plot is trying to build up for some kind of finale but that is ever really delivered.

The movie is completely awful and I understand why it's so obscure. The 1 star awarded is for seeing how many familiar faces in the movie in very early roles including an Eastenders regular, a known face from Minder and a future fireman in London's Burning.

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take-off of studio 54 ?
ksf-216 May 2022
Empire state... is a nightclub in the rough and tumble east end of london. When blondie pete shows up, no-one seems to know his friend mick who works there, but there are many other things going on to keep him occupied. Martin landau, ten years after space 1999, is chuck, an investor in a nearby development project. There's a gay undercurrent to the film as well. Lots of loose threads swirling around. There's a reporter nosing around, and apparently there were several drug related deaths at the club. It seems they were using the club after hours as a fighting venue, with gambling. SO many subplots. It just gets silly. And violent, kind of a parody of studio 54. And the violence that was happening in london at the time. Cathryn harrison is marion, and gets top billing, apparently for being the grand-daughter of rex harrison. Directed by ron peck. Probably best known for nighthawks. Harrison died young at 59.
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Violence, Intrigue, Drama. All set in a part of London that no longer exists!
philcald18 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The cast of this movie is wide ranging, Martin Landau, Sadie Frost, Jamie Foreman, The late great Ray McAnally.

It is set around London during the 1980's and centres around two themes. Martin Landau's character and a London nightclub owned by Ray McAnally, 'Empire State', a place where they have nightly bare knuckle and kick boxing fights sometimes to the death of the contenders.

The movie is violent, murderous and seedy, Lee Drysdale plays a brilliant part as a rent boy who tries to act as a middleman and make a deal happen between a character called Richard Wellington-Horn-Ryder (what a mouthful) and Martin Landau who is an American property developer interested in investment in the Docklands.

It's packed with action, intrigue, drama and heartache, the scene with Jamie Foreman in the garage is fantastic acting considering it was only his fourth movie apart from his TV work.

High stakes are bid on fights, houses, cars, yachts, etc by yuppies wanting to make more money off the backs of contenders willing to kill one another.

I certainly give it a 10 on my all time favourite movie listing.

This movie really should be released to DVD. (Hint, Hint).....
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Forgotten Gem
winter-fire1 December 2017
Watched this for the first time last night and was blown away....

Before directors like Tarantino did the whole convoluted stories of multiple characters that all join up trick that became popular in the 90's and still remains a staple of some crime films now, there was this offering from director Ron Peck.

The film is a brilliant snapshot of late 80's London and the stylish portrayal of the club in it really captures the feel of an 80's club.

Now, I'm going to rewatch but first time round the first half didn't do much for me, but when all the characters arrive at the club the film is named after it's just brilliant. The speech the arrogant young gangster who has been taken in by the allure of yuppie culture gives to his old school east end boss in the office is just brilliant and original. In fact there are no cliche's in what transpires at the club and it's sightly art-house cinematography makes it all the more compelling...

I'm curious now as to what other films pre Empire State used the wraparound narrative first, and in this film it's used to great effect.
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