Death of a Soldier (1986) Poster

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An excellent adaptation of the true story of what became known as the "brownout murders" which took place in Melbourne Australia during the Second World War.
grafspee7 April 2004
I recently managed to obtain a videotape of this film from a local sound store although I had seen it many years earlier on TV and have a copy of the soundtrack on vinyl record. Reb Brown gives a splendid and convincing performance as American GI Private Eddie Leonski who strangles three local women in Melbourne over a three week period in May 1942 after a drinking binge. His motives are complex and disturbed, and when finally apprehended, confesses that he just "only wanted their voices". The focus of the film centers on the tensions between American and Australian service personnel and Leonski is portrayed as a necessary sacrificial scapegoat needed by the U.S.Army to restore their credibility with the local population. The film does have it's fictional moments such as the violent shootout between American and Australian servicemen at an unknown railway station which may be a substitution of the true confrontation between these forces in the Battle of Brisbane in November 1942 in which there were actual casualties. There is also the bizarre role of Jon Sidney as General Douglas Macarthur who utters nothing throughout the film excepting a one line sentence near the end. His mouthpiece is Michael Pate playing 2IC Major General Richard Sutherland. Great performances by James Coburn who plays U.S. Major Patrick Dannenburg assigned to defend Leonski, whom he considers insane, at an American Court Martial which has an already pre-conceived judgment on the case and Maurie Fields (as Detective Sergeant Ray Martin)and Bill Hunter (as Detective Fred Adams) who play the tough hard nosed Melbourne cops confronting obstinate American military authority over their rights to exercise civil jurisdiction in the case. Extra great performance by Max Fairchild, better known to many Australians as "Beau" of the television tyre commercials, who plays the swaggering, intimidating and outspoken American Provost Marshal Major Bill Fricks. Belinda Davey who plays civilian PR officer Margot Saunders, well attired in the fashion of the era contributes a good sensual feminine performance to an otherwise male dominated film. The superb musical score by Allan Zavod well threaded into the film captures perfectly the mood and style of the wartime 1940's. This is an absolute gem of a movie well worth watching even if for only it's relatively true historical significance.
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Reb in a serious role!
tarbosh2200025 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In Melbourne, Australia, in 1942, World War II is raging. Thousands of U.S. servicemen are in Australia to help combat the Japanese. But there's a black sheep among the many uniformed soldiers: Private Eddie Leonski (Brown). It seems Leonski has strangled three local women. This is causing big problems between the Australians and the Americans, who seem only to have an uneasy alliance as it is. This incident could damage relations so badly, the Americans might have to leave, allowing some Japanese victory. So detectives Adams and Martin (Hunter and Fields, respectively), are civilians trying to catch the killer, while the U.S. army is also trying to find him. Among those who want Leonski's head is Maj. Dannenberg (Coburn). But due to a twist of fate, Dannenberg must defend Leonski when the case goes to trial. Dannenberg then begins to believe that Leonski might not be fit to stand trial, even though many forces want to make him a sacrificial lamb to save face. Will there really be a DEATH OF A SOLDIER? Death Of A Soldier isn't the typical type of film we review - but we checked it out because it stars fan favorite Reb Brown. We're certainly glad we did, as the film, which is based on a true story, is well-thought out and well-nuanced. It has great period detail in the production design, but also from a scriptwriting perspective, it explores the tensions between the Australians and Americans during a time when everyone was on edge, but without showing either side as a caricature. The movie gets into moral, legal, political and personal sides to the Leonski case in a way that is skillful and never jumbled. Truly this is a movie worth seeing.

Reb Brown is perfectly cast as the big lummox Leonski. One minute he's sweet and innocent, another he's a menacing serial killer. He plays the role with a lot of sensitivity and understanding. It really shows that Brown can act and should have had the starring role in more movies. Those who only know him from his more meathead-y roles should really see his fine performance here. Even still, in this more "serious" role, he does his trademark scream. But to counterbalance his more wild side, he also sings. James Coburn puts in a very human performance as well, and his weighty presence anchors the movie. We also loved the perpetually grumpy Australian cops, and pretty much everyone involved fits and does a great job.

When we first found this movie, we thought that because it is a movie that came out on VHS in the 80's and had Reb Brown, it was going to be a Vietnam shoot 'em up. But really it's a quality mystery-drama. But it even has some mild horror elements. Leonski compares himself to Jekyll and Hyde, specifically pointing to a movie poster for the Spencer Tracy version of the film. Further driving home the theme of the psyche with two sides, he also compares himself to a werewolf. Interestingly, director Philippe Mora the next year directed Howling III (1987) - and Reb himself was in Howling II (1985). Coincidence? But Mora uses close-ups (an especially memorable one of Frank Thring of Man From Hong Kong, 1975 fame stands out) and odd angles to flesh out the story of Leonski psychologically. It's a shame he went from well-handled material like this to utter dreck like Mercenary 2 (1999). It happens, we suppose.

Released on Key Video here in the U.S., Death Of A Soldier is recommended, simply because it's a well-made historical drama that's thought-provoking. And where else will you see Reb Brown and James Coburn together?

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Background on Coburn's character, Ira C. Rothgerber, Jr.
JE411528 August 2004
Although James Coburn's character is called Major Donnenberg in the movie, the person who actually defended Leonski was Ira C. Rothgerber, Jr. He died in 1993 and was one of the greatest Colorado lawyers of the 20th Century.

With the outbreak of World War II, Ira joined the Army and rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Stationed in the South Pacific and Australia, he served in combat areas and won a Bronze Star. In Australia, he served with another young lawyer from New Jersey, Colonel Bill Powers, whom he convinced to return with him to Denver and join the firm at the end of the war. The firm then became known as Rothgerber, Appel & Powers.

During his service in Australia, Ira was appointed as co-counsel to represent a young, uneducated private accused of the rape and murder of several Sydney women. General MacArthur's command was determined to show the Australians that U.S. soldiers in their country would be held to a strict code of conduct, and the prosecution sought the death penalty. The soldier, William Leonski, was by all accounts mentally deranged and likely insane. Nevertheless, he was found competent to stand trial, and his mental impairment defense-then unprecedented in military courts-was swiftly rejected.

His client summarily tried, convicted, and sentenced to hang, Ira sought an appeal through the military high command. Denied review, Ira dictated by long-distance telephone a petition for stay and certiorari to Denver for transmission to the U.S. Supreme Court. However, before the Court could consider the petition, Leonski was hanged
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An accurate and important piece of history
nobsnews16 February 2004
It's obvious from the remarks in the previous commentaries by others, that none of them were ever in the military. Coburn was portraying a Military Police major (Maj. Dannenberg) serving as the Assistant Provost Marshal - he was not playing an Army attorney. At that time (and still optional today) an officer from any branch in the military can serve as legal council to an accused soldier - you don't have to be a lawyer (JAG Corps). This particular story was true, and is the event in military history that is directly responsible for the creation and implementation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) applicable to all the Armed Forces. The film is accurate and does not portray any Hollywood political bias. It's a great film and a good piece of history. A little known fact: Gen. MacArthur came close to being court martialed for preventing Maj. Dannenberg from appealing Pvt. Leonski's death sentence and conviction, but political allies in Washington intervened.
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A fascinating flawed curiosity
ptb-813 November 2005
In the 1970s Phillipe Mora looked to be a director who was going to deliver the goods. His strange doco BROTHER CAN YOU SPARE A DIME was a 30s jigsaw puzzle of fascinating imagery that needed a commentary. In the 80s he delivered this quite fascinating film. But in the 90s it all went wrong with terrible horror films and now, nothing. In the last week I have seen two James Coburn films. I have never ever been interested in any performance or film of his. Timing has now led me to THE AMERICANIZATION OF EMILY (1964)...a superb military satire, and DEATH OF A SOLDIER, two films made 20 years apart both with him, both set during WW2... and I have to admit I now have a new found appreciation of Coburn's acting and characterizations. DEATH OF A SOLDIER is a very well made Wartime murder drama with a protagonist played by under rated and over looked he-man Reb Brown. My only vision of him was during BIG Wednesday of all things, when, during a hilarious house party, he cleaned up the gatecrashers in a demolition derby worthy of Hercules visiting Animal House. He is great looking and appears as a cross between Steve McQueen and Ryan O'Neal with a great physique. Here that look is used to great affect as a loudmouth Yankee party bumpkin on leave during WW2 whose alcoholic haze leads to crimes that actually did happen In Melbourne in the mid 40s.. His character is a lot like that of Don Murray, the yahooo-ing cowboy in the Marilyn Monroe film BUS STOP. It is the study of his mentality and it's effect that mires Coburn into a court trial or considerable predicament. The film is excellent and interesting in so many ways, and really flawed in two major things: the clumsy appearance of "General MacArthur" posing and strutting about.... never speaking ..even wearing sunglasses indoors to maintain the image (Jeez!) ....and the overuse of obvious 40s music. If I hear In The Mood again in a 40s film well..... Sadly the film did no biz in its day which I remember had a lot to do with Mora's difficulties with the distributor and with the media, and remains a strange and interesting example of a period piece pic almost 'got right'. Coburn is the best actor there, among Aussie stalwarts... with Maurie Fields being very real. There is far too much swearing.
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History on a high
tomsview4 October 2018
Watching this film, you could be forgiven for thinking that the battles the Australians and Americans fought against the Japanese were merely practice for the battles they fought against each other on the streets of Melbourne.

"Death of a Soldier" looks at life in Melbourne in 1942 when General MacArthur and the Americans hit town. There were tensions, but the film takes the urban myths of the time and gives them a large dose of anabolic steroids.

The film's strength is in the story of Eddie Leonski the American soldier who strangled three Australian women (The Brownout Murders). After reading "Murder at Dusk" by Ian W. Shaw I was surprised at how close the film stayed to the facts of the case.

James Coburn as Major Patrick Dannenberg has a lot of work to do in the film. Not only does he manage relations between the Americans and the Australians, but also becomes deeply involved in the investigation of the murders. Bill Hunter and Maurie Fields play Australian detectives investigating Leonski's crimes. They do this with a series of poses - standing with their hands in their pockets at the crime scenes or leaning against the bar of the local boozer.

Reb Brown played Eddie Leonski. He's a powerful-looking dude and although his performance seems over-the-top, apparently Eddie Leonski was that crazy. Another impressive performance was delivered by formidable, 6'4" Australian Max Fairchild as MP Major Fricks, a man you would instinctively address as "Sir".

Other reviewers have pointed out that there was always the perception that something like the shootout between American and Australian soldiers had happened. But the origin of the incident would seem to be the one given in the "The Battle of Brisbane" by Peter Thompson, when a U.S. soldier was pursued and shot by Australian police and soldiers after he killed an Australian on a train. Hardly the shootout depicted in the film with casualties rivalling the assault on Buna.

My main criticism of the film is that it's all sensation with very little balance. In reality much of the aggression between the two allies involved brawls between scrappy young men who probably went in for that sort of thing back in civilian life anyway. Similar things happened in New Zealand (The Battle of Manners Street).

Not all Australians felt put upon. 15,000 Australians married Americans (possibly that left some Aussies fuming), but most Australians appreciated that despite gutsy efforts by the Diggers in New Guinea, the situation would have been dire if the U.S. had not arrived in force in 1942.

But perceptions are important and the negative vibe in "Death of a Soldier" probably carries more weight than it should. Maybe Dr. Brendan Nelson, the director of the Australian War Memorial, put things into broader perspective during a speech to the National Press Club in 2013:

"... I've said to the Americans in particular in various roles I've had that not a day goes by in this country where we don't give thanks and gratitude for American sacrifice in this part of the world".
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World War II- Party Time!
NoDakTatum13 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Reb Brown plays American GI Leonski in WWII Australia. He and over 40,000 other Americans are there ready to ship out to fight the Japanese. James Coburn is Major Dannenberg, who oversees the relations between the Americans and the Australians. Leonski, who drinks too much, begins strangling women to death so he can "hear their voices." The local Australian cops are frustrated as the American Army brass try to keep a lid on the killings, hampering the civilian investigation. Leonski's tent mate, who does the worst Curly impression of all time, eventually turns Leonski in. Dannenberg goes from investigating Leonski to defending him as a lawyer. Thanks to the film's title, we know Leonski will be found guilty and hanged and Dannenberg fights for his insane client's life right up to the very end.

James Coburn, the Oscar winner from "Affliction," and my nominee for crabbiest Academy Award acceptance speech, is very good in this for the first forty-five minutes. His military police liaison role is showy, and he has an air about him that demands respect. My biggest problem here is the completely biased and left-leaning slant the film has. It brazenly announces that this was based on a true story, yet Coburn's character was "inspired" by a different character altogether. How much of this plot was "inspired" as well? Reb Brown's role is one note. He drinks a lot, charms his way into these women's lives, then kills them. An excuse is thrown up that he is insane because his entire family is a bunch of alcoholics. Here, we get classic victimization. He is not guilty because he is clearly drunk and insane. If we released every murderer who was "drunk and insane," I would never leave the house. The film portrays Leonski's evil, then does a 180, trying to get the audience to get the poor man some mental help, forget about the three murdered women, and the two who got away. The plot point where Coburn goes from investigating officer to Brown's defense attorney smacks of screenwriter's convenience. It is not believable for one second, as is the Australian detectives' about face from hardened cops to trying to help Coburn get "the poor lad" off. Coburn's performance also suffers here, again as his character completely changes for no other reason than the screenwriter thought he should. After Leonski is convicted, but before the hanging, Dannenberg tries to get the case heard by the U. S. Supreme Court. He runs into obstacles at every turn, and the film makers will have us believe everybody on the island of Australia was against saving this man's life. Even General Douglas MacArthur was trying to stop Dannenberg from fighting the good fight. The actor who plays MacArthur has exactly one line, other than that, he hangs around offices and smokes that signature pipe while others talk. He is The X-Files' Cigarette Smoking Man set in World War II. Revisionist history like this makes me sick. There is a staged gun battle between Americans and Australians that seemingly leaves dozens killed, and does nothing more than show what jerks Americans were- the only motivation for the scene's inclusion. Apparently, to our country, World War II was just an excuse to party. At one point, Dannenberg compares the United States to Hitler, since we want to execute Leonski. I almost shut the film off right there. According to this film, we are a bunch of partying hicks. With a dumb little romantic subplot worked in about Coburn and a local woman, this film fails on so many levels. With the world climate of the last century, do we need someone telling us our victory in World War II was a horrible mistake? Forget the Japanese and German atrocities, this film is compelled to remind us that serial killers are people, too, even during wartime? I think I will remember historical fact, not Hollywood fiction. I completely dismiss this film.
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"Sorry, buddy"
evening13 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This fascinating film takes us back to March 1942 in Melbourne, Australia, where US troops were mobilizing to fight the Japanese.

Ironically, "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" was playing in a local movie house when Eddie Leonski started undergoing his own transformation from fun-loving party animal to ruthless serial killer, strangling local women as he demanded, "Sing for me! I want your voice."

This based-on-fact production features a gripping performance by Reb Brown as deeply troubled Eddie, and fine work by James Coburn as his military-assigned lawyer, Maj. Patrick Dannenberg. Dannenberg could see how ill Eddie was -- seemingly, he thought he'd be returning to service a year after his execution! However, amid tensions at the time, mitigating factors didn't seem to enter the courtroom. Seemingly, the locals Down Under were uneasy with the Yanks' tent city in their environs, and there was no mood for mercy after three women died. Just months after the killings, the US Army hanged the 24-year-old.

This movie does a nice job of conjuring pop-cultural influences of the time, as strains of the Andrew Sisters' "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" and jitterbugging enliven local night spots. My only quibble is inclusion of a gun battle at the train station that seemingly leaves scores of soldiers dead. The customarily ethical Dannenberg issues an order that "this never happened," leaving the viewer entirely befuddled. Exactly WHAT didn't happen? I tried to find out on Wikipedia, but came up empty. However, I did note that Eddie's real-life lawyer was such an ardent advocate for him that Gen. Douglas MacArthur had him court-martialed for insubordination!

This story is tragic all around. One can only hope that fairness in the courtroom will always be there for our warriors.
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Fair to farcical
jldowsing4 January 2024
Until the half way point Death of a Soldier is a watchable, albeit ham fisted dramatisation of the murders of three female civilians by an American GI in Melbourne during WW2. The script and characterisations are cliched and one dimensional among other frustrations. The culprit himself is apparent early in the piece, his whacky depiction of 'insanity' straight out of a Looney Tunes cartoon.

Outraged locals turn on the US troops on sabbatical, including the resident Australian forces. A ridiculous gun battle takes place when a GI laden Puffing Billy train pulls into a platform of Aussie soldiers, an incident which never happened and in itself, had it occurred, would warrant its own movie, for the body count and fallout would have outstripped the central story ten times over. Truly, one of the most unfathomable, credibility stripping scenes I've witnessed in any movie, ever.

It's here I lost all interest, my intelligence insulted enough. Surprised the likes of James Coburn, Bill Hunter and Maurie Fields agreed to be part of this shark jumping panto that could have been a worthwhile exploration of the war experience and tensions on the home front..
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Stars out slow but gets better!
mm-3928 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Stars out slow but gets better! Death of a Soldier stars out slow, with the music, screen shots and story developmental of the times in Melborne during World War Two. Then there is this murders of women and the army first tries to cover it up then wants to hang the man responsible. Death of a Soldier get interesting as we learn what is happening. The military want a fast trial for the war effort, and Coburn excellently portrays the defense for a insane man. There is an issue about mental illness with the film which is sad. Death of a Soldier is truly a memorable film. 6 stars.
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Outstanding little movie
BrianG28 September 1999
"Death of a Soldier" is a first-rate little thriller, based on an actual incident that took place in Australia during WW II. Eddie Leonski, an American soldier stationed in Australia, goes partying in the local bars at night. Women are attracted to his boyish charm, rugged good looks and spectacular physique. What they don't know is that underneath that exterior is a brain-damaged serial killer. Years of heavy alcohol consumption, and horrible physical abuse at home, have driven Eddie to the point that when he gets drunk he turns into an uncontrollable killer. He first asks his victims to sing for him, and when they do, he strangles them ("I just want your voice, that's all . . ."). He is eventually turned in by one of his fellow soldiers who is aghast when he hears Eddie offhandedly remark, "I think I killed a couple of those women."

The movie doesn't end there, though. It shows how Eddie is used by all sides--the U.S. Army, the Australian government--to further their own agendas. The Army wants to hang him, the Australians don't want to offend the Army just at the time it needs help to fend off a possible Japanese invasion, and nobody particularly cares that Eddie is obviously insane and has no idea what he has done or what is going on around him. Reb Brown, best known as a star of low-grade action movies, is outstanding as the pathetic Eddie, never turning him into the caricature of the hulking, subhuman serial killer. He really makes you feel for Eddie. James Coburn is fine as always as the lawyer appointed to defend him, but it's Reb Brown's show, and he is up to it. It's a shame Brown never got a chance to do anything else as good as this, and it's also a shame that this film is as unknown as it is. It deserves a much wider audience than it's gotten.
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This Is A movie To Be Remembered
jamesbourke595 June 2005
It's War Time, circa 1942. The Place is Melbourne in Australia. A serious of murders have occurred in the dimly lit back alley streets. A number of eye witnesses claim that they have seen an American G.I running away from the scene of the crimes that have been committed.

If truth be told, film director Philippe Mora, was never what you would call a fashionable movie maker. Taking a look a his filmography, what can we see, "The Return Of Captain Invincible" and "Howling 2" both of which although not classics have since garnered cult camp status, the latter of which, if memory serves, Mora as a director was not happy with so he took the option and made the third in the franchise in his adopted homeland of Australia.

Anyway, with "Death Of A Soldier" Mora gets it first time, coupled with a gritty script by the late William Nagle and a star turn by Reb Brown, as the American G.I. at the centre of the controversial true story, namely one Edward Leonski, If you consider the majority of Brown's film output, i really don't think the man ever really had a chance to shine on screen, that was until this one came along. Superb period detail, and a truly devastating approach, especially more so as the movie itself is based on fact.

This is one movie that needs to be rediscovered, if you can, find it, buy it and cherish it. I know i have.

10 out of 10 This is a movie to be remembered
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The Legendary Train Battle has almost the weight of Truth.
ianprl6 February 2006
I agree with all the points made in the positive reviews of this film. I recently saw it for the first time on Briz31, a community TV channel which can only pay peanuts (if that) for its movies. I missed it at the cinema when it got reasonably good publicity but it quickly dropped out of sight. It deserved far better. I can only say that there is in Australia a tendency by organizations of any size to self-censor a lot of things that show the USA and particularly Australia's relationship with the USA in a bad light.

I would add something to Graf Spee's comment that the shootout between Australian troops and American troops was fictional. This incident was very widely believed to have really happened, by Australians in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. Books and features have been written investigating it but no concrete evidence exists that it happened. Nevertheless, people believed it had, and I recall quite a few wartime generation people of both sexes telling me in all earnestness that it had, and that it was just typical that "The Government" would cover it up. So whether true or not, the existence of the legend is an indicator of the underlying tension between Americans and Australians at the time. The Battle of Brisbane was factual, but it was a riot during which some shots were fired and people were killed. The Train Battle, legend has it, occurred when a unit of Australians, on their way to the war zone, were insulted by Americans and a full scale fire fight broke out.

One Australian attitude to Americans has been summed up as "Over-paid, Over-sexed, and Over Here", and a book about the problem has been published with that title. I just wonder if a french author has ever written a similar work about Aussie soldiers, the "Diggers" of World War One, who were paid about 7 times as much as British soldiers and much, much more than French soldiers! The wheel turns.
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Not as well-known as it should be
frankfob5 February 2003
Despite a previous poster's wildly inaccurate and hysterical right-wing rantings (among other things, the fact that he kept calling it a "Hollywood" film when it was in fact made by an Australian company with an Australian director and was shot in Australia, and his claim that the "Hollywood" filmmakers wanted to let Reb Brown's character go free when no such thing was even remotely suggested leads one to suspect that this guy never actually saw the film and is just repeating what he read on some shrill far-right-wing website) this is a very good movie, and is based on an actual event. Eddie Leonski (played to near perfection by Reb Brown) was a brain-damaged (caused by a combination of years of heavy drinking and severe beatings by his parents when he was a child), acutely alcoholic American soldier with obviously severe mental problems who was stationed in Australia during WW II. He murdered several young women during a string of off-duty binges of heavy drinking. When he is finally caught (turned in by a fellow soldier to whom he had inadvertently admitted the murders), provost marshal James Coburn is assigned to his defense. Although not happy about it, once Coburn meets his client it's obvious to even his untrained eye that Leonski has serious mental defects and little if any grip on reality (at one point Coburn wonders how someone like Leonski with such glaringly obvious mental problems managed to even get into the army). When he tries to get Leonski placed in a hospital for the criminally insane, however, he discovers that the authorities--American and Australian--are determined to hang him, their decision based more on political considerations than Leonski's shockingly obvious mental deficiencies. The performances by the two leads and the mostly Australian cast are excellent, with Coburn standing out as usual. A subplot concerning his budding romance with a local girl is unnecessary and doesn't go anywhere anyway, but otherwise this is a crackerjack little picture, a fascinating and little known story told well with first-rate performances by Coburn and Brown. Well worth watching.
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The Man in the Middle
deanofrpps15 December 2002
This appears to be a remake of the older film: The Man in the Middle. The war time alliance is uneasy. Australians are in the war by one vote. They are concerned with national defence and recalled their troops from North Africa. In the midst of the angst, an American misfit kills an Australian.

The defen(s)e is intended to be pro forma.

I did like the older movie MAN IN THE MIDDLE and the Howard Fast Book upon which it was based.

I wish more Australian films like this circulated in the US.
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