Night Train to Terror (1985) Poster

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Sick, sick, sick!! ...and STUPID
Coventry4 February 2004
The structure and intelligence-level of this hopeless little gem is so dumb it almost becomes legendary. Here we have God and Satan themselves sitting in train, discussing whether a few bizarre characters belong in hell… or in heaven. This aspect provides the film with the most bizarre wraparound story ever used in a horror anthology. You could say it's very original and creative (and in a way, it IS) but, due to the amateurish and silly style used here, it becomes unintentionally hilarious and pathetic. But you can't really claim that the creators of Night Train haven't got a sense of humor…God is credited as ‘himself' and a guy named as Lu Cifer supposedly plays Satan. Hahahahaha… nice try!

The separate stories surely have potential! Which isn't that surprising because they're actually edited from full-length movies! Completely ignored 80's quickies like `Death wish Club' and `Cataclysm' that never received any recognition. Especially the first two short stories are enjoyable (and very gore) but the final episode more or less ruins the whole film. That last one is twice as long (or at least, it felt like it was) and it's utterly boring and uninspired. Try to look at this film as a perfect example of bad acting and – most of all – as a filthy piece of 80's trash! The make-up and shlock effects are truly nasty and gruesome (we see people getting slashed their heads off and sliced apart with a bone saw) and the creature-effects (like the beetle in `Death Wish Club) give a whole new meaning to the word `cheese-fest'. Very fun…without any other values what so ever.
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Don't Ride The Night Train To Insanity. 1-2-Miss.
P3n-E-W1s315 November 2022
Greetings And Salutations, and welcome to my review of Night Train To Terror; here's the breakdown of my ratings:

Story: 0.75 Direction: 0.50 Pace: 0.75 Acting: 1.00 Enjoyment: 0.75

TOTAL: 3.75 out of 10.00.

There are two good elements to Night Train To Terror - One: The Video Cover. Two: The last few seconds of the end credits when you can see the light at the end of the tunnel and escape is near. But what surprises me most is that the damned film still makes it onto the steaming and terrestrial services. I believe it's on Amazon now, and a couple of years ago, I think I spotted it on Channel 5. You guys and gals know there are supremely better flicks you're failing to air for your audiences. I would be amazed if any appreciated you giving them this mess of a movie.

Philip Yordan penned the screenplay for this trilogy of short stories. And while each is terrible, the last tale is the best. Story one is about an asylum who's found a novel way to earn extra cash. Sell the body parts. So what happens when you run out of inmates? Easy; you brainwash a stranger to grab some lovely ladies for you to chop up. Sadly, what should've been a nicely terrifying story becomes nothing more than a way to get boobies onto your screens. And the story becomes more nonexistent with every bosom revealed: It becomes a case of Thanks For The Mammaries (sorry, I couldn't resist - because we all know resistance is futile). However, in the poorly scribed tale, the lunatics appear to have taken over the asylum. But their insanity could just be reflections of the dire dialogue Yordan has them speak. The second story introduces us to a loving couple who, to ease the boredom of being together, join a Death Club. The club members take turns to devise a bizarre demise, which will kill at least one member. Sadly, it's the poor writing and dialogue that once again hinders the power of this tale. Handled correctly, it possessed all the elements for it to engage the viewer. Unfortunately, it's merely a dull dross. Whereas with story number three, Yordan appears to have taken a creative writing course or three. The story of a never-ageing Nazi is intriguing and a tad complex compared to the previous tales. These convolutions make it the most enjoyable watch of the compilation. And had it been merely about the three stories, the scores may have been different. However, Yordan binds the three tales with God and Satan, vying for their souls. I can see what he's trying to accomplish, but it doesn't work because he's forgotten about the logic of their process. Example: In story one, beautiful girls get slaughtered for spare parts. I'd guess that not all the topless beauties are without sin. But we never hear a peep about their souls. So what makes the chosen soul so special? So these little segues have holes of their own. And let's not forget about the breakdancing rock band that plays pop music and only knows one tune. WTF? So, terrible characterisations, poor structuring, horrid dialogue, and unrealistic and unbelievable situations. Well, let's hope the directors are better.

Sorry! They're not. In fact, they make the story segments worse. Not one of them knew how to handle the pacing. John Carr, who directed the first two, even uses some awful stock footage - in a different aspect ratio. The guy couldn't crop it to the correct sizing - he merely spliced it in. I'll say this for the directors of the third segment, Philip Marshack and Tom McGowan, they attempted to make the extended story more engaging. They employed better lighting and colour techniques. And there are a few nicely composed shots, especially the villains' last walk down the hospital's corridors. However, they still suffer from too mundane a pace. This story deserved more excitement and tension in its atmosphere. Another disappointment came from the special effects. Though there's one decently filmed electrocution showing a bloke who's frying tonight, there are also two monstrously obnoxious stop-motion sequences. One shows a flying bug, and the other gives us a lousy rendition of a demon in hell. Both bug and demon are poorly constructed. They would've done better handing out plasticine to a group of kindergarteners and then used their creations. As for the stop-motion itself, well, the FX people are not Harryhausen. These are some of the most unrealistic animations you'll see. It looks as though they got bored and reduced the number of frames for each movement.

The acting between the stories varies immensely. The psycho's selling body parts is the worst. Even Richard Moll does little to save this travesty, though he's a lot better in the Immortal Nazi story. Luckily for the audience, the performers in the death club are average, which helps to level out the story a tad. Though, it is a case of saving the best for last. Not only was the story and its direction better than the previous tales, but the Immortal Nazi also offered a stronger cast.

Had the first two tales been as well written, filmed, and acted as the third, I'd recommend Night Train to Terror for one watch - had you completed your watchlist. However, they're not that good, and then you have that damned band and their dancers. All of which drops the movie into the 1-2-Miss pile.

Tickets Please; Tickets Please. Next stop, Hell and Damnation. Half an hour before Hell and Damnation: So you have time to read my IMDb lists - Absolute Horror and The Final Frontier to see where I rated Night Train To Terror before we pull into your final terminus, where you and the train will terminate.

Take Care & Stay Well.
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As insane as you have heard it is
hmservant19 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film rightly deserves one out of ten stars, but in terms of entertainment it rates ten out of ten. I enjoyed every minute of it, but as a film it is just not good. Typically with anthologies, stories are adapted and filmed specifically for the anthology. With "Night Train to Terror," existing movies were edited (I use that word very loosely in the case of at least one of these stories) and then tied together by a new wrap-around story. The result is an incredibly fun, though entirely preposterous product. From the very beginning, with the all-singing, all-dancing revelers aboard the night train, I was rolling on the floor in conniptions. It was nearly impossible to take any of this seriously, though the final story involving a Nazi Svengali seemed downright poignant compared to the preceding insanity. The first story, "The Case of Harry Billings," was edited so poorly that almost none of it made sense. Alas, that only seemed to add to my enjoyment of it. The narration of the first segment also ripened this cheese to pure stinky perfection. One could not ask for more! Avoid at all costs if you are looking for family entertainment or anything resembling a good, serious film.
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A cheesy oddity.
Skutter-230 July 2007
Night Train to Terror is a crazy mess of a movie. The framing story for this anthology involves God and Satan sitting on a train together discussing various cases, each of which form the different segments of the movie. As far as set ups for these kind of anthologies go it's not too bad a premise. Needless to say it is done in an at times jaw-droppingly cheesy manner. It wasn't long into it that I began to suspect the truth about the nature of this anthology. Namely, that the makers had grabbed a bunch of old movies and edited them down to 20-30 minutes and used them as segments of this anthology. The wraparound material is as cheesy as all hell and the three movies, each wacky, sleazy or goofy in their own right become concentrated slices of nonsensical shlock in their truncated forms. There seems to be no logic to their inclusion in the anthology in their current states. The three movies from which they are apparently culled- Scream Your Head Off, Death Wish Club and Shivers (Aka. Cataclysm, Satan's Supper or The Nightmare Never Ends) are connected by writer Philip Yordan, who scripted all three, although Director John Carr was responsible also for the first two segments. Presumably they needed to make a quick buck of their own material (The movie from which the first segment was taken apparently never got a proper release other than a bootleg copy years after) and quickly put together the wraparound material. As it is none of the movies seems particularly well suited to being truncated in the form they are, with far too much going on. As such, none of the segments makes too much sense even with the clumsy narration to smooth over the plot holes and each is dementedly paced and edited. They don't even fit very well with the wraparound material. The supposedly main characters whose deeds are meant to be judged by God and Satan have increasingly little to do in each segment, with more time spent on the other characters in each story. The makers did make sure it seems to include all the gore, violence, sleaze and wacky SFX shots that they could from each movie though in favour of having a movie with any coherence.

In the first segment, the case of Harry Billings, the pacing of the story makes it seem more like an extended trailer than an actual movie. The plot, which is far too much for a short anthology segments whizzes through at a demented, frenetic pace and most scenes don't last for more than about thirty seconds to a minute. There are numerous and repetitive sequences of Harry picking and drugging women, them being strapped down and chopped up at the clinic which last for about 40 seconds each. There are also a whole bunch of subplots that hurdled through at breakneck speed. As it is the movie these parts are taken from seems to be a dodgy exploitive piece mostly centering around the death and dismemberment of young woman.

The second segment, the case of Gretta Connors is probably even goofier involving a young man who falls in love with a porn star getting forced into joining 'death-wish club',a group of decadent types who like to put themselves in outlandish dangerous situations involving elaborate death traps and killer insects. Effectively elaborate games of Russian roulette, whch they get a kick out of. This segment is even more disjointed than the last with even more of the plot being explained by the narrator, who in fact talks over characters at various points in the story. It is probably the most interesting of the segments with the elaborate death traps and the wacky premise.

The third and final segment is the case of Claire Hansen. It was watching this segment it was confirmed for me that Night Train to Terror was using condensed versions of existing shlock films as I had actually seen the full version of the film in question before. The plot is too messy and sprawling, with too many threads to go into much detail. I seem to recall that was the case with the full-length version and it is even more choppy and all over the place in its truncated form. Even in its shortened form this last segment drags a bit, despite the wacky nature of the story but there are some good aspects such as the the demonic villain Olivier, the Claymation demons and the over the top finale which involves a bloody open heart surgery.

For some reason the discussions of God and Satan are inter-cut with music clips from a very eighties pop group who are performing in another part of the train. Apparently the train is going to crash at dawn and God and Satan are discussing who will get the souls of the performers when it happens- the segments they watch in-between are apparently just a way for them to kill time. The music clips are incredibly cheesy and involves all that you would expect from bad eighties pop- big hair, leg warmers, halter tops, synthesisers, shoulder pads, mullets, headbands, gratuitous break-dancing and deeply cheesy and nonsensical lyrics.

On the whole, a weird little curiosity.
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Talk about stimuli!
one4now422 October 2003
This is a grab bag of a movie, with all sorts of things to offer as long as you don't expect to see a conventional film in any way, shape, or form. It has gore, nudity, bondage, humor, stupid stuff, smart stuff, and everything in between, AND MORE! I had to cut loose with this one, it's so much weird fun. I have to wonder what it would be like to watch this one on any kind of drugs. What we have is a train carrying a kitschy 1980s new wave band doing some hilariously dated vintage-MTV-style routines. Also on board are God and "Mr. Satan", who are engaged in competition for souls of some other people supposedly on the same train. (Of note also is the small role of the conductor, who has some cool, darkly humorous dialogue.) We get to see the cases of the people whose souls for which God and Satan are vying for, which, in actuality, are three different movies (the unfinished movie "Scream Your Head Off", "Death Wish Club", and "Cataclysm") cut down to size for your warped, brain-numbing enjoyment. Two of these entries feature Charles (a.k.a. Richard, or "Bull" from "Night Court") Moll! My favorite of all the stories is definitely the one that was culled from "Scream Your Head Off", which would've been a cool movie if they would have been able to complete it. What a shame! I swear Richard Moll makes for one memorable psycho in that one. Another thing I love is what God has to say about rock n' roll music! I tell you, if God were this cool, I'd be in church everyday! I dig this whole paste-up movie, as you can tell. It's this wild overload of stimuli, like they were just taking everything weird and off-the-wall they could think of and tossing it into one big, freaky mixing bowl. I admit the "Cataclysm" entry is more sluggish, but it's interesting in a lot of its own ways. (I love the on-air speech Moll gives: "What I'm about to say will cause you pain...") I am glad I was able to find this forgotten extravaganza of stylishly bad cinema for only two dollars, because it is loads of wacky fun.
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Forget Plan 9 From Outer Space Ed Wood deserves an Oscar compared to this film.
Everybody's got something to do everybody but you. This is a line from the song that the fated band sings on the night train to terror in the film.

Truthfully if you have seen this film like me and have sat through its entirety than everybody really does have something to do, everybody but you. This film was a grade A piece of horse manure. My apologies to all horse manure for the insult. The plot stinks. God looks like Robert E Lee and the Devil looks like he just came from the cutting room floor as an extra that did not make it in the worst episode of fantasy island. Worse of all Richard Moll from tv's Nightcourt shows us that his part as BULL in the series was Emmy Award winning caliber compared to his terrible performance here. Jimmy Hendrix makes a return from the grave appearance in one of 3 stories inside this film. His line "Excuse me while I smoke" is spoken while he is being electrified in a scene that appears to be a spoof of another piece of trash the "Death Wish Club". It's a sad world when the only special effects in a film are bad claymation.
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Absolutely the worst misfire I have seen in a decade...
lemon_magic25 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This little "gem" was part of a DVD 50 pack of cheesy exploitation movies that a friend gave me after learning of my predilection for z grade cinema, and I have to say that it is easily the worst movie in the collection, and by "worst" I mean "stupidest".

The movie can be reduced into 5 "threads", which I will attempt to summarize in descending order of quality:

1> Framing device #1, God vs Satan in a chess match as they discuss the fate of the characters in the three actual stories in the movie. This is extremely cheesy and turgid and pretentious, but these scenes are far and away the "best" thing about this movie. The guy behind the beard as "God" is decent (if predictable), and the other guy has a certain sleazy, jolly air, and they have mildly amusing (if, again predictable) conversations that introduce and conclude the three tales. There are also two "night porters" stalking around who deliver their lines with a certain dignity, but they have a total of 2 minutes of screen time, so I'll ignore them. In fact, I think that the two different actors were actually supposed to be the SAME character, but someone wasn't available for the later shots. That's typical of the level of "craft" in this movie.

2> Then a frozen-faced John Philip Law and the guy who plays "Bull" on "Night Court" appear in a straightforwardly sleazy tale of evil doctors running an insane asylum. We're maybe 4 minutes into the story before the first naked woman strapped to a gurney appears, and gagged, topless women strapped to gurneys make regular appearances every few minutes after that (each appearance is brief, because they are then cut up -off screen- for body parts and dissection models for "medical schools".) The sleaze and shock pile on so thick and fast here that it's all rather bemusing. The final "payoff" is straight out of an EC comic, and the segment is over almost before you know it. In fact, it doesn't really have an "ending" as such - but it does finish with a bang. It's incredibly awful, but it has a lot of energy, and I've always liked Law for his performance in "Diabolik", so I hope this role helped him make a condo payment or something.

3> A half-baked ripoff of "The Omen". Cameron Mitchell is in here somewhere as a detective trying to solve a mystery with occult elements in it, and there's a saintly surgeon whose destiny intertwines with the Son of Satan. Sometimes in a movie like this you can just tell that no one involved with a screenplay believed a word of it, but everyone just soldiers on and tries to keep from visibly throwing up while on camera. This one is notable for an unintentionally hilarious final showdown in a surgical unit where a nurse sticks her face in the Anti-Christ's chest wound and is possessed and transformed into him. (What??) But what really distinguishes this as an utter dog are the claymation sequences where the forces of evil attack. They wouldn't pass muster in a "Gumby" episode. The acting here is actually decent and appropriate to the subject matter, but the screenplay and effect just defy description.

4> The stupidest of the three tales appears to be a drunk 8th-grade Metallica fan's rip-off of "The Pit And The Pendulum". The "star" here is an actor named Rick Barnes, who I swear I've seen elsewhere, but never in a stink-bomb of this caliber. Like Law, he appears to have had Botox injected into his face, and he plays a "medical student" who has more free time on his hands than any medical student in the history of the world. He gets involved with a member of an eeeeevil "Death Club". (No seriously, that's what they call it) in a battle of wills over the affections of a "porn star". Every scene appears to have been scripted, directed, acted and shot under the influence of Quaaludes, nothing in a given scene seems to follow from anything else, and there's an off screen narrator intoning goofy explanations that makes things even worse.And while the other two tales at least pretend they have an actual ending, this one just stops, as if it were a Roadrunner cartoon.

5> Finally, the absolute worst element of the movie is the 2nd framing device (that's how messed up this movie is, they couldn't decide which framing device to use) appears to be someone's attempt to combine a "Loverboy" music video with "The Rocky Horror Picture Show", or maybe it's supposed to be a transvestite cabaret revue and they couldn't get the rights to a Sondheim tune so they had to make up their own libretto.

Listen, I'm a pleasant person by nature, really I am. And some part of me understands that the director just put a bunch of kids in front of a camera and had them screw around and pretend to be in a music video. But watching the results makes me want to drown them all in a pit of molten lead. Sometimes I feel merciful and change my mind and decide to use boiling offal instead. This is possibly the worst misfire of talent and staging since someone let Gene Deitch take over the Tom and Jerry cartoons, and in fact I'd rather watch any of those cartoon abortions a dozen times before I'd watch this crappy series of faux-outrageous camping for the camera again. All by itself, this sequence drags the movie down to a "1".

This was an astonishingly inept exercise in padding, editing and generally wrong-headed artistic direction. You have to be an devotee of cinematic dreck to enjoy this on any level. Hell, I love Z grade movies for what they are, and this one left me gaping in astonishment.
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Typical 1980s Horror - Trilogy
Rainey-Dawn29 October 2015
Another film from the Drive-in 50-pack Mill Creek collection. I seem to recall seeing this film in the 1980s as a teen. I easily forgot about it and now have a copy of the film. It's really not a film worth seeking out and it's just barely OK to watch.

Horrible soundtrack and break dancing! OH boy!! This is an anthology with 3 stories to watch in between watching God and Satan on a train debating about the fate of certain characters within each story.

It's an OK watch nothing special. Mild sex and boobs, terrible music, and break dancing for those interested! The stories are meh! The third of the trilogy is the only half-way decent story of them in my opinion. You aren't missing anything by missing this film.

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What kind of abomination is this??
mentalhelp210113 March 2010
I cant believe i watched this crap. it was horrible. the rock band was so bad i die a little when i hear the song. it makes ed wood look like james cameron or steven Spielberg. its that bad. there was no story, no logic and is it to much to ask of sense from a movie?? its like a degraded version of creepshow that makes the effects any movie in the 1900s look good. the acting was terrible. there was even a part in the beginning where you can see they switched rooms. its so obvious! and can they EXPLAIN?? is an explanation to much to ask for? SERIOUSLY!! do yourself a favor and don't watch this. it makes plan 9 from outer space look like avatar. making this movie went like this: director: hey guys im making a movie called night train to terror. do anything you want but change the title. heres 5 bucks meet me back here tomorrow.

according to the making of, thats what happened. the money used to make this should hav gone to feeding the poor.
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Something a little bit special
Chase_Witherspoon18 May 2012
So Byron Yordan says to his uncle Philip one day "uncle Philip, me and some friends would like to do an MTV video but we have no talent and no idea, how can we make an MTV video uncle Philip?" Or groveling to that effect. To which Oscar winning script writer uncle Philip Yordan replies "why I know just the antidote to cure your ails, we'll grab three movies on which I recently worked ("Cataclysm", "Death Wish Club" and "Scream Your Head Off" which we never finished) and get old mate John Carr to graft them together like an elephant trunk onto a mouse. Then we'll edit you and your friends into the story as musicians travelling aboard the "Night Train To Terror".

And now you're up to date. Tony Giorgio and Ferdy Mayne play Satan and God respectively riding aboard the night train, on which said rock band mince about in Flashdance garb singing their signature tune ("Everybody's Got Something to Do, Everybody But You") while Giorgio and Mayne review a series of vignettes debating whether the characters should be acquitted to heaven or hell for their deeds. Essentially previews the three aforementioned movies, conjoining them for the absolute mothership of all horror anthologies. Lashings of sadism, nudity, an abattoir-sized load of body parts (no exaggeration) and nonsensical editing that you absolutely have to see before you depart this mortal coil.

John Philip Law is the mind programmed maniac who lures women to an asylum where Richard Moll lies in wait, hacksaw at the ready in the unfinished "Scream Your Head Off" while in "Death Wish Club" a misguided porn star is born and then inducted along with her smitten boyfriend into death defying games that test the mettle of brave participants - this one is pretty surreal with head-crushing, brain-frying gore galore. The final vignette is extracted from "The Omen" inspired "Cataclysm" starring Cameron Mitchell, Marc Lawrence and Faith Clift as God's desperate rearguard against Satan and his claymation army. It's well photographed but comes off the worst of the trio due to the clumsy truncation. Overall this anthology's construction is as ghastly as the special effects it previews and needs to be witnessed to be fully appreciated.
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Homeless Claymation finds a place to be mocked
rokcomx4 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
this crazy 1985 movie that starts with a "Let's Get Physical" style popmusic video, then goes to God and the Devil sitting on a train and arguing over souls (?!).

So then there are several anthology-style segments, which seem like unfinished home movies that someone strung together. Richard Moll (Bull from Night Court) appears in two segments, one as a mad butcher and in the other as an author who writes a book stating that God is Dead.

The craziest interludes (and that's saying a lot!) involve several stop-motion animated monster segments! None of which seem related to anything else in the movie - a giant killer wasp, a demon that pops out of the ground and pulls someone to Hell - they just pop up out of nowhere and then vanish. Then the cheezy music video keeps appearing, with ugly people in spandex jumping around...just absolutely awful, awful, and inexplicable.
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Everybody but YOUUU!
polysicsarebest11 September 2004
The first time I saw this, I was in awe. The second time I saw this, I was in disbelief. The third time I saw this, I knew what to expect, but I still remained entertaining. This film is COMPLETELY insane and mindboggling, and it's nice (though strange) that this film seems to have gained newfound recognition since being recently released on DVD. But.. holy crap.. to those who HAVEN'T seen it, you just have no idea what you'll be getting into.

This is a masterpiece pretty much, and it's perfect for anyone with a short attention span. God and Satan are sitting on train, deciding the fate of people as a really horrible band plays music. They play the same song for about 15 minutes of the film's duration, the singer sometimes break dancing while some females do cheers and stuff. It's like a terribly-produced music video (with the terrible outtakes) for a terrible song that has absolutely no connection to the rest of the movie except that God and Satan occasionally mention it as if it's some kind of blasphemous Satanic metal of some sort.

As this band plays, God and Satan watch three different stories. These stories are actually three different films: The first, the unfinished Scream Your Head Off, which is a confusing tale about... uhhh... a guy being forced to drug women so a guy can chop them to pieces? Or something?! None of it makes any sense, and it probably wouldn't have made sense had the film been finished. But not only was the film not finished, but we are left with a CUT version of the unfinished film. So, we have a story here that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, but it is certainly entertaining enough: We have Richard Moll strapping extremely attractive naked girls down on tables, molesting them, and then using a hacksaw to cut them to pieces. It's all pretty gory (there's a rather brutal decapitation scene near the end), it's filled with things that make no sense, and there is karate in it. And did I mention naked chicks? They're here. Great story.

I really like the second story; in fact, it's probably my favorite of the bunch. It's made of a movie that was called Death Wish Club. We have a guy that looks like James Vander Beak who falls in love with a porn star, and they then decide to play suicide games. Then, we rush through a 15-minute version of a probably-90 minute film. So, instead of character development or much story development, we're left to look on as new characters are introduced randomly and some of the characters even change appearances, which is even more confusing. Take one scene for example: The main character is sitting next to his porn star girlfriend, who has a completely different haircut (and looks like a boy) and he appears to be angry at her for no apparent reason. If he's so angry, why is he participating in suicide games? Why is he participating in the suicide games in the first place? And why does the person who is HAVING the suicide games not just kill James Vander Beak and get it over with instead of having them go through the games? These are some questions you'll be asking yourself probably, but it's best not to think too hard: This story is amazingly hilarious. There is absolutely no continuity because of the cutting, so there is adding narration to explain what the hell is going on. There is a killer clay bug, there is a man being shocked to death (one of the most amazing scenes in history... seriously), there is a head exploding. Great story. Makes no sense.. but it's a great story.

The next story had many releases on video, but it is probably best known as "Cataclysm". This story features a ton of actors from the previous stories, and it suffers mainly from some pacing problems. Unlike the previous stories, this goes on and on and on for about 35 minutes. And it's sort of pointless, as you watch as the movies goes on and on with no idea what IS going on. Evil Satan nazi turns into HORRIBLE-looking claymation creatures and sucks on people and makes huge explosions in old men's skulls and crucifies a puppet. Or something. Some stock footage here, some unexplainable deaths there (why does that one character gets killed, anyway?

Or that other one -- what did he do?!); it's best not to think about it.

As my friend recently asked me, "How did this film even get MADE?" I have no idea, but it's certainly amazing for those into trash films. Check it out.
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Everybody's got something to do - Except YOU
Bezenby17 June 2013
Man, is this a fine slice of fetid, aromatic eighties cheese or what? An anthology movie made from three films edited down, with added gore and effects, linked together by segments involving God and the Devil on a train, trading souls while a typical eighties band plays a song about how everyone's got something to do (except you). Great stuff.

The stories themselves are fine too, probably because of all the added blood and gore (and possibly the removal of all the boring bits). The first story involves a man who has been brainwashed into kidnapping people who are then tortured, cut up, and sold onto universities. Sure, it's daft, but way over the top in the gore and nudity stakes, so who's complaining? It's quite nasty, this one. I have no idea what the original film was called.

Your second story here is a diluted version of a film called Death Wish Club, which I've heard of but never seen. This involves two young lovers trying to escape the influence of an evil gangster who doesn't want the girl to be free, and ropes (sometimes literally) the two into joining the Death Wish Club, where folks dice with death (rather graphically). Another winner here, although the ending is a bit abrupt and unresolved. I'd read that the stop motion bug thing was added later.

Last and lengthiest is an edit of 'The nightmare never ends', another one I'd heard of but haven't seen. We have a Catholic surgeon and her husband, who has just written a book called 'God is Dead'. Meanwhile, you've got Cameron Mitchell on the trail of a seemingly immortal guy called Olivier, who seems linked to some gory murders (courtesy of some hilarious new footage). Olivier wants to recruit the surgeon's husband to work for Satan, but it's obvious to everyone within a 300 mile radius that the guy who doesn't believe in God isn't going to believe in Satan either, stupid. I'm guessing that The Nightmare Never Ends was a bit tame in the killings stake, as the new footage involves a stop motion demon stomping on badly animated people. I liked it and found it creepy in places.

The wraparound segment is a hoot too – how can you dislike a film with such a cheesy pop song running through it. This film is daft as hell and a lot of fun. What more do you want from a film? Look – if you're even looking at a review of a film called Night Train to Terror, I'm guessing you're probably not on the lookout for socio-political subtext and meaningful studies of the human condition. What you get here is beheadings, Lycra, sweatbands, boobs, faces exploding, demons, people melting. It's the kind of film where all is good in the world.
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Free Your Mind...
unpainted10 January 2006
OK, everyone who has written so far that this movie is unimaginably awful is exactly right. It makes no sense. It looks like it was edited with dull scissors and a leaf blower. BUT...

I suggest that anyone who is interested try watching the movie in a way one doesn't normally watch "horror" films. Imagine that you aren't watching a traditional horror flick. Rather, imagine that you're watching a bizarre collaboration between Salvador Dali and Andy Kaufman, and try to follow the story on its own terms and with its own internal logic.

Just see if your mind doesn't get blown!
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Hot mess...looks like it was cobbled by a hopeless methamphetemine addict.
EyeAskance11 September 2003
As stated in other comments, this pandemonious cinematic nose-dive is a careless tangle of three of the director's previously released masterworks in condensed form. The admixture is then kneaded into what was presumably intended to pass off as an anthology film, naturally inclusive of a ridiculous wraparound story filmed specifically to make this fish-out-of-water gel somewhat. Unfortunately, what this slapdash recipe yields is an asymmetrical, crudely doctored Frankenstein monster. Truth is, NIGHT TRAIN TO TERROR is possibly the most disorienting cinematic achievement since PSYCHED BY THE 4-D WITCH...a feat, to be sure. I've been exposed to two of these stories in their original formats...DEATH WISH CLUB and CATACLYSM, both of which are somewhat interesting B minus trash flicks. The segment featuring 70s superstud John Phillip Law, however, I have yet to track down(something called SCREAM YOUR HEAD OFF/MARILYN ALIVE AND BEHIND BARS, which looks to be a right inviting little crock-o-schlock).

Some heinous early MTV rock video styled nonsense is mashed up in the "new" portion of this palimpsest, guilty of some of the worst fashion bummers ever committed to film. NIGHT TRAIN TO TERROR is such an all-wrong royal faux-pa that to be unmoved by gleeful schadenfreude at its expense would seem next to impossible.

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Basically Looks Like a Huge Advertisement
CMRKeyboadist5 January 2007
Night Train to Terror is an anthology of three films produced by Philip Yordan. All three of these stories are actual movies that were horribly trimmed down to fit in an hour and a half time frame.

The first story is by far the most confusing. A man by accident kills his new wife in a car accident. When he awakens he is in a mental institution. Richard Moll plays a crazed employee that seems to like to chop people up with an assortment of knives. The problem with this story is the editing is so bad that we really don't have any idea of what is going on. The full length movie, though, looks like it could have been a fun mad doctor type of film.

The second story is about a rich tycoon who falls in love with a woman who doesn't love him. As a result, she falls in love with another man which drives the rich tycoon crazy. He kidnaps the both of them and forces them to play games that result in death. Once again, this story is very poorly edited and a lot of what happens doesn't make much sense. This is another story that looks like it made a great horror movie.

The third story I actually own. It is from the movie Cataclysm and it has to do with Satan in human form. Richard Moll once again stars in this film. If you want a full review of that movie check out the IMDb site for it. The movie does contain some great stop motion animation I might add.

All in all, Night Train to Terror is not a great movie. But, it works as a great advertisement for these three movies. I know after watching Night Train I want to check out the full length versions of the stories. One more thing, unless you are still living in the 80's, beware of bad 80's music plays from the start of the film and between each segment. 5/10
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Cheap.... but fun
lthseldy15 November 2000
Ok... this movie is cheap, one of those old 80's films that did not take much budget to make but I found it was "interesting" to watch if you like just about any horror movie. This movie is similar to Twighlight Zone in the fact that it has three seperate stories . The first story is about a doctor that uses people to perform brain surgery on and has this guy go out and catch the victims. The next story is about a lady that sings in a bar and is in porno films and this guy falls in love with her and she riggs him into this place with these people that like to play Russian Rullette with eachother and the guy get's scared and leaves. Then the third story is about this guy that is suppose to be a German Nazi solder over 100 years old and personally he could pass for a vampire but turns out to be a demon in disquise and goes out and kills all of these people. The bad part about all of these stories is the fact that none of them had a decent ending, they left you hanging wandering what happened next. Then the two men on the train that are suppose to be Satan and God tell you what happened at the end of each story. The rock band that plays every now and then had no place in this story. The story is not about rock and roll or Flashdancers. The whole movie was a big mixup. But I would watch it.
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Night Train to Terror
Scarecrow-889 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Malarkey from cobbled footage of three films (the first discarded and unfinished but actually my favorite of the three!) is continuity hell, truly looking like a piecemeal project, quite the editing botch-job. God and Satan debate over who gets the souls of the characters contained in three separate tales. The night train of the title features rejects from Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo doing a song-and-breakdance while the Great Debate occurs in a different compartment.

The first deals with poor John Philip Law seemingly condemned to a rather insignificant slasher film set in an asylum as Richard Moll, of all people, is a henchman with an active participation in severing the body parts of female victims Law picks up in bars (Law is the unfortunate "patient" placed under hypnosis in the institution, ordered to do the bidding of the administrator who runs the place!), with the bits and pieces sold black market! This has lots of naked victims strapped and bound to hospital gurneys and a surprising amount of bloodletting. It is horrendously edited, though, and barely makes sense beyond the initial premise. The second film is just a laughable "death game" competition where a select group participate in a series of challenges where the end result for the unlucky loser is a rather unpleasant demise (the electric shock gag had me in ribbons, not to mention, the dangerous fly the size of a man's hand; the final game has the unfortunate loser have a 250 pound dumbbell dropped on their head, swinging around with the rope steadily cut by a saw). Again, this one has excerpts from another movie thrown together and barely cohesive (well, not cohesive at all), but the girl that is the object of the affections of her "handler" and a boyfriend that meets her while she's shagging a college pal in a dorm gets full frontal and out of her clothes so it has that going for it. The third tale is a dull demonic affair where Satan himself (I thought we had already established who that is, but I digress…), in the guise of the same young Teen Idol looks of a devious chap named Olivier over several wars (as a Nazi, he is recognized by a Jewish concentration camp survivor) who could have been Damien from the Omen movies as a twenty-something. Claymation effects involving demons are applied (considered by many to be hilariously lame), including a sequence where minions from hell reach for the heroine who will be chosen to do battle against God's greatest adversary. Richard Moll is the heroine's atheist hubby, a media figure with a publication on how "God is dead", and whose own soul is in jeopardy. Her hack job supposedly to Satan on an operating table is pure Grand Guignol.

The conversations between God and Satan on the train, following (or just before) the jiving kids and their singing for the camera directly at us further add a thick layer of Velveeta to the already rubbish stitch-job anthology strung together with bailey wire, duck tape, and Elmer's glue. Not without its moments, but perhaps the three movies should have been left well enough alone (maybe, though, without Night Train they never would have seen the light of day or had been remotely provided the platform or promotion given here). I imagine this would make the ideal double header with A Night to Dismember. The makeup effects (a head explodes blood all over a girl he's making out with thanks to the runaway fly; another body gradually deteriorates during an electric shock) are rather low budget misfires, practical effects quite pitifully performed. There's even an unfortunate train miniature substituting the real thing. For lovers of rancid cinema.
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CharlestonNole19 October 2003
Didn't expect much from this flick and I didn't receive much. The first two stories of this trilogy (in a movie) were interesting and held my attention well. The final story was a total snoozer and that why this flick gets 3/10!. Nothing scary in this! From what I have read, the three mini-stories are actually cut down from full length movies, you may be better off watching that!
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Sometimes weird is not good enough...
amosduncan_200027 October 2016
One of the posters says this film was cobbed together from other incomplete projects, though says two were actually finished. I wonder if they were released in some other form. At any rate, this movie is garbage. It has a car accident quality for awhile, you can't look away, but it's overcharged tempo even wears thin, and it becomes very tiresome. It is amazing that somebody gave somebody money to make this, but it might have been tainted South African money. Just totally bad. No attempt to credit names John Phillip Law or Cameron Mitchell, which is probably just as well for them, poor guys. The rest has all been said. We always seem to blame the decade for this sort of bad film, "it's so seventies" "it's so eighties" but really it just is bad and would be in any ten year span.
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A Gem of Stupidity
rcbridii1 December 2009
No matter how many times you watch it, it won't make sense. My guess is that, like Phantasm and other bizarre films from the seventies/eighties, it was intended to play like a nightmare (or a series of nightmares). The gore is cheap special effects. The nudity is pointless. But the best part of all for me (aside from the crazy plots) is the stop-motion claymation monster and gore effects. And not since "The Dungeonmaster" have we seen Bull from Night Court try so hard to be evil. Always a treat.

And for the record, I side with Satan on the fate of that wretched band.
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You gotta be kidding me! They call this a movie!
darker-side82924 May 2009
This was the worst movie ever! I cant believe they called this piece of crap a movie! It barely had anything to do with a train. Every time i hear that song that the piece of crap rock band sings i die a little. The stories were ridiculous. I almost fell asleep from this junk! These were the worst special effects i have seen (including anything from the 1930's.) I cried ,i was laughing so hard! There was more cheese in this movie than 30 cheese sandwiches. Do not watch this. I feel bad for the directors. Heres how this "movie" was made:

1- The director called a meeting. At the meeting he said,"Hey guys Im making a movie called night train to terror.You guys get to do whatever you feel like except change the title. Heres 5 bucks. Get me a movie and meet me back here on Tuesday.

2- On tuesday, they began editing it. All the editors fell asleep while watching this disgrace.

3- Some more directors came to help get it approved.

4- They killed the editor and forged his signature. Now they had their disaster of a movie.

That was how we got cursed.

This is the reason of many deaths. This thing they call a movie made me feel like i was dying. Whatever this sucky thing is, its not a movie.
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Trippy and disjointed.
HumanoidOfFlesh17 January 2010
I remember having seen "Night Train to Terror" on VHS twelve or thirteen year ago when I was a kid.This trippy and disjointed celluloid nightmare was sewn from condensed version of low-budget horror movies "Death Wish Club","Cataclysm" and an at-the-time unfinished 1982 film "Scream Your Head Off".The campy discussions between God and Satan takes place on a train known both as the Heavenly Express and Satan's Canonball since it carries unknowing souls to one or the other destination.In the first story "The Case of Harry Billings" a man is kidnapped and taken to an insane asylum were he is put under hypnosis and lures victims to become tortured and murdered as part of an organ-harvesting operation.The second story "The Case of Gretta Connors" entails two young lovers who become involved in a sinister cult of people fascinated with death.The final story "The Case of Claire Hansen" involves an apprentice to the Devil who is out to destroy mankind and a group of immortals who are out to stop him.Very amusing and and inept horror film perfect for the lovers of cinematic trash.8 out of 10.
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"Susan would want you to feel again: human... fondling... alive... worm... waiting..."
lastliberal-853-25370812 February 2012
Satan (Tony Giorgio) and God (Ferdy Mayne) are sitting on a train discussing whether man is evil, and this is the backdrop wherein three films have parts taken out and used in an anthology on the subject.

The first segment is from Marilyn Alive and Behind Bars (aka Scream Your Head Off), about a man (John Phillip Law) who jumps off a bridge after killing his wife while driving drunk. It didn't make a lot of sense, and jumped all over the place, but it had a lot of blood and nudity. It also had Richard Moll from "Night Court" with hair in the only movie I have seen him in.

In the second segment from Carnival of Fools (aka Death Wish Club), Rick Barnes, who was also in the first film, falls in love with Gretta (Merideth Haze), who was a mistress of a rich man (J. Martin Sellers), who didn't take kindly to being dumped. It had some gruesome effects, but a little weird.

The final segment has Cameron Mitchell as a policemen facing Satan. Great looking devil.

It was an interesting anthology except for the irritating Hanson-type band and their break dancing.
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An unusual train wreck of a movie
mwilson197620 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
God and Satan are aboard a train discussing the fate of three individuals, whilst a pop group make a music video and teenagers breakdance around them in this unusual horror anthology which re-edits footage from three other movies (1980's Cataclysm, Death Wish Club from 1983, and the unfinished 1981 effort Scream Your Head Off). Featuring terrible special effects (including some awful and unconvincing clay motion monsters), lots of bad dialogue, poor editing and numerous continuity errors, the end result of this train wreck of a movie feels like you have sat through a horror movie marathon with someone fast forwarding to all the best parts before moving on to the next story. At least it doesn't take itself seriously and tries to be fun. In the end credits, Satan is credited as being played by Lu Sifer and God by Himself (it's actually Tony Giorgio who appeared in The Godfather, and Ferdy Mayne from Fearless Vampire Killers and Where Eagles Dare).
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