Up in Smoke (1978) Poster


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Cheech and Chong will never get old
lee_eisenberg7 August 2005
Basically an excuse for Cheech and Chong to get into a series of marijuana adventures, "Up in Smoke" is a hoot from beginning to end. Pedro De Pacas (Cheech Marin) and Anthony "Man" Stoner (Tommy Chong) are a pair of slackers who wonder So Cal and Mexico looking for some weed, while the narcs look for any excuse to arrest them. There are some scenes that will probably make your eyes pop out, just due to the surprise factor. You just watch this sort of movie and think "The '70s...those were the good old days." Also, it was interesting seeing Strother Martin and Edie Adams as Chong's character's parents. Seeing as to how they were part of my grandparents' generation, I wouldn't expect to see them in a marijuana movie.
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surprisingly fresh
gregopego122 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
While Up in Smoke isn't one I can watch every time that it is on (why would I want to watch this one on T.V., anyway?), I own it, and watch it, at least, once a year.

It's amazing that a major studio would make such a risqué comedy. Surprisingly, most of the dope use in the movie is entirely "accidental"; in fact, our character's entire motivation for just about all that happens is that they are in constant search of dope that is always out of reach (so they think). While it looks dated, Cheech and Chong knew what makes a "slacker buddy comedy" work.

This may be the best "one note" comedy yet. Bevis and Butthead Do America was good, but the original series was better, and I have yet to see Harold and Kumar Go to Whitecastle. A good supporting cast makes a above average comedy, and this one has Strother Martin and Edie Adams who are probably in it for a priceless minute and a half. But, Officer Stedenko (Stacey Keach) and his bunch steal the show. And, I think, they use a reoccurring character from their albums--"Right On Washington" as a incompetent scam artist that "almost" gets away with his cons. Besides lacking gratuitous nudity (c'mon, admit it. what's a R-rated comedy without it?), this movie isn't loaded with memorable quotes like the movies that one can always watch no matter how many times they've seen it, but you can find them. "SHOOT THE MOON!" comes to mind "Ohhm, ohhm, ohhm, mellow, mellow. . .AHHHHGH!!!" is another one. "This looks like Peuruvian Flake." "fiberweed" "Harry, get over here!" "This is codename: HARDHEAD" "Bye, Lardass!" And the "battle of the band" song will get stuck in your head "da da da da da da DUNT DUNT DAAA!"
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The Definitive Cheech and Chong Film
gavin694229 April 2015
Two stoners unknowingly smuggle a van -- made entirely of marijuana -- from Mexico to Los Angeles, with incompetent Sgt. Stedenko on their trail.

Although Cheech and Chong made several films together, they will probably always be best remembered for this one, their first. There are so many moments that have since become a part of pop culture. The use of War's "Low Rider", the smoking of the Labrador... when watching it for the first time you might feel like you have seen it before.

Those into drug culture may appreciate the film more, but being a stoner is certainly not required to laugh at the antics of these two luckless losers.
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Another one of the funniest films of the 1970's
soranno10 November 2002
This 1979 Paramount release introduced the controversial radio comedians Richard "Cheech" Marin and Thomas Chong to the screen for the first of six major film teamings and cameos together in several other films. This first teaming is the best teaming. The duo portray stoners who travel together on a road trip down to Tijuana on a mission to pick up a fresh new drug supply. However, they're being pursued by frantic cops all the way. A cult spoof classic and a film that began a new kind of wacky film comedy.
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The OG Stoner Film
Nolamoviedude17 August 2018
The 1st half of this movie is laugh out loud hysterical but then the last 30 minutes are a complete bore. The 1st and best of the Cheech and Chong series of movies, stars Cheech as a poor Latino-American with nothing much going on other than his low rider car. Chong plays a privileged white hippie dude who doesn't want to do anything but get high. They meet when Chong is hitchhiking and Cheech picks him up. They end up smoking the largest joint that has ever been constructed! When they get pulled over for going 2 mph, the entire car is filled with smoke so thick that you could cut it with a knife.

There are a bunch of other funny scenes like when this girl snorts Ajax thinking it's cocaine or how their van's exterior is made completely of weed. The band stuff gets a little boring at the end but the movie as a whole still stands the test of time. Cheech's song "I'm just a Love Ma-cheen" will get stuck in your head.
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Hilarious moments, and yet...
NJtoTX19 July 2004
This movie starts out brilliant and has some of the funniest gags ever filmed. And yet I was dying for it to end and turned it off for days at a time.

Don't get me wrong, I love stoner characters and have a fond memory of those times. And don't get me started on the nonsensical and draconian "War on Drugs."

Ultimately, there are just too many long stretches of dumb dialog, pointless action, and missed opportunities.

It's a tough one to rate, but I'm being generous at 6/10, just for the sight of that police dog...
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Great movie. If you don't mind all the pot!
BizOne24 December 1998
Of all the Cheech & Chong movies made, I think this one, their first, was their best. There's no real story line you have to follow. The point of this movie was to make you laugh. No messages or extra drama. It's the kind of movie to just sit back and laugh at. I do realize that this movie is definitely not for everyone. Some parents might not want to let their children see it and some people may not want to watch it themselves. The movie features a lot of drugs and some drug use (In case you're not familiar with Cheech & Chong movies). However, if you're not offended by that, and you've never seen this movie before, you should check it out for a good laugh!
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Good stoner jokes
SnoopyStyle22 November 2014
Anthony Stoner (Tommy Chong) is an unemployed slacker who is his father's disappointment and threatened with military school. He drives off with his VW Beetle with the Rolls grill but his car breaks down. He is stranded until fellow weed smoker Pedro de Pacas (Cheech Marin) picks him up. Pedro is tripping on acid with his car parked on a traffic median. The cops arrest them. The guys get released when the judge is found to be drinking vodka. They visit Strawberry (Tom Skerritt) and barely escape the cops (Stacy Keach). Immigration comes to take Pedro's cousin and his wedding party to Mexico after he called them himself. His cousin just wanted a free ride to his wedding. The boys get deported as well. They stumble onto a secret weed factory and wrongly picks up a van constructed with weed.

This is filled with stoner jokes and some of them are hilarious. The guys are good together. I wish the movie is just the two guys hanging out together. The best scene is when the guys are out of their mind alone in their car. They don't actually need an outlandish plot. They really only need each other. The meandering plot is actually quite tiring. It's a downer to keep track of the story. I would think that their target audience shouldn't be asked to keep track of such a rambling mess. The movie devolves into a mess instead of simply having fun with the two guys.
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THE definitive stoner flick
sick_boy420xxx5 June 2001
First of the Cheech and Chong movies is probably the best overall, with the duo involved in a plot to drive a van constructed entirely of pot across the Mexican border into the US and featuring Cheech singing "Earache my Eye". Lots of laughs (especially for the "inspired" viewers), but definitely not for everyone. The whole movie revolves around drug use, so not a movie for young children, obviously. However, if you don't mind this, you'll probably laugh your you-know-what off.
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Trippin' Good
Tweetienator10 October 2021
Up in Smoke is the one Cheech and Chong movie you should know - dumb fun yes, but exquisite served and with the heart at the right place. Sadly, the quality of the sequels can't compete (in my opinion) with this one. Anyway, have a nice trip ;)
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Abbott & Costello do Acid...
Xstal12 September 2020
Go with it, take it all in, smile, exhale - then repeat. There are no perspectives, there's only fun and laughter, no winners or losers, no right or wrongs - just ups and downs, highs and lows. When its all over forget it, if you hadn't already: it never really happened - move on!
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Stoner Comedy Classic
beef_leprechaun4 November 2006
This is one of the greatest "stoner comedy" classics of all time. I rated this movie a 10 because it's current rating of 6.4 is an injustice to the comic genius duo that created it. It has it's weak moments but the overall strengths have influenced everything from "Dumb and Dumber" to "Half Baked" to "Harold & Kumar" ad infinitum. Cheech and Chong put their strongest stand up material on film and created a masterpiece of counter-culture satire that has yet to be surpassed. If you've never smoked weed, this movie probably isn't for you, though you still might find it humorous. This is a film for anyone who's been there and done that. It encapsulates a moment in modern Americana where drugs offer freedom and punk rock is the only redemption for alienated youths. These points are driven home with Abbot and Costello style absurdity and slapstick shenanigans as well as some very witty and inventive dialogue. I highly recommend this movie to anyone seeking drug related humor or a look into the mindset of young people in the late 70s.
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A stoned comedy...
paul_haakonsen1 January 2016
This 1978 comedy is a classic, and it is one of those comedies that will leave a fond, lasting memory. I even remember this movie from my childhood, watching it at my friend's home back somewhere in the 1980's.

Very little explanation is necessary for "Up in Smoke". The title fairly much is self-explanatory. Yes, it is a story about two potheads.

The comedy in the movie is good and thrown at you at all the right places. And there is a good ensemble of cast members, starting with Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong, of course, in the leading roles. But it was also great to see Tom Skerritt in that hilarious role, as well as Stacey Keach as the police detective.

There are so many hilarious situations and things going on throughout the entire movie, that it is just a great joy to watch the movie. And it can be watched more than once, as it does have that kind of contents to its storyline and characters.

"Up in Smoke" is a fun and entertaining movie, and if you enjoy comedy and has not already seen this 1978 movie, shame on you! It is a good movie and well-worth your time and money.
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Hey, Man!
ccthemovieman-19 September 2006
This was an appropriate movie for the 1970s where long hair, drugs, wild clothing, war protests and just all-around rebellion against authority was the cool thing to do, although that's been a part of society since Adam and Eve. In this film, we have the famous Hippie "brothers" of the era: Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong ("Cheech and Chong," as they were known back then) with a story strictly about getting stoned.

Actually, there are some very funny scenes in here, such as these two clowns smoking the huge, huge joint while driving down the road. Then, we see the car almost white with smoke and the two guys so stoned they don't realize they are parked. That, and a couple of other scenes were funny but overall it's predictable in the negative aspects: language (Strother Martin uses the Lord's name in vain four times in the opening minute of the film); sleazy sex and nudity (I think "gratuitous" is the word) and the general irreverence of the period ('60s and '70s "counterculture").

And...oh, yeah, the two boys finish every sentence with the word "man." Well, all I can say is the film had it's day, man, but is a bit dated by now, man!
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The Show
tedg6 February 2006
The counterculture was long dead and ripe for retrospective satire. Into the opportunity stepped two pro comics who after trying other things, built these characters. When comics work up a world for years and then brings it to a movie, it bodes well. Mike Myers would follow almost precisely this formula later with "Wayne's World."

The jokes are still pretty funny, many of them. Not the stuff with the flumoxxed cops or the folks who inadvertently get stoned (and get the munchies). But the bits of comic timing associated with the guys as if they were on stage.

Two bits to watch out for. One is two incidental women. The first has a scene only a minute long. A girl comes in, mistakes scouring powder for coke, snuffs it up and has the most comic facial expressions I have even seen on film. This is one of those priceless moments in film. I hope IMDb at some point figures out some means to vote on particular scenes. This girl would in life become an addict and a bag lady.

The second girl has a bigger role: Zane Buzby is one of the hippie stoner cheesecake babes that join the trip. She's got a less flashy role, but in ad libs created most of the situations in which she appears. She would go on to become one of TeeVee's most attuned comedy directors.

So you can see this as two stage personalities that are good, with these two women, who are also as good, surrounded by some disposable situations and jokes.

But there is another something interesting. The end of this comic show is a comic show within, the guys as a rock band in possibly the best Cheech and Chong sequence of all their movies. Everything from about 20 minutes into the film to this is a journey to this show, I suspect that "The Muppet Movie" of the following year was influenced by this.

Ted's Evaluation -- 3 of 3: Worth watching.
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Quite a funny piece
scobbah15 April 2004
Those bogus adventures of these two hippies are quite funny and relaxing to see, and it surely reminds me of summer days with nice music and just the vibe of being free. There is no famous actors here, just the purity of a good vibe with a good message despite the regular story of some evil guys being chased by those foolish cops.

It feels sort of sometimes that this movie is made by some hippies, since they don't really make it anti-marijuana propaganda but still they don't promote legalization, they just make fun of everything, cops, drugs, everything! I like it that way, more chilled and relaxed vibe please!

See this, it surely gave me a smile upon my lips anyways. I just got to see the other two movies in the trilogy to feel complete!
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djfrost-4678627 October 2018
I watched this alot growing up. The lines are funny. The scenes are fun. The whole movie is a classic most watch once in your life time movie.
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Great fun!
steffan-329 July 2002
This one of the movies I never get tired to see, it gets better for every time I see it. There are a lot of enjoyable characters, like Anthony Stoner, Strawberry, Harry, Stedenko, Jade East, The Ajax Lady and of course The Man and Pedro, you name it, the whole cast is excellent and there is great chemestry between the characters. There is also a great rhythm and great music in the movie. Sadly it`s seldom that this kind of movies are being made to day.
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Where it all began...
BlackJack_B3 October 2010
Richard "Cheech" Marin and Tommy Chong debuted their Mary-Jane fueled humor with Up In Smoke. While Reefer Madness was the first notable film to promote weed, it's this film that set the template for stoner films.

Not really much of a plot here: Pedro De Pacas (Marin) meets up with rich-kid Anthony "Man" Stoner (Chong) and find out they both like getting high. Their search for pot takes them all over Los Angeles and Tijuana in a wacky road-trip in a car unknowingly made out of grass.

On their trip, they have to deal with Sgt. Sedenko (Stacy Keach), an over-zealous police officer trying to clean L.A. of druggies.

The movie is filled with crazy situations: drug-filled parties, performances at a punk rock contest and a trip through a upholstery factory that is just a front for drug trafficking. Crazy people, the kind you would expect in a film like this, are everywhere.

Both Marin and Chong are very good in the film but Keach steals the show. He is an absolute hoot in this film and he comes off as the most interesting character in the film.

It's still very entertaining to this day as a curiosity piece. Check it out.

BTW, one of the ladies Pedro and Man picks up looks remarkably like Sharon Snow of NTV.
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You don't have to be a stoner to give this movie high praise
johno-213 May 2006
When this first came out in the theaters I passed on seeing it as it seemed like Cheech and Chong's time had come and went. I was a big fan of their comedy albums of the early and mid 70's but the movie version of their act would have been logical then but by 1978 it's time had past. Of those who did see this in the theater I couldn't get a proper read on a critical review since I could find no one who saw it in a theater that wasn't high when they went. A year or two after it came out it showed up on one of the cable movie channels and I was expecting a typical movie that takes a funny five minute skit and stretches it out to a painful non-funny 90 minutes. Director Lou Adler had never directed a movie before. He had produced the documentary rock film Monetery Pop and the cult classic Rocky Horror Picture Show and Robert Altman's quirky Brewster McCloud but he was Pop music entrepreneur as a music producer, publisher, manager and record company founder. He would only direct one other film which is too bad because with his industry connections and reputation and his natural feel for talent and getting the best out of talent being a director worked very well for him as with the help of Cheech and Chong he turned out a very very funny movie with Up in Smoke. The counter-culture stoner comedy duo take a simple theme for a story outline but the great comedic timing and sight gags and fast pacing and an their inventive approach at film making takes what should have been a low budget stoner comedy to the next level of lasting cinematic comedy. Like a Marx Brothers or WC Fields or Charlie Chaplin comedy this movie has lasting power to entertain generations. Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong star in the first of series of funny movies from the duo. A strong character cast includes Strother Martin, Stacy Keetch, Tom Skerritt and Edie Adams. Look for Gary Muledeer and Ellen Barkin too. This movie had such broad appeal that some of the most red neck, anti-counter-culture, anti-hippy/freak/doper people I have ever ever known loved it. I would give this a 9.0 out of 10.
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Cheech and Chong's Up in Smoke
jboothmillard23 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I first heard of and saw Cheech and Chong featured in the South Park Episode "Cherokee Hair Tampons", and then I heard about this 1001 Movies You See Before You Die recommended film. Basically slackers and getting nowhere musicians Pedro De Pacas (Richard 'Cheech' Marin) and Anthony 'Man' Stoner (Tommy Chong) happen to meet on a Californian highway, and instantly find a connection with their love of marijuana. They are pulled over by the cops, and end up deported to Mexico, but in court they are let off lightly by the Vodka drinking judge, and they start a road trip to go back home, and try to score some drugs along the way. This includes a trip to dealer Strawberry (Alien's Tom Skerritt), a little house party snorting some wash powder as cocaine, and the big hoot of the film, unintentionally steal a van made entirely of hardened weed. Along the way Pedro and Man pick up two women, who convince them that they should enter their band in a Battle of the Bands contest, and the final scene sees them win with a very high audience. Also starring Batman: Mask of the Phantasm's Stacy Keach as Sgt. Stedenko, Strother Martin as Arnold Stoner, Edie Adams as Mrs. Tempest Stoner, Ray Vitte as Bass Player James and Michael Caldwell as Guitar Player Duane. Cheech and Chong with their "man" catchphrase creating smiles and stoned foolishness are a great double act, Keach does make a good deranged cop, and there are some good songs in it. I will say, the film started hilariously, it then loses a tiny bit of steam, then it picks up with the "fiberweed" van, and the last few scenes are quite funny, so overall, it a most watchable cult comedy. Good!
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Road Trip to Nowhere
thesar-215 April 2018
Guess White Castle hadn't made it out West, yet.

Well, it only took me 40 years to see my first Cheech & Chong movie. I just thought: What the hell? Haven't seen one yet and they're definitely part of the film culture. Without seeing them together, I am familiar with Chong and his numerous arrests and Cheech from The Golden Palace and From Dusk Till Dawn. So much so, it was kinda hard to separate him from his three roles in one of my favorite vampire films.

Previously, I had avoided their films because, frankly, the leads looked so incredibly dirty and disgusting, like they haven't showered in weeks, if at all. In fairness, that stance hasn't changed, though it's more on the Chong side than Cheech. He looked fairly well kept up whereas Chong looks like you could smell him a mile away.

That all said, I actually had higher expectations from this as it's pretty much considered a comedic classic. True, I laughed out loud at many of the jokes but was let down by the enormous amounts of dead air and the even less time spent on the script.

Of course, this wasn't meant for a Screenplay win at the Oscars, nor am I the target demographic. But, it still can be chock-full of jokes and with less stretches of time with absolutely nothing happening of interest. I kept thinking back to The Blues Brothers just two years after this. Totally not my type of film and it took a ton of convincing on my part to finally see that a few years back. I literally couldn't stop laughing for long stretches of time and throughout. Here I was laughing and then waiting 10-15 minutes for something to happen and then a few chuckles and then another 10 minutes of patiently waiting to laugh again.

To describe the plot is pointless. Let's just say: aimless dudes meet, fall in friendship love and end up at a clichéd Battle of the Bands for...reasons. Well, it is established Pedro "Cheech" De Pacas is in a weird band, but the entire movie really is about trying to score drugs, getting chased by cops and driving. Lots and lots of driving. I think half the budget went to the gas station.

Perhaps I'm thinking too deep here, but I've seen my share of extremely funny and well-written stoner movies. Granted most of those are much more recent than this 40-year-old film. So, I guess I'll cut it some slack.


Final thoughts: Crossing this duo off my bucket list. While I, again, laughed pretty hard at some of the scenes, it was just enough to puff, puff, pass on their follow-up films.
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Cheech and Chong's Screen debut!
Captain_Couth17 August 2005
Up in Smoke (1978) was the comic team of Cheech and Chong's big screen debut. After selling a ton of albums during the early and mid-seventies, the duo finally got a chance to star in their own picture. Anthony "Man" Stoner (Tommy Chong) is a rich kid who's still living the hippie life and enjoys pot. Pedro De Pacas (Cheech Marin) is a kid from East L.A. who's into three things: gaudy car upholstery, rock music and finding smoke. This would be the first of several movies starring these two characters (or different variations of them).

Anthony Stoner leaves his rich parents house after a falling out over getting a job. His car breaks down near the ocean. But his savior arrives in the form of Pedro De Pacas. Pedro is cruising for girls when he meets Anthony. Th two strike up a friendship and the movie goes off in several different and bizarre directions. What kind of adventures do Anthony and Pedro get into? You'll just have to find out for yourself when you watch UP IN SMOKE.

A funny film that'll keep you laughing from beginning to end. Tommy Chong and Cheech Marin play the ultimate slackers. All they want to do is partying and smoke a lot of dope. This movie was followed by several sequels.

Highly recommended.
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I feel guilty for enjoying this MAN!!!
faraaj-113 June 2006
I would not like to praise a movie that encourages the use of drugs. I don't want to praise a movie that starts and ends with vulgar humour. But Up In Smoke is so bloody funny! There were several scenes that had me roaring with laughter.

There is absolutely no plot so please go ahead and ignore the plot summary you may have seen on IMDb. This film is about two stoners who say "Man" 250 times in the movie and whose sole aim in life is to get high.

This is the first and as I understand the best of the Cheech and Chong movies. At various moments while enjoying the film, I was reminded of This Is Spinal Tap and The Big Lebowski, both of which I'm sure got some inspiration from this movie.

You know, I wish I could bad-mouth the juvenile humour of this film but I really did find it funny against my better judgement.
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Far out man
Prismark106 January 2019
Up in Smoke is a 1970s stoner comedy and Cheech & Chong's best known film. It helps if you are stoned when you watch the movie.

Tommy Chong appropriately plays a character called Anthony Stoner. A slacker whose dad wants to send to military school if he does not get a job. Stoner drives off and meets Pedro de Pacas (Cheech Marin) another dope smoker.

Somehow they try to evade the arrests, get deported to Mexico and return back to the USA in a van entirely made out of marijuana as the cops try to to get hold of them.

The duo end up in a concert battle of the bands as their van starts to smoke its fumes in the venue.

There are some laughs, such as the stoned out sniffer dog on its back. It is too loosely structured and meandering to be absolutely spliffing.
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