Mardi Gras Massacre (1978) Poster

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The director was no stranger to gross incompetence, but I still like this.
Bloomer30 January 2007
From the perspective of yet another guy who's trying to see all the 'official' video nasties - namely me - Mardi Gras Massacre passed the litmus test. It offers another dose of the very particular atmosphere unique to a lot of no-to-low budget shock horror films from the seventies and early eighties, in this case involving one crazy devotee of a Mexican death goddess who ritually sacrifices (disembowels) a series of prostitutes in New Orleans pre- Mardi Gras. While I was satisfied in a broad sense, I can't stress enough that Mardi Gras Massacre is an extremely incompetent film, both hilariously and tediously so. It's riddled with the kind of woeful technical blunders I thought had ceased to be with the underground exploitation flicks of the sixties and early seventies. I'm talking about tons of non-featured actors clearly reading their lines from cue cards held just off camera. I'm talking about actors not being given another take even after they've fluffed multiple lines of dialogue. I'm talking about the kind of continuity screw-ups in which a person can be standing, then sitting, then standing again in consecutive shots. During an arguably important chase scene of the villain by the cops, the actor playing the villain is curiously absent. A series of long shots of scenery and of anonymously driven cars appear to be intended to cover up this omission. (Maybe the guy wasn't paid to stay on the set that long?)

Technically, it is all that bad, but of course there's content to entertain. There's real New Orleans scenery, lots of crass discoey glitz, badly amusing dialogue ("I hear you're the most evil woman in this room,") a cheesefest love montage between a cop and his newly beloved prostitute, and several cheap but plenty splattery disembowelment murders. The killings are all executed identically in editing and FX, which is a curiosity for this genre, as well as just something which kind of sucks. But I did find effective the grizzly synth score associated with the bad guy and used during the lead up to each of the sacrifice scenes.

All in all, Mardi Gras Massacre is another dire triumph for lurid, bad-bad horror.
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Amateurish video nasty with a good quota of laughs
Red-Barracuda7 July 2007
Yet another video nasty. Yet another laugh-riot. Before I actually saw many of the films on the DPP list, I, somewhat misguidedly, thought that they would be shameless atrocities full of shocking violence and depravity. I know better now. A significant number of them are unintentional comedies. And Mardi Gras Massacre is a perfect example.

The story concerns a madman who picks up prostitutes and ritually slaughters them in his bachelor pad. He's pursued by a couple of hopeless cops. The Mardi Gras goes on in the background.

This film is spectacularly badly made. The acting and especially the exposition scenes are of a pornographic standard. Although, the killer, played by an English bloke, is very very amusing. He is fond of overly dramatic pauses, such as 'are you......................evil?'. The dialogue in the movie in general is atrocious in a gloriously stupid way. In fact, so is the editing. Scenes cut into each other suddenly and jarringly but, again, this only adds to the fun. As does the music. It varies from the type of music you would expect to hear in a porno, funky disco, avant-garde noise and the bass-heavy proto-house that accompanies the murders. In other words technically and artistically, this film is a mess, albeit enjoyably so.

The murder scenes are all identical. They're not particularly convincing but nevertheless crude and sleazy; pretty obvious video nasty material. And the aforementioned music that accompanies them is, in fairness, pretty much effective. Less effective but brilliantly rubbish is the love-montage scene where our detective and prozzie stroll around New Orleans - it's an utter cheese-fest of the first order. The cops in these kind of movies are usually pretty ineffective - let's face it, if they did their jobs properly we wouldn't have much of a movie - however, the police in Mardi Gras Massacre are biscuit-taking in their ineptitude. They are absolutely hopeless.

A similar thing could be said of this movie but I'm not going to because I found it way too enjoyable. This is proper Z-Grade film-making. They really don't make them like this any more. There was a peculiar type of slightly out-of-order sleazy-violent horror film that was made in the 70's and early 80's. And this is a good example. It's terrible but good. If you like unintentionally funny bad movies with a dash of sleazy violence then really I have to recommend this to you; to do otherwise would be.................evil.
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No budget or no creativity?
insomniac_rod19 August 2006
Not exactly a straight slasher as many believe but it's surely as cheesy, and unintentionally funny as any slasher from the 80's.

"Mardi Gras Massacre" could be considered as a toned down exploitation low budget. The plot asks for brutality, violence, sleaze but the truth is that the execution of the idea isn't as half as good as it should. Poor New Orleans, really. Not because of the recent tragedies, but, because this movie has generated a bad fame for the Mardi Gras celebration. Of course, only among in the Horror movies world.

The ritual method is repeated in all the death scenes. So we don't get originality or probably there wasn't enough budget to at least create three different gore scenes. It's okay but even ultra low budget slashers have at least two different killing methods! Anyways, "Mardi Gras Massacre" has generated some kind of cult over the years but sincerely, this isn't a must see. The movie should only be watched by b-movie lovers or morbid fans of low budget cheese and sleaze!
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Cheezy splatter-trash supreme!
one4now422 February 2005
Man, this is one dumb, idiotic movie with excessive sex and violence and no redeeming values whatsoever... Great! This blast is a treasure for schlock-lovers, as a mad priest who worships the evil entity of Quetzacoatl (which I have INDEFINITELY misspelled and can't pronounce for the life of me... then again, did they pronounce it right in this movie?). He gets down on the town, looking for prostitutes with reputations for being... "evil". (Ha ha, couldn't resist.) As the crappy spaced-out disco music soars, he torments and guts the fully nude ladies. Such ugly trash, and funnier than hell. The acting, the dialogue, the gore, the music, the dumbass characters (especially the cops)... A laugh riot, all in all! Recommended, fer shore!
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Sleazy trash
Tikkin10 June 2006
As much as I think this film is a pile of crap, there's 'something' about it that I like. I think it's the grainy, dirty feel to it, which isn't something many horror films have. This cannot save it though, because whichever way you look at it, it gets rather tedious after the first few deaths. Don't get me wrong - they are quite bloody in a Herschell Gordon Lewis kind of way. I even thought the weird sounds that are played when the killings occur added to the grainy atmosphere. It's just that you get sick of seeing the same thing over and over. Also there's too much tedious bumbling from the police and a dull sub-plot. I thought the ending was rather cool though, when he drives the car into the water and all they find is his mask. Mind you most people would have fallen asleep by this point.

Overall I would say Mardi Gras Massacre is worth the once over if you're a horror completist - just don't expect too much!
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It doesn't get any worse than this movie.
Blamo1124 May 2000
I don't usually go out of my way to put down a film, but it surprised me when I saw that this one got an average of 3.5 stars. Don't be led astray, this movie is not worth any amount of money you might pay for it.

Unless you are looking for a movie with super cheesy lines, bad acting and sadistic, gory torture/murder scenes don't rent this movie.

I rented this movie once. Soon afterwards I lost my job because I forgot to go, got dumped by my girlfriend because I forgot her name, my dog died because I forgot to feed her and my family disowned me as an act of mercy. This is how much stupider I became after watching this movie. Please, take me as an example and save yourself. Thank you for your time.
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Banned Video Nasty - How, Why?????
skanners9 March 2004
This film was banned during the witch hunt of the early 80's, my only question is why??? The only redeeming feature of this pile of steaming dung are the eponymous murders which aren't that bad considering that the budget for the whole film must have been approaching the $12 mark. All 3 murders shown are filmed and scripted exactly the same. The acting is woeful and the sound, editing and directing are nothing short of abysmal. Having said that though there does seem to be a strange attraction about this film but I'm afraid that this attraction is only of the 'Sooooooo Bad its good' variety!! If you want to watch a film that stirs the intellect leave well alone, if you want to see an example of how not to do it then this is the film for you. 1/2* out of *****
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Would you like some wine with this cheese?
lastliberal18 April 2009
Remember the video nasty called Blood Feast. it was banned in Britain, and finally let in in 2005. This film is a cheesy remake of the Herschell Gordon Lewis classic. It was banned and never let in.

Instead of an Egyptian goddess, this guy here (William Metzo) is making sacrifices to some Aztec goddess. He takes a prostitute (Laura Misch Owens) home, oils her up, and performs his ritual, which includes removing her heart.

The cop (Curt Dawson) is too busy getting prostitutes (Gwen Arment) in bed himself to solve the crime. I really don't get this police sergeant strolling though the city with his arm around the prostitute. While he is in bed, another girl gives her heart to the slasher. This doesn't make the police chief too happy as Mardi Gras is about to start and they need to get Jaws out of the water. Sorry, wrong film.

Cheesy dialog, hairy men in wife-beaters, incompetent cops, and a score that belongs in a porno film: all the elements of a good grade Z grindhouse film.
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70s exploitation
IPreferEvidence22 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A Sleazy badly acted exploitation slasher about a killer performing human sacrifices to his Aztec god.

The killer lures prostitutes into his apartment and after tying them to a table and oiling them he removes their hearts from their chests. Mildly enjoyable, for the first time but oh boy we're gonna see the same procedure over and over again. Acting is terribly special effects are tolerable but what makes it so bad is how poorly its scripted and edited. Its booooring. No amount of naked women getting butchered is going to make it feel anything but dull.

Only for the hardcore sleaze and exploitation fan or if you're a slasher fan and have already seen everything else.

Oh yeah it would probably be good to mention that this is a Video Nasty so any nasty completionist (like myself)is unfortunately going to have to bare though this.
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Lots to see...unless you want intelligence.
haildevilman13 May 2007
I almost admire this.

It KNEW it stunk from the git-go. So they piled everything they could think of into the film so we wouldn't realize it. They almost got away with it. Almost.

Witch Doctor/Lunatic kills people during Mardi Gras. Mystery and terror ensue. In that order.

The Mardi Gras setting gave it excuses to show all types of weirdness. This is the films' success. Hot women, bikers, street performers making asses of themselves, it's a grindhouse fan's feast.

The mystery itself was bare bones, the extras made it watchable. All one did was predict the next one to get pierced.

Worth a look just for the party scenes...and the women.
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Breaking one of the most fundamental laws
skullrot122 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the few movies that left me completely unsatisfied in every way. Not only does it have one of the worst endings in history but it also breaks one of the fundamental rules of horror (i.e never use the same method of death twice). This film contains, for all intents and purposes, only one murder repeated THREE TIMES!! The first time is all well and good but once the repetition started I lost interest real quick. The only thing for me which kept the film interesting was the complete incompetence of the police in catching a killer who finds his victims in clubs by asking anyone who crosses his path if they know any 'really evil' women (slightly suspect to say the least). His flagrant over-use of the word 'evil' is both comical and annoying in equal measure, especially since the women he ends up with are far from it. And how do the police trace this 'Lurch' like character who sticks out like a sore thumb (dressed in a three-piece suit in a night club and flashing money to all) and who could not possibly be mistaken for anyone else? Not by his face, voice, obvious wealth or general demeanour. Not by the scores of people he spoke to or those who actually hooked him up with the victims. They trace him through the flimsiest, luckiest of leads when a Chinese delivery boy they speak to, purely on the off-chance recognises a f**king ring. Hilarious in completely the wrong way. The hilarity coming not from the film but by the thought that someone actually conceived this piece of crap. A mind numbing experience and a waste of good time.
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Enjoyable chunk of low-grade 70's horror junk
Woodyanders28 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A deranged killer cultist (woodenly played by William Metzo) picks up hookers in New Orleans and sacrifices them to an Aztec god by pulling out their hearts. Man, does this gloriously ghastly cinematic abomination possess all right wrong stuff to qualify as a real four-star schlockfest: hilariously horrible acting from a lame no-name cast (Gwen Arment cops the top thespic dishonors for her wince-worthy turn as jaded streetwalker Sherry), hopelessly all-thumbs (mis)direction by Jack Weis (who also wrote the wafer-thin script), tacky gore, a plodding pace, slipshod editing, crude cinematography, a complete dearth of tension and creepy atmosphere, and plenty of needless filler in between the killings all add up to create one of the single most spectacularly shoddy celluloid stinkers to ever ooze its lurid way across the big screen. Foxy brunette "Playboy" Playmate Laura Misch Owens, who was almost invariably cast as whores in the handful of movies she popped up in, appears here as -- big surprise! -- evil prostitute first victim Shirley Anderson. The tasty abundant gratuitous female nudity and seamy Big Easy red light district milieu keep things nice'n'sleazy throughout. The get-down groovy disco soundtrack hits the funky-throbbing spot. A total cruddy riot.
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So sleazy and bad it really needs to be seen.
HumanoidOfFlesh23 October 2008
"Mardi Gras Massacre" is a sleazy trash with misogynistic murders and tons of hilarity.It surely is one of the most unintentionally amusing experiences one can have.New Orlean is a dangerous city.There is a killer on the loose.The butcher of strippers and hookers.He is looking for evil women.He narrows his eyes and says to his female victims "I am looking...for someone...Evil!" then asks "Are you evil?".This gentleman killer,who orders Chinese Food delivery for one of his sacrificial lambs,has an Aztec fetish,so he wants to tie naked ladies to an altar and sacrifice them to some bloodthirsty Aztec god."Mardi Gras Massacre" delivers tons of full-frontal nudity,sleaze and a bit of nasty gore.There's also an incredibly poorly acted subplot surrounding the cop investigating these ritualistic murders falling in love with one of the hookers.The funniest thing is that "Mardi Gras Massacre" was classified as a video nasty.7 out of 10.
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I Watched It So You Won't Have To
Steve_Nyland15 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I mean, you can, if you insist. Hell I had to buy the damn thing, to know it was on my shelf as a physical unit. To say "I have "Mardis Gras Massacre" uncut on DVD", paid the right price for it (less than $15*) and yeah. I wish it was the VHS, but now I don't have to go through all the rigamarole to find one that is in decent playback condition enough to rip a copy onto my phone. Which is where movies like this belong. In some scummy gutter like venue where men watch shamefully as stacked 70s movie babes are suggestively stripped nude, oiled, shackled to a table and eviscerated for the entertainment of jaded minds. What other reason is there to see it? And if you're going to go along with it that far you might as well own your own copy, and in the most degrading format possible. Which these days means on a phone so you can take it anywhere, gleefully sneaking some sleaze in private, at convenience, and with no one else observing how you consume it.

Rest assured I watched the damn thing with my clothes on sitting up at my desk and found the proceedings to be about as erotic as getting fresh squid at the Korean market up on Avondale Place. The nudity is all depicted in static long shots, the closeups of the Hero Torso which the guts are cut out of laboriously fake in appearance. If anything the Code Red DVD picture quality hammers home the fact that one is watching cheaply made depraved prurient junk. The women are attractive enough, but so what? If you can't see them. The movie is a pale drab exercise in applied sleaze and a working demonstration of how even the most artless and inept among us can likely squeeze out a gory low budget horror film if they put their minds to it. The filmmakers did it purely for the money with no delusion of art, artifice of reality, imagination. Or even the honest filthmongering of your basic Grand Guginol showpiece with freaks biting off chicken heads and turning into gorilla women. The fascination for me to see it an extension of a morbid interest in the DPP "Video Nasty" list, wanting to see what the furor was about, why this or that title ended up "banned" from kids who were looking for a cheap rental night thrill. Or vicarious sex criminal wishing to see his most base of fantasies played out, since he doesn't have the stomach to go through with it himself. I bet Mary Whitehouse sold more movies than any other hustler of horror schlock dreck just by being herself. Hell that's why I bought it.

The movie sucks and is awful on so many different levels, but has a kind of mindless attention to duty which is still somewhat admirable. The women all walk through the proceedings like they are waiting in a dentist's office, and the inept handling of the shock sequences deadens whatever juxtaposition of prurient fascination which make other gore-shockers border on the pornography department. This does too, but only in the sense that porn is a cheat and this stupid little movie cheats at every chance it gets to try and escape being anything less than a base voyeuristic fantasy for sick twisted minds who wish pain & suffering on their fellow human creatures.

So in that sense score one up for being able to lambast the thing for being stupid, predictable, drecky and unrewarding. Adventuresome and challenging horror thrillers are given distinction by having crap like this available to be better than, and yes even stupid "Drive-In Massacre" is better than "Madi Gras Massacre". At least that movie gave us a couple of characters to observe. Here it's just gutting mannequin dolls with strange disco music playing. Watch it if you feel the need but you're not missing anything by looking for something else. It's no "Psycho Puppet", that's for sure. There's nothing in this movie that you haven't already seen done by those who had genuine talent and vision for morbid phantasmagorical cinema shows. This one has the imagination of last season's shriveled brown iris bulbs. The taste of a warmed up leftover TV dinner. And the fun factor of a soggy sandwich bag. You can do better.
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epic grindhouse sleaze
EyeAskance12 July 2003
flavorless performances..."exHOTic" dancers...a deranged madman...bondage...torture...grrrl-fights...bumblesome cops...a "falling-in-love" evil Aztec goddess...a cheezy bachelor pad with a sacrificial altar...disco...a repeat of that disemboweling we saw earlier...scheming hookers...dope pushing pimps...street scenes where passers-by stare blankly at the camera, unaware that they are unpaid and uncredited extras in a bottom-of-the-barrel celluloid bowel movement...

Thank you, Mr. Jack Weis. I'm going to name a pet after you one day.

This sort-of-remake of H. G. Lewis' BLOOD FEAST is an all-time anti-classic, and not to be missed. Ten filthy stars...that's one star for every dollar spent on making it. Now you just run along and get yourself a copy, 'cause you KNOW you can't have mine.
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The music!!!!!!!!
Maciste_Brother9 April 2008
MARDI GRAS MASSACRE is a typically bad low budget horror film made in the late 1970s. It's about this kooky guy who likes to sacrifice women in some sort of ritualistic fashion for god knows what. The film is extremely repetitive as the women are seduced or hired by the killer, brought to his place and strapped to an altar of sorts and killed. Repeat that 4 or 5 times, the same angles, the same dialogue and it's enough to drive anyone crazy.

But if that wasn't enough to drive anyone crazy, the music would sure do it.

The disco music or score is insane. Oh my! It just didn't stop. It was like disco musak gone mad. Honestly, it's the most invasive soundtrack I've ever heard! It was so omnipresent that I couldn't stop laughing at it or the movie. It's not the Mardi Gras Massacre but more like the EAR BLEEDING DISCO MUSIC MASSACRE.

HG Lewis made better (well better is not the word but you get what I mean...) gore films than this. He knew not to clobber the audience with an annoying soundtrack. Just with bad acting and stagey sets. Arf.

BTW the massacre of those women occurred well before the Mardi Gras started so the title is misleading. I know, shocking for a no budget movie.
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What sleaze!
BandSAboutMovies9 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The fact that the creator of Mardi Gras Massacre, Jack Weis, went on to direct a Melissa Etheridge special makes me happy to no end. Because it's as far away as possible from this scuzzy, scummy and downright nasty addition to the world of the slasher.

While most slashers spend so much time naming their killer exciting names like the Phantom Killer, Madman Mars or Frank Zito, the killer here is just named John.

That said, he may as well have been named Fuad Ramses, because if Mardi Gras Massacre was any more like Bloof Feast, it would have to film a TV playing that film.

John is searching the bars and strip clubs of New Orleans to find the most evil women possible so that he can take them home, tie them up on his Aztec altar, but on his metal mask, give them a massage and then rip out their hearts in a ritual to the goddess Coati. If the shot of the heart being sliced out looks the exact same every single time this happens, so much the better.

Sergeant Frank Abraham gets assigned to the case after the first girl, Shirley, is found on the train tracks with her organs missing. Along the way, he starts sleeping with one of the local girls, Sherry. Their romance is, well, it's not really a romance as much as a bad cop sleeping with a bad girl with a heart of gold. Honestly, no one in this movie is all that morally sound, as we should see Frank as the hero and then there's a scene where he slaps Sherry around. When they reunite at the end, it's not really something that's a call for celebration.

What does make this movie worth shouting about are the extended disco scenes that seem to go on forever. There's an amazing one where several girls get into a dance floor skirmish that I watched several times in a row, shouting at the screen in pure joy. There's also a montage where he cops are questioning suspects intercut with dancing, particularly a dancing street performer who answers all of the cops' questions with some fancy steps.

Mardi Gras Massacre has everything a movie needed to make it in the slasher boom: an amazing poster, a great tag, lots of gore and nudity, an interesting title and a willingness to be reprehensible trash (that's a compliment, I swear).

It's no accident that it ended up as one of the original video nasties, a title that I'm certain it wore with no small amount of pride.
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They thought their lives would be a Mardi Gras; a never-ending party
Coventry22 November 2007
"Mardi Gras Massacre" is a very, very (very) bad seventies film; approximately 75% retelling of, and 25% homage to Hershell Gordon-Lewis' "Blood Feast". Now, I know what you're thinking and you're correct! Why would anyone want to remake a movie like "Blood Feast", let alone pay good money to see it? Admittedly, it build up a well-deserved cult reputation for being the very first gore film ever made, but it basically remains a poorly scripted and amateurishly put together piece of nauseating trash! There's nothing even remotely unique about "Mardi Gras Massacre" and, on top of that, it appears to be even poorer than Lewis' original film. This is purely a tedious 90-minutes-lasting excuse to exhibit cheesy gore and gratuitous full frontal nudity, without any attempt of storytelling and/or creating atmosphere whatsoever. Just a few days before the famous Mardi Gras festival, a clearly deranged self-acclaimed Aztec priest arrives in New Orleans and promptly begins to scour the local bars and strip joints looking for hookers. Not just any hookers, mind you, but EVIL hookers to take home and sacrifice to a hideous statue of a malicious deity. Our mysterious weirdo ties the girl to an altar, rubs brown oil all over their bodies and subsequently cuts their hands & feet before removing a handful of their intestines. This rather repulsive (but UN-shocking) ritual killing is repeated four or five times throughout the film and I even suspect you're watching the same damn footage each time. That's the plot! There's absolutely nothing else going on, unless you consider the hugely annoying love-hate relationship between a sexist copper and a nagging prostitute to be a sub plot. Whatever "Mardi Gras Massacre" lacks in plot, it surely makes up in pointless padding and incompetent directing. The Mardi Gras setting is original but wasted entirely, the dialogs make your ears ache and for some reason there's awful music playing non-stop. The women are beautiful fully dressed as well as naked, but that's hardly a reason to track down a horror film, isn't it? The film is included in the infamous list of "video nasties" (as well as its role model "Blood Feast"), but honestly doesn't deserve to be on any list except maybe the 'avoid-like-the-plague' one.
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Can movies get any worse?
poolandrews18 October 2002
This is a really obscure horror/gore film from the late seventies directed by the very untalented Jack Weis and starring the equally untalented Curt Dawson and Gwent Arment (who?!). Basically it has some nutter running around picking up prostitutes and taking them back to his house, wherein he has built some sort of sacrificial altar. Once there he ties the girls down on a bed and cuts 'the hand that excepted the money' the 'feet that brought you here' and finally 'the part you use for evil', at this point he slices their stomach open and pulls some guts out. The rest of the running time the movie follows the detective hunting the killer and a prostitute whom he tries to use to help his investigations. There is nothing good I can say about this movie. The acting is awful even by ultra low budget standards. The photography is hideous even by ultra low budget standards. The directing is non existent, and the script, if they had one, is a waste of the paper it was printed on. Surprisingly the special make up effects are acceptable, considering the rest of the film even quite impressive. Although when the best most impressive part of a movie is when someone cuts open a womans stomach and removes her intestines you know your in for a rough 92mins. The video version I watched had really cool artwork on the cover, I should just have looked at the box for the 92mins! Avoid at all costs.
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Pretty Bad Grind House
arfdawg-127 January 2023
Deep voice nutbag n New Orleans picks up hookers and sacrifices them to some wooden god.

Nobody figures out that the guy who is asking for someone "very evil" at the strip joints is the killer even tho the women show up dead the next day.

There's lots of female nudity. Some better than others. It's directed like an Ed Wood movie. The acting is horrible and the plot is moronic.

The background music is porn music.

Supposedly this 1978 film didnt get released in the US until the 80's and was rated X. Not sure why. It's not explicit and the blood is clearly fake.

Maybe because it was so very bad.
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Cheap thrills with too much filler.
abduktionsphanomen47118 July 2021
Mardi Gras Massacre - 1978 (This film rates a C )

A wealthy authoritative serial killer with large beady brown eyes is killing dumb naive prostitutes in a ritualistic way, days before Mardi Gras. He ties them up and cuts out their hearts in a room that resembles an alter and table of death. The hearts are offered to an Aztec goddess that he chants to. The acting is really some of the worst I've seen. The script is terrible. Poor editing. Horrible soundtrack of really bad 70's electronic cheese. It just does not fit the film. Bargain basement gore scenes. What's up with the fight at the restaurant, the awful dancing prostitutes at the "club", the rhyming surfer pimp, the dancing prostitute just before her death in the room. Why none of the prostitutes feel threatened by a guy roping each limb on a large sacrificial table. Everything is so bad that it's laughable. The phony relationship between a homicide detective and a prostitute becomes nothing more than a dragging time filler for two people who had no chemistry. The cheap gore and murders could have worked better if the sacrificial scenes were not all the same. There are PLENTY of T&A with full frontal nudity. The footage of vintage Mardi Gras is exhilarating and a big highlight. This is in no way a good film, however, it retains a sense of under achieved charm that makes this something I'd watch again. And I love that stache on the sergeant.
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Below Average in Just About Every Way Possible
Uriah4318 July 2014
Just prior to Mardi Gras a well-dressed man walks into a nightclub and asks a prostitute named "Sherry" (Gwen Arment) where he can find the "most evil" woman in the club. Sherry points to a particular woman and the man quickly walks over to her table. Not long afterward he brings her to his apartment and then proceeds to tie her up and plunge a dagger into her nude body as a sacrificial offering to a statue of an Aztec god. The police find the body the next morning and soon the newspaper reports the grizzly details. Quite naturally, the police immediately begin an investigation and a hard-nosed detective by the name of "Sgt. Frank Hebert" (Curt Dawson) is put in charge of it. However, once he interviews Sherry the two become romantically involved which causes problems of its own. Meanwhile, exactly one week later the killer again picks up a hooker and kills her in the same manner. Needless to say, with Mardi Gras fast approaching Sgt. Hebert is under quite a bit of pressure to catch the maniac. At any rate, rather than detail any more of the movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just caution viewers beforehand that this is one film they might want to avoid. The acting is terrible, the camera work is second-rate, the nudity was unappealing and the music is truly dreadful. However, it does offer some cheap gore, a nice film location (New Orleans) and the story itself wasn't too bad. But none of those good factors are a reason to rate this film any higher than I have. If anything, I have been overly generous as this movie is below average in just about every way possible. Viewer beware.
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Extremely well acted
TheOldGuyFromHalloween311 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There's also enough wool here to knit a sweater. Unfortunately the main girl Gwenn Armant doesn't bare her beaver but plenty others do. It's the most 1970s movie ever, with mustachioed cops who look like they should be in a Beastie Boys video and disco dance contests. There's even a chick fight on a dance floor. The main bad guy, whose voice sounds like he should be narrating nature documentaries, picks up hookers then sacrifices them to his Aztec god, as many people do. However instead of sacrificing hookers to Huitzilopochtli like most people do, he sacrifices them to Quetzalcoatl, which is a nice change of pace. The two cops are completely inept. Dirk Diggler and Reed Rothchild would've done a better job. We also get to see Mardi Gras back in 1978, when it was mainly a homosexual hangout. Groovy and far out movie.
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Blood Feast's seventies update
The_Void31 October 2006
Blood Feast will always have cult value for the fact that it was directed by Herschell Gordon Lewis, and for the fact that it is the oldest film to be featured on the DPP Video Nasty list. Whether or not it needed a seventies update, however, is up for debate; but it got one, so I guess someone thought it did. Mardi Gras Massacre puts more focus on nudity than HG's classic did, and the gore is a lot more realistic; but despite the script which contains some real inept lines of dialogue, Jack Weis' film just doesn't have the camp class of the earlier schlock-fest, and overall the film just isn't as good. The plot once again follows a deranged psycho who is going round killing various women in order to sacrifice them to some god or other. We follow the psychopath as he goes about his macabre business, and also a rather ineffective police investigation into the whole affair.

The acting and dialogue are continually ridiculous...perhaps not quite to HG Lewis' standards, but certainly below the level of most B-movie pictures. Many films on the DPP list didn't deserve to be there; and there's nothing in this film that warranted it's banning either. The gore is fairly plentiful and is often fused with 'scenes of a sexual nature', but it's nothing that the average adult couldn't endure. The music is note for being particularly stupid, and also for featuring far too often. The music, like a lot of the scenes in the movie, seems a lot like filler. Blood Feast didn't have a lot of plot to go on either, but at least it didn't stretch its running time out to over ninety minutes. Mardi Gras Massacre could easily have been cut down by twenty minutes without losing a thing. There are certainly a few good scenes in this film; the opening murder being a highlight, but even so; it has to be said that Mardi Gras Massacre is severely lacking. There is a lot of rubbish on the Video Nasty list; but despite that, if I were to line them all up in terms of quality - this would be nearer to the bottom. Not particularly recommended.
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Artless and sleazy
drownsoda9026 February 2017
"Mardi Gras Massacre" follows John, an apparently Peruvian priest who is stalking the prostitutes of New Orleans and committing sacrificial murders to an unnamed goddess over the Mardi Gras celebration. Meanwhile, a local detective is hot on his tracks.

Notorious as one of the "video nasties" of the late seventies and early eighties, "Mardi Gras Massacre" doesn't exactly promise a high-brow experience by virtue of its title alone, though fans of exploitation films and slasher flicks may expect a bit more fun out of this one than it necessarily delivers.

The main issue with the film is that it feels wildly uninspired, both in script and visuals. The film begins with a guileless prostitute being eviscerated on a table by the villain, and the remainder of the film repeats the scenario in a rotary fashion with occasional montages in-between that are supposed to be suggesting a blooming romance between the detective and one of the prostitutes helping him with the case—which, simply put, just doesn't cut it.

As a result, the film feels truly limp, which is a bit of a shame given that both the setting and general plot thread could have resulted in something a bit more substantive in the right hands. The film is, as some have noted, an apparent unofficial remake of Herschell Gordon Lewis's "Blood Feast"—I can't draw comparisons because I have not seen the film—but based on what I have seen of Lewis's, the influence seems very clear. The performances are ho-hum by mainly unknown actors, and there is a wonderfully dated disco score that at least renders some of the scenes at least somewhat memorable.

Overall, "Mardi Gras Massacre" is a generally weak exploitation offering. The script fails to really gain traction, develop its mythology, or take the audience anywhere substantially exciting. The repetitive murder scenes, though admittedly graphic and somewhat disturbing, grow dull as they wash over the audience. There are a few amusing sequences and a soundtrack that has to be heard to be believed, but the general impression that I was left with was one of "what could have been." 3/10.
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