Beach of the War Gods (1973) Poster

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This is how you do an epic battle sequence correctly
ckormos130 June 2019
The narrator explains the political and social problems of the times as we see waves crash over the rocks. Jimmy walks alone to the city gate. The people are packing up and leaving. Some want to stay and fight but it seems hopeless. The Japanese are already there and demanding a ransom to spare the city. Jimmy only needs one chopstick to kill one of the Japanese. He scratches his nose with the other then draws his sword to kill all the others except Shan Mao who flees.

Fabulous opening fight sequence. I consider this the best opening fight sequence of any martial arts movie up until 7/13/1973 the date of this movie's release.

This movie is famous for the lengthy battle sequence and has the record for the longest uninterrupted fight. Jimmy got it right by using a variety of weapons, plus props and other parts of the set manipulated into the fights. A battle this long has to be like a roller coaster ride or else it gets repetitive and boring. Like a roller coaster means twists and turns, speed up and slow down, left and right and every direction incessantly. Jimmy and the action directors got it just right here for an unforgettable and possibly unbeatable feature fight.

Is there anything to criticize about it? The fight sequence with the men using woven rattan shields and swords could have been choreographed better. It did not come across as effective or realistic but more as flashy acrobatics. This is a legitimate fighting style including the forward rolls. The Grand Master of All Martial arts Movie - Sifu Chia Liu-Liang- used these fighters and their techniques in a few Shaw Brothers movies and did it more realistically as to the fighting impact. My only other complaint was the flashy and blinding special effect in the last sword fight. I felt it was just not needed and added only a hokey element to it.

I rate this movie as one of the best martial arts movies of all times. My recommendation is meaningless as anyone who knows anything about this genre already knows about this movie.
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This nonstop action action film mixing Chinese and Japanese martial arts is worth tracking down
dbborroughs22 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
As Japanese pirates are raiding up and down the Chinese coast a general gathers together some men and turns the local fishermen into soldiers in order to have them fight back.

Mix of Japanese samurai films and traditional Chinese Martial arts movies is pretty much a non stop action film. Supposedly based on a real incident this film plays like a spaghetti western version of the Seven Samurai relocated to China. (Yes I know how redundant that sounds but if you see the film you'll know what I mean).After a brief set up the film becomes a series of battles as the pirates make repeated attempts to attack the fishing village. The action is very well done blending a variety of styles into an almost seamless whole.

The film is hard to discuss beyond that because the brief film (it runs only 95 minutes) is essentially one long set piece. There are no real characters other then the general, the the villagers all blending together and then men they hire more their "quirk', the guy with all the knives is just a guy with all these knives. One really wish they had taken a couple of more minutes to build some characters instead of just the action.

If you don't mind just action and want a martial arts film that isn't run of the mill I'd definitely give this film a try.

(Fellow reviewers here on IMDb mention poor dubbing I'm guessing on a video tape copy and hoped for a good subtitled release. I saw this on a DVD as part of Joy Sales Legendary Collection series where the stunning picture is matched with a poor Chinese Vocal track that seems to be separate from the film. I know that all Chinese films from the period were post dubbed and that there are often two vocal tracks -Mandarin and Cantonese, but which ever one they used here was a poor choice)
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Well shot, expansive historical action
Leofwine_draca23 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Another martial arts classic from Jimmy Wang Yu, the difference here being that the film focuses on swordplay (as did Wang Yu's earlier movies, before the fists craze) over the more usual kung-fu activities. But what swordplay it is, with hundreds of extras engaging in all kinds of frenetic battles which are a delight to watch and take up most of the running time of the movie. Wang Yu takes Akira Kurosawa's SEVEN SAMURAI as his inspiration for the simple plot, in which he plays a swordsman who gathers together some of the locality's best men to fight an invading Japanese army. The irony being, of course, that the baddies are the Japanese, and he's ripping off a Japanese film for the story.

This is very much a man's film, in fact there is not one single female characte in it as far as I can remember. After the initial set-up, which takes about an hour, the film becomes one big long battle-cum-massacre which really is classic stuff. The action is excellently filmed and large scale, with swords clashing together in blurs and the top fighters using all manner of exotic skills and weaponry to defeat the enemy. Of course, it wouldn't be a Wang Yu movie without violence, and there's a fair share of that here, especially in the superb blood-spurting windmill duel at the film's conclusion.

BEACH OF THE WAR GODS definitely won't appeal to a mainstream audience, mainly because there is NO characterisation in the film whatsoever. Now I know Hong Kung kung-fu films usually have little characterisation in them anyway, but there's absolutely none here - it's just about men getting ready to fight, and actually fighting. Action lovers will be in movie heaven with the no holds barred fights to the death, and the film - being a fairly expensive Golden Harvest production - has a professional sheen to make it look good with it. A highlight of the genre.
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Jimmy Wang Yu takes on the Japanese
BrianDanaCamp5 March 2001
In BEACH OF THE WAR GODS, an action-packed Hong Kong swordplay adventure from 1973, Jimmy Wang Yu rallies three fighters to help lead the men of a Chinese beach town in battle against the invading Japanese. One of the fighters is an expert knife thrower and comes with his own arsenal. It all leads quickly to a massive battle in the town streets. The swordfights are reminiscent of those found in Japanese samurai films, but with more action and vigor. (Interestingly, Wang Yu often made kung fu films with anti-Japanese themes, yet his films often reflected the influence of Japanese samurai films. This one, in particular, explicitly recalls Akira Kurosawa's SEVEN SAMURAI.)

The film could have used more buildup to the main battle, more training scenes, and more character development. After a simple setup, Wang Yu and company gather and prepare for battle. Then--boom!--the battle begins and lasts till the end of the film! The humble villagers we've met earlier are all now skilled uniformed fighters taking on hardened Japanese swordsmen with a range of sophisticated tactics. Action fans will love it, but those seeking a little more depth and substance may feel unsatisfied. Still, the impressive battle scenes are very well staged and photographed on a sprawling beach and a massive period backlot set. Wang Yu not only stars, but wrote and directed the film as well.
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One for those who love their Hong Kong cinema
The-Sarkologist14 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
One of my friends said that the only movie that he disagreed with Des Mangan of SBS was this movie. Obviously my friend did not like this movie, so unfortunately my approach to this movie was slightly tainted. I was also quite tired and slept through the last part of it, but I caught enough of it to know what it was about and to talk about it.

Beach of the War Gods is set in medieval china when Japanese pirates were attacking and capturing cities and moving south along the coast. They sent envoys to a small village and told them to give up 1000 gold or die. The villagers could not pay so attacked and the pirates inflicted a large number of casualties. At that time, a lone wanderer was in the village and challenged and killed the envoys. As such the village was set on a course to go to war with the pirates. The wanderer then goes and recruits a small army and returns to set up a defence of the village. The second half of the movie is one long battle scene where the villagers fight off the pirates.

There is nothing that deep about the movie, other than the old idea that if you force somebody to do something that is impossible for them to do, then they will do what is least expected. Here the villagers had no hope in fighting off the pirates, but as they could not meet the pirates demands, they had to fight or die. It was fortunate that they had a helper, but even then the pirates learnt that they could not force their demands onto people because they can and will fight back. This is a story of an underdog turning on his or her oppressors.

This movie also had a feel of a 1960's swashbuckling movie. I remember seeing a few of them some years ago and one in particular had a huge battle raging for at least half of the movie. This movie was quite reminiscent of them, and it was that feeling that I liked in the movie. Also the ending was quite well done.
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One Of My Fav Wang Yu Classics!!
Movie-Misfit9 June 2020
This is one of many, of my favourite Jimmy Wang Yu films. Written and directed by the man himself, this early Golden Harvest production has always sat strong with me and is a classic that I would love to see cleaned up and restored for a Blu-ray release. A take on the classic Seven Samurai, Wang Yu plays a stranger who turns up at a coastal town and offers to protect it from an army of Japanese invaders. Setting out to gather his own small army of fighters, Wang Yu finds its not as easy as he had hoped, but soon finds the people he needs to help defend the town one of which is the mysterious knife-throwing killer played by Tin Yau, co-star of many Wang Yu films!

Nicely shot and neatly directed, the only main flaw of the awesomely titled Beach Of The War Gods would be the lack of characterisation. While hardly a major downfall, the clear focus is on the fighting here which comes fast and often, in a barrage of hand-to-hand combat, samurai-inspired swordplay, and other wild weapons. The fights are handled by Hsiao Pao who also choreographed the action in one of my guilty pleasures, Vampire Settled On Police Camp (with Sandra Ng), who is joined by veteran Kuan Hung who worked with Wang Yu on the One Armed Boxer 1 & 2 as well as many more of his classics...

Wang Yu directs as Wang Yu does. While it may have the polish of a high-end production, there's still a rawness to his style. The sets and costumes are fantastic, and the most (if not all) of the cast do a great job. There are plenty of great visuals that, again, would look amazing in a restored version.

The Japanese are led by Wang Yu film regular Lung Fei, bad guy of a thousand classics, who (at the 50 minute mark) leads his men on the beach for battle at night, resulting in a major loss of men due to Wang's preparation. A second attempt the following morning begins a breathtaking, half hour of constant fighting which does not disappoint!

Literally 30 minutes of wonderful action rushes by, inspired by the classic Samurai films of Japanese cinema, with Wang Yu's unique touch and a body count equal on both sides. As the battle spreads out and the enemy get lost in the streets of the town, the newly trained local fighters do their best to take them down. Make no mistake, there is no holding back here as tens of men leap from rooftops in unison, a thousand blades flash across the screen, and lengthy one-shots track through the carnage without a hiccup.

Wang Yu is just brilliant here as he cuts through the enemy with more speed and ferocity than usual - his white robes gradually getting redder with blood as he fights on. It seems that with this action-packed-half-hour, that every 10 minutes that pass, Wang Yu ramps things up even more with harder violence, faster fights, and the carnage that ensues once Lung Fei joins the battle. It is an ending that, alone, rivals the greatest Shaw Brothers masterpiece!

Believe it or not, after all that and a 2 minute breather, the film closes with a lengthy one-to-one as the awesome Jimmy Wang Yu takes on Lung Fei in a fight to the death. Its a fantastically choreographed fight scene on and around a windmill on the beach (including a great WTF moment), and overall, a highly impressive, action-packed 40 minute finale...

Overall: An incredible piece of martial arts cinema, Beach Of The War Gods is one of Wang Yu's greatest moments, and an absolute classic!
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The height of Kung Fu Cinema
rak00124 July 2001
The 70's kung fu craze that swept North American B movie theatres with the popularity of Bruce Lee reached its pinnacle with this movie. Following Lee's death there were many heirs presumptive that were supposed to take off as international kung fu stars, but never did. These include Bruce Li, Sonny Chiba, Jackie Chan (whose international popularity took hold many years later and in fact has surpassed Lee's in many ways), Chuck Norris, (who had inherent North American appeal, but lacked the mysticism surrounding Lee), and perhaps the most talented of them all, Jimmy Wang Yu.

Wang Yu movies had elements of myth, magic, history and violence that has been touched on, but not equaled by Ang Lee's recent Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Old all the Wang Yu movies, Beach of the War Gods comes together in a way that truly raised the genre to new heights. A Chinese general arrives in a coastal town to fend off a Japanese invasion. While based on an historical incident, the movie employs all the trademark fantastical elements of great kung fu films. The various leaders of the Chinese and Japanese forces have special powers and skills and these are the 'hard men' of movies before the term existed.

The costumes and sets in Beach of the War Gods are something to marvel at. The fight scenes are seamless and bloody, and the pacing is enticing from beginning to end. While the characterizations are a bit thin, well..get with it..this is a kung fu movie, not Pride and Prejudice. All in all, a must-see for fans of the genre.
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The film of my childhood
pantomima-6835822 October 2022
I have forgotten the name of this film, then thx to my cousin I found it and watched it again. Great film, and a great performance.

I watched this film 30 times or more when I was 7-10 years old.

Real historical defence systems have been used in the film. That was very cool. For example, boiling oil. Traps in the coast. I have read about these methods in history.

Key figures in the war were accurately shown. Especially Leng Ping - a mercenary expert in throwing flying daggers. I liked his role in the war.

Wang Yu is a legend. Her charismatic stance in the movie impressed me a lot. Choosing black and white dresses for fighters was a good one. It's a beautiful film shot under the limited conditions of that time.
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Stunning Hong-Kong battle movie.
Stormrider27 November 2000
I found this movie in an old shop and bought it just for fun,not thinking it would be nothing other than an ordinary old Hong-Kong movie(badly dubbed and often lame fighting).Boy was i wrong!The main actors in this movie is the kind of people that you just can`t help finding cool whatever they do.Since this is a Golden Harvest production the sets,costumes and props are well made.The directing by Wang Yu is superb,his visual style of camera angles and the use of slow-motion is just like the movies are made today.The fight-choreographing is sharp,and visually stunning.Compared with other movies from Hong-Kong,usually filled with rain of blood,this movie is more clean.I`m quite used to large bodycounts in any hong-kong movie,but this movie takes killing to a new level.The final battle between the chinese and the japanese is nothing other that a long massacre with people filling your Tv-screen.The only bad about this movie is the dubbing,i only hope that this movie some day will be released on DVD with the original cantonese language.
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Kitchen sink kung fu...
poe42616 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
BEACH OF THE WAR GODS starts off with a belligerent Japanese warlord pushing around the Chinese villagers he's overseeing: he informs them that he'll be raising their taxes- soon- and they'll pay or suffer the consequences. Enter Hsiao (Wang Yu), traveling swordsman. He promptly puts the Japanese in their place. Knowing they'll retaliate, he begins recruiting local swordsmen for the upcoming festivities. By the time the Japanese arrive en masse to set things right, Yu and his friends have booby-trapped the beach in every way conceivable (and in some ways inconceivable; this being a Wang Yu movie and all). The first assault comes at night. The Japanese retreat to lick their wounds until daylight, when the second wave attacks. They fare no better in the light of day. In quintessential Wang Yu fashion, he throws in everything but the kitchen sink when it comes to his larger than life free-for-alls. One of the things that make Wang Yu movies worth watching is that they're no-holds-barred fun, especially when Wang Yu goes all Wang Yu on their a**es (watch for him dangling from a windmill, a la the end of AMBUSH). Can't beat that.
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