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average spaghetti western, somewhat redeemed by Guy Madison as a gunslinging priest
django-112 December 2003
With two great titles (SON OF DJANGO and VENGEANCE IS A COLT 45), top-billed Guy Madison, and director Osvaldo Civirani at the helm (a man who has made quirky films in a number of genres--he sometimes misses the mark, but he takes chances), I had high hopes for this film.

The DEATH RIDES A HORSE-style opening sequence was quite exciting too, but the film that followed was a letdown. The pacing is flat, the lead character is neither interesting enough nor mysterious enough to command much attention, and Guy Madison, although top-billed, should really have been given "and with the special participation of" billing in the credits as he is essentially a guest star. Gabriele Tinti is the protagonist, and he basically stumbles from one scene to another, getting the tar knocked out of him, but not showing much of a distinctive character (Richard Harrison would provide wit as he went through such torment, Tomas Milian would spew contempt toward his tormentors, Craig Hill would command fear even after getting beaten temporarily). There are a few nicely composed shots, a few places where the music is haunting and we see Tinti riding alone, and of course Guy Madison is excellent as the gunslinging priest/minister who comes to Tinti's aid, but isn't exactly welcomed. This role is a bit different from Madison's later role in Reverend Colt, a much better film.

The "climax" of the film is quite unsatisfying too--I don't know if Tinti is to blame. Probably hurried writing and slack directing are responsible. Fortunately, AFTER the lame climax with Tinti, Madison's is the last face we see, so at least the film left a positive image in my mind.

Although a "revenge for a murdered father" film, SON OF DJANGO features little tension and this viewer at least didn't really care whether Tinti got his revenge. There are probably a dozen Bob Steele westerns from the 1930s with a similar plot, and nine-tenths of them as I remember pulled me into Steele's quest for revenge. Not here.

I can recommend the film only to Guy Madison collectors--he's fine here, although once again dubbed by someone else--and Eurowestern completists. And for the latter, I should say that this is not a BAD film, just an average one. It may well work for you, but didn't for me.
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So-so Spaghetti about an avenger who sets out to avenge the murder of his father , Django .
ma-cortes7 December 2016
Ravioli Western with a professional Italian director and two main actors from Spaghetti : Tinti and Madison . This is an exciting film , plenty action , thrills , fights , and starking outdoors from El Lacio , Rome . This violent Western is set on dirty outdoors and evocative interiors , the star is a mysterious revenger who searches for the killer of his father , who comes to a dangerous town and taking on nasty villainous . It deals with an avenger named Jeff Tracy (Gabrielle Tinti), he gone back from a dark past to revenge his parent . Jeff searches for the killer of his infamous daddy , the implacable gunslinger Django . He arrives in a small town , a location called Topeka dominated by violent gangs . In that place there is a feared band led by Clay and his nasty gunfighters . Jeff faces off two wealthy owners Clay Ferguson (Daniele Vargas) and Thompson (Ignazio Spalla or Pedro Sanchez) , both of whom are feuding over business . Thereby involved in a war between two factions headed by former acquaintances of his father . Meanwhile , Tracy saves a damsel in distress called Jane Grayson (Ingrid Schoeller) from Ferguson's hoodlums .

Ordinary Western follows the Sergio Leone wake , as it is proceeded in Spaghetti models more than the American Western style . It's a moving western with breathtaking gunfight between the protagonist Gabriele Tinti against the heartless Daniele Vargas and his henchmen ; in addition , a stirring ending fight in the saloon and town square . This movie is a lot of fun to watch , packing elaborate shoot-outs , moving filming , and portentous close-ups of grime-encrustred faces with bloodbaths included . It's an entertaining story with a touch of peculiarity , some offbeat as well as violent roles , and an amazing music score . The picture is a tale of justice and revenge , as a tough man seeks vendetta and his objective results to be a bloody revenge . The basic plot is typical spaghetti western fare , but what makes this movie stand out is its style . The picture is well starred by Gabriele Tinti . Tinti is appropriate in his usual two-fisted character , he ravages the screen , shoots , hit and run and kills . Tinti began playing brief drama roles , in the early 50s , as "Chronicle of Poor Lovers¨ . From there , Gabriele went on acting in sword-and-sandal epics , later moving onto the Western genre , wartime , thrillers and erotic films along with his then wife , Laura Gemser , where he found his niche . The handsome , Italian-born Tinti may be a name best remembered by Soft-core aficionados , he was one of the most popular actors of the genre from the mid-'60s to 70s and 80 until his early death at 59 . Tinti performed a lot of cheap B movies , some of them , nowadays , revered cult classics . Gabriele also interpreted in support roles some international productions as ¨The flight of the Phoenix¨, ¨Guns for Cordoba¨, ¨Riders on the rain¨ and ¨Delusions of Grandeur¨. However , he never became a top international box-office attraction . His acting is often accused of being wooden , but in many manners is ideally suited to playing the steely-faced gunslinger synonymous with the genre . "Son of Django" also starred by Guy Madison , actor who had his first major role in "Until the End of Time" a drama directed by Edward Dmytryk, 1946 to then changed in action roles , mainly series B westerns , get some success with the series "Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok" and ends up traveling in Europe in the sixties where he made a lot of Euro-westerns , such as : ¨Duel at Rio Bravo¨ , ¨7 Winchester for a massacre¨ , ¨Bang bang Kid¨, ¨Five for revenge¨ and ¨Reverend Colt¨ , the latter he played a priest , too . Support cast is plenty of familiar faces , appearing the Spaghetti ordinary roles , such as : Daniele Vargas , Ignazio Spalla , Ivan Scratuglia , Luciano Rossi , Andrea Scotti , Roberto Messina and John Bartha . There is plenty of action in the movie , guaranteeing some shoot'em up or stunts every few minutes . There is a very odd implementation of shots in the camera work during some particular scenes as the film approaches its climax , such as in the final gunfights . The movie gets the usual Western issues , as avenger antiheroes , violent facing off , exaggerated baddies and spectacular duels , excessive zooms , among them . The musician Piero Umiliani composes a nice soundtrack in Morricone style and well conducted , this turns out to be one of the most memorable parts of the movie ; as it's full of enjoyable sounds and haunting musical background . The soundtrack contributes tremendously to the atmosphere of the film, including an emotive leitmotif , and some wonderful songs ; the music score is perhaps the best part of this film . Striking and atmospheric cinematography by Nanuzzi .

Osvaldo Civirani's direction is professionally crafted , here he is more inclined toward violence and packs too much action , but especially this thrilling Western contains long shoot'em up . He directed this average/passable western , genre in which he would not only excel but one where he would spent much of the rest of his career , as he wrote/directed some Spaghettis , such as : "Rick and John, Conquerors of the West" , "Trusting Is Good... Shooting Is Better" , "Two Sons of Trinity" . Although he also directed other genres as Peplum : ¨"Kindar the Invulnerable" , "La Magnifica Sfida" , ¨The adventures of Hércules¨ and thrillers/Eurospy genre as "The Beckett Affair" , and "Operazione poker"
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Straightforward Django rip-off, average at best
Leofwine_draca9 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
SON OF DJANGO is perhaps one of the most notable of all DJANGO rip-offs following on from the success of the Franco Nero vehicle. This one is also called RETURN OF DJANGO somewhat oddly, given that the main character is Django's offspring, come to find out who killed his deceased father. There's the usual debt of inspiration to A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS, as the setting is a small western town split by two warring sides. Django's kid is in the mix and soon takes up arms himself.

This is pretty much par for the course for the spaghetti western genre, quite cheap-looking in places. The writing lets the film down at times, providing ordinary throughout and letting the audience hang at the confuddled climax. Gabriele Tinti, that familiar star of Italian cinema in the 1970s, is the erstwhile hero, supported by a scene-stealing Guy Madison as the helpful town priest.
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SON OF DJANGO (Osvaldo Civirani, 1967) *1/2
Bunuel19768 August 2008
I know there were scores of films revolving around the character of Django (though, to be fair, many of these were considered as such merely in export versions), introduced in Sergio Corbucci's masterful Spaghetti Western with Franco Nero (and to which an official sequel was only made some 20 years later!). As far as I know, I'd previously come upon just one such effort – DJANGO SHOOTS FIRST (1966), which was okay – and two more – DJANGO, KILL...IF YOU LIVE, SHOOT! (1967) and DEATH SENTENCE (1968), both excellent if unusual – which are known as "Django" titles merely outside their native country.

This, then, is the third 'official' Django film I've watched: unfortunately, it turned out to be one of the least rewarding Spaghetti Westerns out there! As can be surmised, the narrative opens with the cowardly Jesse James-like assassination of the popular character, which leaves his kid son (who witnessed it) to avenge him as a grown-up – now played by Gabriele Tinti (later spouse of Laura "Black Emanuelle" Gemser, an extensive collection of whose dubious work I should be laying my hands on in the near future!). Typically, the Western town involved is divided between two warring factions; conveniently, both had been former associates of Django…as is the current preacher (top-billed Guy Madison – it was customary to engage the services of erstwhile American stars for this particular brand of "Euro" oater)!

The film features a reasonable amount of action throughout, but the execution is exceedingly inept (for instance, a number of shoot-outs occur during the first 10 minutes – as if the director mistrusted the attention span of possible viewers – but, given that we don't know who is getting shot by whom or why, it's all very confusing!). What, then, of his apparent need to have each and every bad guy make such a big moment of his death scene, irrespective of whether he had figured to some extent in the proceedings or not?! Also involved are a French card-sharp (with whom Tinti had shared a prison cell) and his gunfighter companion – who subsequently join the ranks of one of the rival outfits, while the brooding Django Jr. prefers to keep to himself. Female presences of any consequence are limited to a saloon hostess and the wife of a landowner whom one of the clan leaders kills in a duel (she herself unwittingly falls victim to the same man soon after when confronted by her in his room).

For what it's worth, the film's climax strives to be meaningful but only manages to be muddled – thus deeply unsatisfactory! Characteristically, then, Piero Umiliani's score also emerges as a sub-par effort overall (despite a catchy main theme).
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Cheap, Uninteresting, Middle-Period, Euro Western Crap
Steve_Nyland30 May 2007
Maybe I just got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning, but this movie sucks. Lead Gabriele Tinti is wooden, bland, lacking in charisma and looks stupid in his white fur jacket. Usually Spaghetti Westerns have long, taut pauses in dialog where actors sort of glare at each other. Tinti's eyes seem glazed over in comparison, as though he was bored and just couldn't think of a one-liner worth opening his mouth for. He walks into rooms, turns around, faces the camera, nods, and walks out. Most of the time he looks like he is sulking; At least Jack Palance would have the excuse of being hung over.

I do not like Gabriele Tinti. He has never done anything to me personally of course, and while married to Euro sex symbol Laura Gemser became one of the fixtures of Euro Sleaze. He plays a sadistic creep in BLACK COBRA WOMAN and maybe it just left an impression. In any rate he is not suited for a Spaghetti Western anti-hero. But this movie was cheaply made as possible and perhaps he was all they could afford. Costumes are mish-mashes of department store threads combined with movie prop room cowboy vests. Even the ladies seem to be clad in hand-me-downs from more expensive productions that don't seem to fit them right, and the song one of them warbles for the camera is completely out of place in this production. Then again everything feels out of place; Supporting actors stand around looking like they are waiting for stage directions and the camera lingers on empty space in the canvas of the widescreen picture waiting for something to fill it. More often than not, nothing does.

The story is supposedly about Tinti in search of the killer of his father, who was named Django. The only reason to have this plot element was to tie the film to Sergio Corbucci's superior DJANGO from 1966, and the only reason to do that is because nobody would have otherwise cared about this film, and correctly so. If the combined efforts of Guy Madison, Daniele Vargas, writer Tito Capri and composer Piero Umiliani (who would later recycle his musical score for at least 2 other films, both better than this, and who could blame him) cannot add more than a momentary spark to a Spaghetti Western, you know you are in trouble.

There's another name in the credits, one Demofilo Fidani. More commonly known by his Americanized moniker Miles Deem, Fidani is a name that Spaghetti Western aficionados have come to associate with cheapness for the sake of cheapness. Between 1970 and 1972 or so he directed a dozen of these things, each one cheaper than the previous, and most of them about as interesting as your average Bazooka Joe chewing gum comic. Here he was in charge of the set designs and chose a minimalist approach that sadly leaves a few too many blank spaces for the imagination to fill in. Which mind you isn't necessarily a bad method given the film's look is approached with a certain sense of style.

This movie's was not. It is an assembly of clichés and formula solutions strung together with a modestly engaging musical score, costumed in unattractive drab trappings & populated by actors who not only look like they don't give a damn but don't inspire the audience to give a damn. Even the pretty wife of the mistreated down on his luck dork rancher was only in the film to be abused on-camera as if to provide some sort of exploitation angle. You just don't care what happens to her so long as there is some sort of erotic thrill attached. And her sudden departure is the film's sole moment of surprise, yet does nothing to break the stilted, hesitant dialog, the uninspired camera-work, the clueless mugging of the supporting cast, and the inexcusably out of synch dubbing.

I love low budget Spaghetti, but this movie quite frankly is way subpar. The only redeeming quality I can see is a sort of odd visual tension due to when the film was made. 1966 thru 1968 were probably the most interesting years of the Spaghetti boom, the pre- ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST period where the lesser Italian directors were trying to find their voice in the form that Leone & Corbucci invented. This effort straddles the divide between the straightforward Euro Western approach and the Spaghetti "style over substance" method. The basic story, direction and cinematography here is Euro Western, only the content's ultra-violent depravity speaks for what would eventually become the Spaghetti approach.

What's missing is the style. The film has no sense of identity, it doesn't know whether it wants to be a cheap knockoff or a languid horse opera. A year after this was made, ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST proved that the Italians could make a Western on the same level of craft & scale as that of John Ford or Peckinpah. By contrast, this film is a slacker, trying nothing new, taking no chances, not even having the decency to provide us a lead star worth rooting for. You sort of watch the action in muted anticipation, hoping that Guy Madison or one of the sleazy villains will do something interesting. Only they don't.

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Middle-Of-The-Road Fake Django
FightingWesterner4 June 2014
Gabriele Tinti, the son of Django, intervenes in a land war between a pair of rival cattlemen, in order to get revenge on the man who murdered his father and burned his house down years before, though things might not be as they seem.

Although this is about the son of Django, the plot bears a little more of a resemblance to A Fistful Of Dollars. Things start out a bit draggy, though things pick up a bit in the second half. The best line in the film occurs when the villain exclaims, "No one stays alive who accuses me of killing!"

Top-billed Guy Madison has the most interesting role, albeit only a supporting one, as a priest and friend of Django who has to pick up his gun again to help Tinti, a role he reprised in other films.

Somewhere behind the scenes is Demofilo Fidani, who later wrote, produced, and directed his own series of pretty bad Django sequels under names like Miles Deem and Dick Spitfire!
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A Fine Tinti Showing
mister99031 December 2004
I disagree with the other reviewer and to my taste this is a superior spaghetti with an off-character performance from Tinti that places him IMHO in a superior niche to anything that Richard Harrison ever did. While this is not a great spaghetti it is a competent film and many of the scenes deserve repeat viewing for interest. This movie contains all of the elements of a fine spaghetti however it is weak in significant areas relating to storyline, continuity and detail. For example, this was not a starring role for Madison. Madison should have been listed as a "featured" cast member, however this detail does not impact the film overall. Yes his entrance is awkward -- almost an after thought -- but he did contribute to the action and I especially liked his line about "an eye-for-an-eye" being different where guns and bullets are concerned! So finally this is (after all) a 1967 period spaghetti, and IMO one of the better ones. Overall I rate this movie as a solid 7 to my taste where 10 would be something like Vengeance or Keoma.
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Somewhat Shallow and Listless
Uriah4311 August 2021
After witnessing his father being murdered in cold blood a young boy by the name of "Jeff Tracy" (Gabriele Tieti) is taken in by another family and raised by them. Upon reaching manhood he then sets out to find the man responsible and his journey eventually takes him to a small town which harbors a man named "Thompson" (Ignazio Spallo) who the killer mentioned while gunning down his father. Not totally convinced that Thompson was responsible and unsure of the identity of the gunman Jeff decides to stay in town long enough to investigate. However, what he doesn't count on is a range war between two powerful men which soon erupts in bloodshed all around. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that, other than the opening scene, this badly titled film doesn't actually involve the character known as Django that much preferring to concentrate on his son instead. And while there is certainly plenty of action to be found here, the plot itself seemed somewhat shallow and listless. That being said, while it certainly wasn't a bad Western by any means, I honestly wasn't that impressed with it and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Slightly below average.
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Vendetta against a "Mafia don" in the old west......
ccmiller149221 March 2009
"Son of Django" amounts to nothing more than the title character's vendetta against what approximates a "Mafia don" in the old west...... It's a routine plot with Jeff Tracy, Django's son avenging his death. I never liked our American westerns much because they mostly seemed so unconvincing...the heroes (like Randolph Scott and John Wayne) and even the villains are way too clean and sterilized for the times, and the killings are antiseptically bloodless for some odd reason. I now watch them just for the plots and the settings, which are superior to the spaghetti westerns.

As sub-par as this one is, it's faults are mainly due to the writers and director. Gabriele Tinti cannot be blamed for his lack of any credible dialog. His good-looking, masculine face and weathered,beard-shadowed jaw perfectly resembles those western heroes customarily pictured on American pulp paperbacks. He's long, lean and could be mean, but he's got a lot of soul and some morality, too. My favorite sequence is when he intervenes to stop a brutal and seemingly endless gang beating of an innocent man right in the middle of the town, in front of the victim's wife. It's hard to believe that Tinti, who looks like the perfect, slightly grubby epitome of the western hero was stuck for most of his career as a supporting character in "Emmanuelle" films. What a waste!

I give this film a 7 out of 10 just because of Tinti's magnificent presence which illustrates the ideal of the American western hero. With a better script worthy of him, this could have been a standout and a new direction for his body of work.
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Another forgettable Django Western despite many gunfire sequences toward the end
jordondave-2808517 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
(1967) Son of Django/ Return of Django/ Il figlio di Django DUBBED SPAGHETTI WESTERN

Cinematography, produced, co-written and directed by Osvaldo Civirani with the opening that has Django sitting with his 9 year old son, Tracey, until he is interrupted by a knock on the door, he tells him through the door about seeing a guy named Thompson. Django then opens the door, and just when he goes to get his gun, he is then shot in the back before his cabin was set ablaze. The movie then jumps nine years later, and it appears two gunmen of Clint Donovan (Renato Mambor) and his friend Bill (Giuseppe Castellano) are ambushed and shot dead. Bill manages to warn a guy name Logan (Bob Messenger) about it. And he is then pursued as well, and with rotten luck his horse runs away as a result of being scared by the sound of gunfire. It is nighttime and Tracey (Gabriele Tinti) who is now an adult is resting near a lake, until a guy name Luke shows up, stealing his horse. Knocks him out leaving him with his saddle bag he was carrying along with some money. By the time he wakes up, and begins to carry the saddle bag left for him, he is then intercepted by a guy with a rifle. Tracey manages to shoot him down, of course. By the time he reaches to the nearest town, he then buys a horse. Except that after the sale, the stableman then goes to the back stable so that he can instruct his son, that he in fact may have found Luke as a result of the intricate Mexican saddlebag. Tracey then decides to stop at the local bar to have a drink when he is then interrupted by three gunmen who wanted to buy his saddle. When Tracey refuses, he is forced to kill all three of them. Just when the sheriff (Andrew Scott) shows up, he arrests him, and puts him in the same cell as a card player nicknamed Four Aces (Giovanni Ivan Scratuglia). We also find out that the town sheriff is under the pocket of another mogul name Clay Ferguson (Daniele Vargas), and that some time during the night someone is attempting to break both Four Aces and Tracey out of jail. And after riding away half way, Tracey then realizes that the guy who broke them out of jail happens to be the same guy who knocked him out and stole his horse. And Tracey hits him back for that particular time before both Luke and Four Aces then decide ask him whether he wants to come and join up with Thompson's gang. Tracey refuses and the he continues to go on his own way. This time he stops by at a town called Topeka, and he is then becomes enlightened about the entire scenario the power and territory that has been divided up between two ranchers of Thompson (Pedro Sanchez) and Clay Ferguson. That Clay Ferguson used to be the head foreman for Thompson until he made enough money to buy land of his own, and are now butting heads. At this point, Tracey does not want to be a part of any gang, but just wants to find the identity of his dad's killer. A few clashes occur with another rancher named Joe Grayson played by Giorgio Dionisio (who is faithful to Thompson) and his wife, Jane Grayson (Ingrid Schöeller) and Clay Ferguson's men. It was during at this time, a reverend/ padre begins to show up we find out, his name is Gus Fleming (Guy Madison). He was the one who saved 9 year old Tracey from the fire, and that he used to be an ace gunfighter too, but decided to transition toward preacher. He tries to reform him but with no avail. It is not long before Tracey realizes that it was Clay Ferguson who shot and killed his dad by shooting him on the back. Tracey then gets ambushed at a barn, beaten to a pulp by Clay and his two men until the reverend saves him by reverting back to his old ways again. And the reverend then tries to take him out of town, except that the padre is then knocked out so that Tracey can go on a pursuit of shooting and killing much of Clay's men at his saloon. He does this with the help of the reverend and then the sheriff and then with the hep of Thompson's men.

Still quite forgettable that is attempting to capitalize on the Django name but still better than some.
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Guy Madison's First Spaghetti Western Where He Played a Priest
zardoz-1311 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Lean and mean Guy Madison made two Spaghetti westerns during this tenure in Europe where he played a reformed gunslinger who swapped his six-shooters for a cleric's collar and a vow of non-violence. Osvaldo Civirani's "Return of Django," aka "Vengeance is a Colt .45," came out in 1967. Three years later in 1970, Madison would reprise his role as a saintly personage but with an entirely different name who gravitated to a six-gun only as a last resort and then shot only to wound rather than kill in León Klimovsky's "Reverend Colt." Characterization is left largely to the imagination in this 95-minute shoot'em up that surpasses the second film where Madison donned a collar. Interestingly, the premise of "Return of Django" was two outlaws broke into our hero's house and shot and killed young Django's father in an act of cold-blooded murder. Not surprisingly, the child vows vengeance for his dad's death. What we learn about a half-hour later is that were it not for Father Fleming, young Django would not have survived this deadly home invasion. Fleming rescued the boy from certain death and then vanished. As it happens, "Return of Django" shares some plot similarities with Giulio Petroni's "Death Rides A Horse," a 1967 Lee Van Cleef western lensed in Spain. Petroni's film came out about three months later than "Return of Django" and is a far, far better oater. Now, Fleming is back, and Jeff Tracy (Gabriele Tinti of "Cannon for Cordoba") has grown up and gotten plenty handy with a six-shooter. Tinti bears a close resemblance to American actor & director John Cassavetes with his gimlet eyes.

The prolific Tito Capri of "Any Gun Can Play" teamed up with Peplum scenarist Alessandro Ferraù of "Kindar the Invulnerable" (1965) for the story and screenplay along with "Sheriff with the Gold" director Osvaldo Civirani. None of the dialogue is particularly memorable, but the high body count piles up with gunmen dying like flies while a range war runs rampant with ranchers clashing with an evil town boss Clay (Andrew Scott) who makes his headquarters in a two-story saloon in Topeka City. Capri usually brought a sense of humor to his scripts, but humor is lacking in this one. Production values ranks as above average, but the story is as synthetic as it is predictable. "Return of Django" qualifies as a B-Spaghetti western. Nevertheless, Civirani doesn't let the action malinger, and scores of stunt men perform graceful swan dives from the tops of roofs when they are gunned down by our straight-shooting protagonists. Violence is primarily the feature that keeps this Spaghetti saga huffing and puffing. You can tell that Civirani confined himself to western sets built in Rome because none of the stunning scenery of Almeria is ever visible, but the action is fast and sizzling with even women biting the dust. Spaghetti Western historian Thomas Weisser in "Spaghetti Westerns: The Good, the Bad, and the Violent" contends "Return of Django" ranked as Civirani's best western.
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Sub par, to put it kindly
Wizard-82 June 2014
Why the Wild East DVD company decided that this particular spaghetti western was worth a DVD release in North America, I can't say for certain. Maybe it was because American Guy Madison was one of the actors in it, but any fans of Madison will likely be very disappointed by how he's used here. He doesn't first show up until more than a third of the movie has passed, and he doesn't get to speak until half the movie has gone by. To add insult to injury, his character really doesn't get to do that much. It's possible the movie could have still worked despite all this, but for the most part the movie comes across as an amateur effort. It looks and feels really cheap, and the feel of the movie is cold and passionless. The bad script makes everything unfold at a really slow pace. That is, when the story makes sense, since there are some really unclear and confusing portions throughout. (Just try to understand the first part of the movie!) This is one Euro western that really gives the genre a bad name.
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