The Clonus Horror (1979) Poster

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The intent was admirable; the execution was not.
bijin_chick3 April 2005
Like most other people, I saw this movie on "Mystery Science Theater 3000." Although it received some well-deserved barbs, it's one of the better films to be featured on that show.

The premise is better than even your average Hollywood blockbuster these days; it poses some interesting moral dilemmas. Although the score is sometimes obtrusive, it also provides a few lovely moments when Richard is walking by the river. Watching the movie, you can see where a lot of plot developments probably looked very good on paper. Richard's discomfort in modern society is an interesting problem to ponder, and the ending probably would have been a nice '70s-style mindfuck if the preceding affairs hadn't been so goofy.

Unfortunately, the movie is visibly cheap, making the flaws all the more obvious. The "clone farm" is very obviously a college campus, and a beer can serves as a major plot point. Lena and Richard have zero chemistry -- we are supposed to believe this is a meeting of kindred minds, but there doesn't seem to be a brain cell between them. The "cranky old couple" schtick also gets real old, real fast. There are also some mistakes that can be blamed on bad directorial choices, such as the decision to hold a climactic conversation out of reach of any audio equipment whatsoever.

In all, a noble effort, but is nonetheless best viewed on MST3K.
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NateW30 April 2000
The beginning of this movie had me doubting that it would be little more than a typical B sci-fi flick. But, as it progressed I began to get interested and I saw the whole thing through. The premise is interesting, original, and has the makings of making a classic. Alas, it instead ended up a mediocre movie, done in by the usual factors which turn a potentially good movie into a bad movie (bad acting, low budget etc.). I'm interested to see how this would turn out if it were remade with good actors and a big hollywood budget.
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Almost a good movie
wink_man011 April 2000
This is a great premise for a movie. The overall plot is very original,interesting, and something to think about. However poor production, an obviously small budget, crapy acting from the main character, and several side actors really detract from this would be classic. An up and coming producer should try to resurect this story and give this basicly half hearted atempt a proper release.
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one of my favorites
aerobie24 June 1999
I have seen this movie a bunch of times. I like the idea of a movie about a colony of clones being used for spare parts. The cloning and what it was used for make this a good Science Fiction movie. The innocence of the clones in contrast to what they are being used for is tragic. The story of what one of the clones does when he finds out this terrible secret kept me interested until the conclusion. Some of the characters are silly and strange but it never really gets in the way of the story.
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Good Producers Gone Bad
boblipton6 June 2020
All the young adults live in the sort of summer-camp existence that we have come to associate with the rich in 'evil future' movies. They seem naive and rather incurious, although there is talk about America. Then one of them finds an empty beer can in the river, and is sent to America, where he gradually comes to realize what the audience has known since it saw the title: he is a clone and all is not well.

It's a foolish and obvious sort of story, but I think the five guys, credited and uncredited, who produced this did a great job. It cost less than a million dollars to get in the can, and has some actual actors who charge actual money for their appearances in it: Peter Graves; Dick Sargent; and Keenan Wynn. True, none of them were hot commodities at the time, and I doubt any of them spent more than one day shooting their roles, but neither can I see any of them needing the work.

I'm sure it didn't put many extra patrons in the theater. I suspect the producers wanted these guys, talked them into it, and paid them their day rates, and everyone went home. The result is not particularly distinguished, but I didn't start watching this thinking it would be.
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When you want the lead character dead and he is the hero it is a bad sign.
Aaron13759 July 2005
This movie had an interesting enough plot about clones and organ usage, but it fails as the lead actor is so annoying and whiny you want him dead. Not that anyone else is very good in it either, but when you hate the character that is supposed to be garnering your sympathy the movie just fails to work. Funny enough, it looks like a movie is coming out in the near future that has a plot that mirrors this one with more action and a better cast, still though I won't be able to think of anything else, but this film if I were to watch it. This movie has a super dumb clone that is somehow smart enough to figure something is wrong with his camp where people bicycle at one mile per hour and wrestle for no reason. The counselors tell them that when they are ready they go to America, but our "hero" has his doubts so he snoops around and learns the awful truth which sends him on the run from the bad guys who shoot and hit the guy repeatedly. He goes on the look out for the man he was cloned from. Peter Graves is in it and so is Dick Seargent, but they add nothing to this movie which looks like something that was made for television. On the plus side though when "The Island" comes out the makers of this film can proudly say "we thought of it first".
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At least the premise was good.
PlotLuck14 September 1998
The premise of this film is the only thing worthwhile. It is very poorly made but the idea was clever, if not entirely original. It's a shame the other aspects of the film weren't better. The acting is especially bad.
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I didn't know clones were so dumb!
bat-512 March 2000
Parts: The Clonus Horror is a horror all right. There are of course the bad fashions of the late 70's. There's the really bad acting from Dick Sargent to Peter Graves. And then there's the clones themselves. Their days mostly consist of running, jumping, cycling, and wrestling with each other. When they're not doing that, they learn about America. Not the band America, or the song by Neil Diamond, but an America where they go on to become part of a greater society. But they're given some strange drug then they have all their bodily fluids drained(General Ripper was right!) and they are placed in the freezer and await Thanksgiving or Christmas when they will be thawed out and roasted at about 450 degrees or so. Oops, that's not what happens, but it would've been a lot more interesting than what's shown. Mario, of Super Mario Brothers fame, makes a delightful cameo as a doctor who bickers with Dick Sargent.
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It deserves better than the 3.4 IMDb rating
bensonmum27 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Clonus Horror is the story of a clone farm for the wealthy and powerful. At the farm, their clones are allowed to grow in a safe, controlled environment until needed for organ harvesting. The clones are kept ignorant of the world to be easier to handle and manipulate. However, one clone named Richard (Tim Donnelly) starts to question his world and his purpose in it. After Richard discovers what he really is, he escapes to find his donor and, in the process, triggers a cover- up that will end in multiple murders.

Had The Clonus Horror been made with a bigger budget and with bigger stars, it would probably be remembered more fondly today. As it is, it's an example of low-budget, 70s independent film making worth checking out. The story is interesting and compelling because it's the kind of thing you could actually imagine. With all the advancements in science, it's not that unthinkable. And just imagine being in Richard's shoes. For all practical purposes, he doesn't exist. How frightening would it be learn your whole life is a lie and your only reason for existing is to be killed when some guy needs a new kidney? Pretty horrific, if you ask me.

Tim Donnelly really does his best as Richard. Though he can be grating at times, his sense of wide-eyed cluelessness comes through. Keenan Wynn and Peter Graves are enjoyable in small supporting parts.

Michael Bay's The Island (which I've never seen) gets a bad rap for ripping-off Clonus. But many of the ideas in Clonus weren't all that new when it was made. There had been a number of movies made prior to Clonus that examined the possible misuse and ethical problems of cloning. One of my favorites is Coma. If you enjoy Clonus (or The Island), check out Coma.

I feel that Clonus has been unfairly rated merely because it appeared on Mystery Science Theater 3000. I'm a huge fan of MST3k, but I realize that not all the movies that appeared on the show were "bad". Clonus is one of those. It's not the best movie ever, but it gets a 6/10 from me.
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dolts: the clown-like stupor....
Mister-612 March 2001
It's a shame movies like this have to be made when there's such a demand for guitar picks in the world.

In "parts: the clonus horror" (title by e.e. cummings), people live in this spa-like environment where they have bike rides, races, wrestle with each other and wear feathered hair like there's no tomorrow. The guards watching over them wear really intimidating Adidas jogging suits and muffin hats until the people are deemed "ready" and are drugged, quick-frozen and prepared for their real duties: spare body parts for their original rich white guy blood donors.

They're clones, you see. Clones, "clonus" - get it?

Anyway, one clone (Donnelly) who has the IQ of pimento loaf, finds the truth and escapes his captors by running through a laboratory hallway, riding on top of an elevator, shimmying through a septic system, running through an open field and climbing up a big rock to find America - or a small representation of it.

Of course by doing this, he runs afoul of such obtuse white guys as Peter Graves (who should do a "Biography" on Pauly Shore after this fiasco) and Dick Sargent (Darren #2 on "Bewitched"). He befriends Keenan Wynn, though, and tries to get word of "clonus" to the outside world. Man, is it me or was Keenan Wynn featured in every other bad sci-fi/horror movie of the '70s? Halfway expected to see Roddy McDowell pop up any second.

In the end, it's all wrapped up in typical '70s anti-climactic fashion with downbeat nihilism and bad feelings all around. What a bummer. In retrospect, a lobotomy would make you the perfect candidate to watch this movie, let alone participate in it.

Mike and the robots make appropriate pot-shots at the '70s and every "profound" moment in this cinematic sack of peat moss. Nice job, guys.

One star only for "parts: the clonus horror"; eight for the MST3K version.

TIDBIT - beer cans are indigenous to river bed life.
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If you're going to see "The Island" (2005) see this first.
darkstrangers5 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this ages and ages ago, but found the concept very interesting. Yes, it is a low budget, and no, there are no big name stars, unless you count Peter Graves, Keenan Wynn, and Dick Sargent. I was reminded of this movie later when the former governor from Pennsylvania was able to secure a heart and liver donor very quickly. Conspiracy? Maybe.

Anyway, the action is rather slow, but the tension was there and concept had merit back then as well as now.

The hero, a young man living on an island, is being readied for his chance to go to America. As far as he knows, everyone lives like this. They are trained in keeping healthy, exercised all day, educated up to a certain point, etc. Then, one day, he finds an empty beer can in a stream. It has a word written on it that he does not recognize. "Milwaukee". He asks what it means and is told that it is just a nonsense word and told to forget about it. This is when he starts to get into trouble.

He starts noticing that things he is told by the supervisors and trainers don't add up and realizes that no one, not one of his friends or anyone else, has ever heard from anyone who was "lucky" enough to be transferred to America. They've always been told it is a wonderful place, everyone wants to go there. They suppose no one ever comes back to visit, or writes, because they're having too good a time in America.

He, of course, learns the awful truth, that he, and all of his companions on the island, are merely clones of wealthy and powerful people who run the world governments. They are being maintained on the island until the day they are needed to provide body parts to their originals.

Lots of running around and chasing ensues. And eventually the young man meets with his pre-ordained unhappy fate. ;-( sniff. So sad. And so insidiously scary. I believe this movie has now been remade into "The Island" with Ewan McGregor. I have not seen that one yet to compare. If you have, you might want to rent this one just to check it out.
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Yep, The Island isn't that original.
Nightman8516 January 2006
This low budget thriller is a pretty decent B movie with a great original premise.

The government has been running a clone farm for many years and now one of the clones has escaped into the outside world.

A clever premise, some solid direction, and a good cast help to make this film a pretty compelling sci-fi thriller. The Clonus Horror is an effectively chilling film that examines the theme of what it is to be human and just how the advance of science can ultimately turn to a violation of human life. The direction of Robert Fiveson is well-done, as he creates some nicely nightmarish sequences to give this film a creepy edge, as though the subject matter of the movie alone isn't unsettling enough. There's also some gruesome scenes as well. Kudos also go to a stirring, operatic music score.

The cast delivers good on their performances and features some great veteran actors like Dick Sargent, Peter Graves, and Keenan Wynn.

While The Clonus Horror may not have the big budget of The Island, it's as equally thought-provoking and disturbing. Worth seeking out, especially for film buffs.

*** out of ****
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Likeable enough...
Gislef28 December 1998 a TV-movie 70's kind of way. It's one of those movies that show up in the wee hours, but rarely because more modern late-hour schlock movies bump it off. It has likeable performances by Graves and Wynn. Generally, it's just a harmless little piece of nothing that doesn't offend too badly. Nothing good, a lot that's mediocre.
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Actually, a fairly good movie.
Mike Sh.11 August 2000
"parts: the clonus horror" (the title uses only lower-case letters) stars Tim Donnelly as The Guy Who Played "Chet" in "Emergency", Dick Sargent as The Second Guy Who Played Darrin in "Bewitched", Paulette Breen as The Girl Who Kept Her Nose to the Grindstone, Kenan Wynn as The Grouchy Guy with the Really Really Big Scratchy Voice, and, of course, Peter "Biography" Graves.

With a cast like that, how can you fail?

Actually, although MST3K made this movie the butt of one of their funniest episodes (and make no mistake, their riffing on this movie was hilarious), I really can't say this film is that bad. The plot was interesting, with a fair number of twists and turns, and premise was fairly novel, and the acting was pretty good. (Could anyone look more completely bummed out than Emergency's Chet did throughout this movie?) The clones' vapid stupidity is consistent with the plotline, and Peter Graves projects just the right kind of blandness that you just know covers up a whole lot of evil underneath.

One thing bothers me, though; who was that really creepy looking guy with the eyepatch who appeared toward the end of the movie?
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Strange Milwaukee's Best ad
InzyWimzy13 April 2011
After several viewings of Clonus, this movie is not as bad as I had first thought. Sure, Robert Fiveson didn't have a huge budget, but the story definitely holds an interesting premise especially with scientific advancements today. You know there are some labcoats who've toyed with this notion before. Clonus is not recommended for those heavily reliant on Prozac. An extra plus for the dark undertone throughout this film.

Clonus has its B grade charm: you get to see L.A., um I mean, *AMERICA* in the late 70s. There's the whole mind control effect and punishment for refusing to conform. Hey, that's the Enterprise red alert sound when Richard's running through the hallways! He really should have just called Jack Tripper to help him out or hide out at the Regal Beagle. Dick Sargent is at his ominous best and is only upstaged by the short, yet effective cameo by the late Peter Graves.

Only you can prevent crotch fires.
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Great plot... But the acting made me plotz.
HappyPepper5 July 2005
The movie was actually not THAT bad, especially plot-wise, but the doughy (and hairy!) actor they chose for the leading role was a little chintzy in the acting department. I would have chosen someone else. The idea of "going to America" was very ingenious, and the main character questioning everything that he'd ever known made him somewhat likable, but not very much so when there's a pasty blob for a leading actor.

The storyline was interesting. It brings about the question of how the subject of cloning will be handled in the future. Certainly cloning wouldn't be allowed for the purposes in the movie, but it's still a valid argument even for today. Clones ARE still people... right?

The movie wasn't particularly special, but it still is a lot better than some of the cheese released during the 70s. Let us not forget the "Giant Spider Invasion." I give it a 4, since it didn't TOTALLY stink, but the MST3K version makes this movie a 10. (I still like Dr. Super Mario!) You'll like this movie, but it won't be your favorite.
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Now remade as The Island!
tburnett-227 July 2005
I have never seen this movie on its own, but like many others who have already commented, I saw it as an episode of MST3K. Really terrible 70s television schlock. But someone saw its potential because it's just been turned into a $125 million flop called The Island.

And to the person who asked whether there were ANY good movies made in the 70s, I want to remind her that it was a golden age for American film with directors like Robert Altman and Martin Scorcese first coming into their own. Not to mention little things like Star Wars (1977). Just a reminder that the 70s were far more creative than the 21st century has been so far.
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Clonus, California: population, clones, some scientists, drugs, and, of course, the crew of the SOL. **spoilers**
Hancock_the_Superb28 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a mediocre, low-budget flick. I've seen much worse on MST3K, let me assure you, but this is still a pretty crappy film.

The film is about Clonus, a top-secret government facility in which clones are used to give organs to politicians. It's an almost Orwellian society, actually: almost (but not quite) effective.

The film starts to roll downhill when the head clone (Tim Connely of `Emergency' fame) falls in love with a female clone (Paulette Breen, who appeared in this and at most four other films {and this was not her first film}). They begin to suspect something. After finding a beer can in the nearby river, the plot starts to unravel. The clone receives no answers from either the head scientist (Dick Sargent from `Bewitched') or the `Confessional', a computer which supposedly knows everything, so he breaks into the main Clonus building and (in a scene hilariously destroyed by Mike and the Bots) finds out the truth (including a clone video which, eerily, shows the exact same method that was used to clone Dolly five years ago . .. and this film was made over twenty years ago . . .) about Clonus. He breaks free, pursued by two guards. He has one hell of a time breaking through the two-foot high fences, though he has a considerably harder time climbing up some boulders. From there it continues to slide. Also appearing are Peter Graves (`Beginning of the End', `It Conquered The World') as the Presidential candidate and Keenan Wynn (`Dr. Strangelove', `Piranha', `Once Upon A Time In The West') and Lurleen Tuttle (`Ma Barker's Killer Brood', `Psycho') as the elderly couple who help Clony after he escapes.

The MST3K version was priceless; one of the best episodes ever.

Four stars for the film;10 for the MST3K version.
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This movie was used for MST3K
bridettz12 September 2006
The only reason I'm even giving this movie a 4 is because it was made in to an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000. The horrible direction is only slightly overshadowed by the characters complete inability to act. The lead is an actor i have never seen in anything else and it shows. No chemistry with the love interest and so bland you almost don't care what happens to him. Dick Sargent was not convincing as a villain least of all this guy was suppose to be super evil...he was more annoying then anything. Peter Graves was the only person the movie that wasn't awful, his part was small and even he couldn't compensate for his co-stars lack of talent. In 2004 someone tried to make this mess all over again it was called The Island...I personally didn't see that movie but from what i understand its the same movie. If you want to laugh at this movie get the MST3k episode its really funny...full of bewitched and biography references it makes this movie finally watchable
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Pretty good despite it's limitations.
vonnoosh9 August 2017
This movie has the feel of a pre "The Brood" era David Cronenberg film and I honestly prefer this over Rabid or Fast Company (I can't include the one with the parasites that turns an apartment complex into sex maniacs. That premise is too funny to not enjoy).

Clonus Horror also known as Parts is a decent low budget horror movie. The horror is more plot driven. The story centers around Richard a clone who lived his entire life on a clone farm with hundreds of others but because his mind is more developed than others, he is able to comprehend that something is not right about the place. He begins to ask questions. The authorities decide to deal with him but before they can, he learns the purpose of his existence and the fate of all the others who were supposed to go to America which is an Utopian concept. But Richard escapes to America and he tries to convince the person he is the clone of to help stop "Clonus" the clone farm.

Many no doubt, like me, were introduced to this by the MST3K episode where they riffed this movie. That version of the movie cuts out the most disturbing scenes completely. Add them in, and the movie is effective in the horror sense.

A lot of people rip the acting and there is some poor performances but many of the characters are near vegetable clones too and they do come across as such so the acting works. Richard is confused and scared and Tim Donnelly portrayed that well. The supporting cast has a mix of mid level stars and TV actors given a shot to appear in a feature film.

This is a low budget movie and the limitations that brings are apparent but despite the handicap, this movie comes across better in this category (low budget sci fi/horror). Pacing is a little of an issue in my view and that's a common problem with these types of movies. Many today, will find it very slow, but a lot movies in the 70's or earlier were much like this and it was common for the time, especially on the lower budget films.

I do recommend this if you are a fan of sci fi/horror films of this era.
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The Worst Bewitched Episode I've Ever Seen!
Buzz Vinard11 March 2002
This "Bewitched" movie was really bad! Dick Sargent reprised his role as Dr. "Darrin" Jameson (Stevens), but was the only original cast member to return for this sad reunion flick. Not only that, but he spent the entire movie working on an advertising campaign for a cloning colony, which he never completed! Peter Graves made a passable Mr. Tate, and I guess Lurene Tuttle was an OK Mrs. Cravitz, though she wasn't quite as nosy as her TV counterpart. But who was Paulette Breen supposed to be? Samantha? Serena? I just don't know!

There was more death and dismemberment in this movie than in the typical "Bewitched" episode, so I can't say it's for the kids, or that it will be running on 'Nick at Nite' any time soon. Thank goodness innocent little Tabitha was nowhere in sight! (Unless Paulette Breen was really Tabitha grown up...oh no!)

This movie sure could have used a heavy dose of that wacky Paul Lynde as Uncle Arthur! It sure would have been a lot funnier!

Oh, well. Since just about the entire original "Bewitched" cast is now dead, I suppose a reunion movie would be pretty lifeless (ha-ha, get it?), so it's "Parts: the Bewitched Clonus Horror" or nothing for us "Bewitched" fans.
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Hey this was actually really good
the_Poppuns24 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Curosity got me and I decided to check this out after hearing what a ripoff 'The Island' had been of this movie. And yeah it definitely was, but this was actually better. A lot better. I think most of the people who recognized the repeated plot had seen this as a Mystery Science Theater episode, but I don't get why. This movie wasn't remotely as bad as I thought it would have to be to end up on that show.

Comparing the two movies, this one made more sense. I guess there was some pretty cheesy acting but that was probably because of whatever budget they had at the time. So if you took the actors from 'The Island' and transplanted them into 'Parts: the Clonus Horror', you'd have a masterpiece. I do love Peter "hot legs" Graves in this though. :o) I thought the fact that they weren't raised in a clinical setting but a resort type place made much more sense and that they were actually made to be retarded instead of just plain dumb also explained how they could get away with what they were doing. The only problem was that the scientific stuff was handled the way it always was back in the day, green goop and fake machines that go "ping".

I think if you double feature this movie with 'Logan's Run', you get the entertaining movie watching experience you missed out on with that other movie.
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Pretty good low budget sci-fi movie!
gsh9999 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The movie deals with the topic of cloning humans for the purpose of harvesting organs for transplant. Rich and powerful people set up a laboratory where people are raised like cattle. They are merely a life support system for their vital organs. An interesting premise and easily believable. The clones are kept ignorant of their purpose in life and many are lobotomized if they become a problem.

I think the director did a really good job with a low budget. I think this movie was ridiculed because of the insipid dialogue of the clones. But the clones were supposed to sound stupid because most of them were LOBOTOMIZED! Overall, the movie was surreal. Not a lot of special effects but they are not needed. The real scary part about this movie is that it is entirely possible that this could happen.

There are some good actors in this one including Keenan Wynn, Peter Graves, and Dick Sargent.

TAKE A LOOK and don't believe the low ratings. It's not a great movie but both my girlfriend and I enjoyed it a lot. 7/10
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Exquisitely bad
ajmtd1 February 2002
The plot is silly, the script is incoherent. The director has compiled a montage of what must be the worst takes of each scene. The line readings are syncopated. It's a complete mess. It is breathtaking to see something this perfect.
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B Cult Movie
Hazekel27 July 2005
The average 2.1 rating tells me that most of the people who rated this movie have only seen the Mystery Science Theater version. True, it was a poorly executed low budget 70s horror film but it had a good plot; good enough to be remade as THE ISLAND (2005).

As a 70s horror flick it is obviously violent and cheesy, but the unique plot, involving a secret clone factory, by itself keeps one's interest. In better hands it could have been a good movie, and THE ISLAND is, in fact, a good uncredited remake of this one. Consequently, the movie has historical interest, particularly considering that cloning as a reality was still many decades off back then.

The directing is obviously mediocre. The violence was designed for shock (although it is still tame compared to a Tarantino movie or even a lot of mainstream action or horror flicks of this generation). I cannot openly recommend the movie but do deny that it belongs in the "so bad its good" category. It is, perhaps, more of a guilty pleasure inasmuch as no one wants to admit liking the movie, but I can think of many many movies (including a list of theatrical releases from this year) which are far worse.

It is not something you can expect to keep in your home video library but it is a unique 70s horror flick that was the "inspiration" for THE ISLAND. It give it 6 out of 10 because of the story and ingenuity, otherwise it would have gotten a 5 at best.
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