Zipping Along (1953) Poster


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Wil E. Coyote is the real star of this genius series.
alice liddell27 October 1999
It's strange how your perspective shifts as you get older. When I was a young devotee of ROADRUNNER, it was the titular hero I identified with, his speed, obviously, his unassailability, his grace, his freedom, his cheek. Watching him again, nearly two decades on, I find that the real hero of the cartoon is not this miraculous popinjay, but his hapless nemesis, Wil E. Coyote.

There is something monstrous and inhuman about Roadrunner's indestructability, but nothing heroic. He is a creature of instinct, he is what he is, a road runner. We should no more applaud his skill than we should marvel at rain falling. Even his mockery seems mechanical, unwilled. He is something abstract, ungraspable, a hurtling metaphor for all we fail to achieve in life.

Wil E. we can love, identify with. He has a name. Like all self-willed names, it is preposterously inappropriate. Although part of his failure can be attributed to his enemy's fleet feet, it is his ineptitude that is mostly to blame. His wily schemes are incompetently conceived in the heat of the moment - the eternal chase allows no room for pause.

These cartoons are a further elaboration of Buster Keaton's Beckettian agonies - here plot is completely abandoned, for a daring, perpetual repetition, where closure is forever denied. Because the only closure could be death - Road Runner's, Wil E.'s, or ours. We will never pin down that which we can sense, but cannot hold. And yet we must continued to try, because stillness can only lead to thoughts of mortality and despair.

Chuck Jones' imagination only improves with age. The Cezanne-like geometrics are a marvel to behold. The saturated colours still dazzle, and the backgrounds, part simplistic children's book illustration, part bleak dreamscape, are as piercingly evocative as ever. The insane and complex variations on what is essentially a simple, inexorable plot are breathtaking, and puts almost everything that was stumbling lamely out of Hollywood at the time to shame. Jones, horribly underrated, was at least as great a director as Keaton, Hawks or Sirk, and it is about time we said so. So I did.
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Roadrunner and Coyote's fourth pairing, and it works
TheLittleSongbird28 May 2010
The story is somewhat unexceptional, and the pacing is a little uneven here, but there is much to enjoy. The Roadrunner is a good character, but I have always found Coyote the better of the two, he makes all these traps but he never gets that bird.

The animation is very nicely done with good backgrounds and character features, the music is also good, not generic or annoying and the gags all work from the giant kite with the bomb, the magnet, various mousetraps and falling telephone poles. Predictable maybe, funny absolutely!

Overall, for the Roadrunner and Coyote's fourth pairing, it works very well. It isn't a classic, but I enjoyed it, and I do think it is worth watching. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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Increases the relationship between the Coyote and the audience
phantom_tollbooth1 October 2008
Chuck Jones's 'Zipping Along', the fourth cartoon in the Road Runner series, is notable for how it increases the relationship between the Coyote and the audience. The gags are hit and miss, ranging from hilarious (the mouse trap gag is still among my favourites) to dull (the bomb and the kite) or genuinely weak (the double "meep meep" from the Road Runner and the dust he leaves behind). However, the reaction shots of the Coyote are all priceless and there are many more of them than in the opening trio of cartoons. His endearingly defeated glances to the audience are capable of turning a weak gag into a hilarious one. For example, the nonsensical joke with the giant magnet and the TNT is improved 100% by the extremely brief look of horror the Coyote shoots our way a millisecond before the explosion. It's the tiniest piece of animation but it's monumentally effective. There are numerous little moments like that all the way through 'Zipping Along', considerably heightening its enjoyment factor. It's also notable for the fact that it is the first Road Runner cartoon not to close with the Coyote being hit by a vehicle which the Road Runner is on board. He is hit by a vehicle at the finale and we do hear a "meep meep" afterwards but it doesn't come from the Road Runner!
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Opening Graphic Highlight Of The 'Toon
ccthemovieman-117 April 2007
I like these opening graphics which give us various "scientific names" of the two main characters. This time, the roadrunner - who is shown outracing a fast train - is labeled "velocitus tremenjus." Wile E. Coyote, watching from above, is now labeled "Road Runnerus Digestus."

Wile E.'s slapstick attempts at getting the bird include a hand grenade, mousetraps, a giant kite with a big bomb, falling telephone poles, bird seed with steel shot and a giant magnet, hypnotism, a giant boulder, shotguns and more! It's unbelievable how many attempts the coyote makes in each cartoon with the predictable results.

This wasn't one of the funnier episodes, I didn't think, although it was entertaining as always.
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Fourth in the Series
Michael_Elliott2 May 2009
Zipping Along (1953)

*** (out of 4)

The fourth Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner series has four way roads, guns, bombs, bird seed, cutting the strings on a bridge and more TNT as the dumb one keeps trying to catch his dinner. Even early on in the series we're starting to get quite a few repeat jokes and this would certainly continue throughout the series but you can help but be entertained by Wile's effort to get something to eat. The joy of watching him try and try harder only to fail is the real key to this series since the Road Runner offers very little outside his classic "Beep Beep". The highlight of the film has to be the free bird seed offer.
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Wile E. Coyote needs a hobby-and the number of a good pizza parlor!
llltdesq21 August 2002
The life of a predator isn't what it's cracked up to be! He must be up to his eyeballs in debt to Acme (or has a sizable source of funds), his medical bills equally large and for what? A singular lack of success in catching one bird! I say give up, get a pizza and take up stamp collecting. Great fun and worth watching. Recommended.
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Not Quite as Much "Zip" as Other Episodes
DaniGirl19698 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
After the very funny and clever third episode of the "Road Runner" series ("Going! Going! Gosh!"), creator Chuck Jones and writer Michael Maltese seemed to backslide a bit on this fourth episode of the series. I always felt "Road Runner" worked best when Coyote was a victim of his own obsession, his own miscalculation, or his own horrible luck (helped along by Acme's guaranteed-to-backfire merchandise). Road Runner generally never laid a feather on him, other than occasionally bowling him over, but instead would trick him or startle him ("MEEPMEEP!") into his own calamities. That's why I often think of Road Runner as actually being female, cheerfully teasing her pursuer. But in this cartoon, Road Runner not only bowls coyote over, but repeatedly kicks him while he's down in the opening sequence, which seems a bit mean. And the artists also gave Coyote rather noticeable incisors, lessening his "cute" factor... and first and foremost, Wile E Coyote was always cute! Nevertheless, there are some funny moments, and those patented woebegone Wile E expressions (such as when he's gazing up at a huge steel ball that's about to flatten him, or at a hand grenade about to detonate in his teeth) are as priceless as ever. And the end gag is hilarious, as another of those rogue trucks sends him straight into his own booby trap. (Just why did he need that much dynamite for one little bird, anyway??) Overall, an enjoyable cartoon -- but a much better one was on the way!
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Gotta love that coyote's work ethic
movieman_kev30 October 2005
The forth pairing of Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner is still good and features many gags that work, including grenades, mousetraps, a giant kite, a bigger magnet, and even hypnosis. Of course none of these work, but they make for a hilarious cartoon. Man I love that coyote's work ethic. This animated short can be seen on Disc 2 of the Looney Tunes Golden Collection Volume 2. It also has a little 11 minute featurette "Behind the Tunes - Crash! Bang! Boom!: The Wild Sounds of Treg Brown" that I'll get more into in the listing for that on this site.

My Grade:A+
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Nice Road Runner cartoon
rbverhoef25 April 2004
'Zipping Along' introduces the Road Runner as Velocitus Tremendus and the Coyote as Road-Runnerus Digestus before the chase starts. In this cartoon the Coyote uses, or tries using, mousetraps, cannons, a lot of guns and even hypnosis that he tests on a bug. Of course things do not work as planned and every single time the joke is on him.

Like with all other Road Runner vs. Coyote cartoons you will not be bored. I smiled almost the entire time. The simple but quite funny animation works for most moments and this is one of those cartoons where the music helps with the gags. There are better ones from the series but it is most definitely entertaining and enjoyable enough.
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Acme Fails Again!
ShelbyTMItchell31 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Again the cartoon does not take itself seriously. As you have to not take yourself seriously in order to watch a cartoon like both the Roadrunner and the Wile E Coyote.

At first the Coyote tries to take matter into his own hands. As Coyote later learns that he can't just do it all by himself as the bird proves to be fast and clever from time and time again.

So he of course revolts to the now famous and infamous depending on your own opinion, Acme company. Which is now and has been a trademark for the Coyote to fail.

Always funny but sad in a way to see Wile E get knocked around and just beaten while trying to get the Roadrunner as his prey.
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Americans Today tend to admire the Energizer Bunny . . .
oscaralbert19 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
. . . just as their grandparents swore by a Timex "watch" (tag-line: "It takes a licking, and keeps on ticking") as these wrist-worn time-tracking devices--back in Fashion today among the UltraRich, but yet to appear during this Century of American Decline in the zip codes of working people--once served as the link between the gold pocket watches in vogue during the 1800s and our current multi-tasking cell phones. Both Energizer and Timex have capitalized upon Warner Bros.' characterization of Wile E. Coyote. For example, in the Looney Tunes animated short ZIPPING ALONG, Mr. Coyote gets raced over nine times by his meal ticket\nemesis, the roadrunner. Wile also gets Smushed by extremely heavy objects thrice, severely mouse-trapped like the JACKASS guy, run over by a truck, sent into four Death Plunges, blown up on five occasions, and shot roughly 63 times (not counting an incident of being shot himself from a cannon). Since this cartoon dates back to the 1900s, I have a hunch that Mr. Coyote padded off to his bed (after a hard day on the set) wearing Energizer Bunny Slippers, as well as a tick-tick-ticking Timex Watch.
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Velocitus Tremenjus
utgard148 October 2015
Another great Road Runner & Wile E. Coyote short from Chuck Jones. Once again, Coyote is trying his darnedest to catch the bird with no luck. Some hilarious gags, including grenades, mouse traps, hypnosis, and a wonderful telephone pole bit. Excellent animation in this one. Beautiful colors with well-drawn characters and backgrounds. I really love some of these early Road Runner shorts when the gags were so fresh and the animation so crisp. There were certainly some amazing ones later, too, but there's just something dynamic about some of the earlier ones. If you're a fan of the series, you'll no doubt love this one. It doesn't reinvent the wheel or anything but it does give you lots of laughs crammed into six minutes.
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Beep! Beep! Catch Me If You Can!
OK. I don't know about you - But, I, for one, have often found myself totally wishing that the cunning coyote would (for at least one time) actually get his hands on the elusive roadrunner and, yes, give that beeping bird a damn good throttling before he managed to break free from the coyote's grip.

Yep. That's my wish.

But - Hey! - Don't get me wrong here. I mean, I would never expect that the coyote would ever actually get around to really eating up the roadrunner. No way.

But, all the same - I seriously think that the roadrunner needed to get his smug, little ass royally kicked every once in a while just to let him know that the wily coyote wasn't a complete pushover.
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Zipping along, indeed!
slymusic18 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As fast as a locomotive, even's the Road Runner! Once again, he's out for a battle of speed & wits against Wile E. Coyote, who is willing to do ANYTHING to get that bird! With a fun cartoon like "Zipping Along," the audience gets another look at how the Coyote works hard to set up his various Road Runner traps, only to have them backfire every time.

My favorite gags in this short include the following (but don't read any further until after you have watched it). The camera freeze-frames on the Coyote for the traditional display of his Latin name (in this case, "Road-Runnerus Digestus") while he is in the process of rapidly moving his head, so we get to see many heads at once! Before the Coyote even thinks about setting up any traps, he repeatedly gets run over by the Road Runner, each time with a passing "Meep meep!" In attempting to blow up the ultra-quick bird by means of a hand grenade, the Coyote accidentally tosses the safety pin while the grenade is still in his teeth, and his big-eyed reaction tells the rest. The Coyote sets up a bunch of mousetraps, but the Road Runner's brisk zooming causes all the traps to fly in the air and land on the Coyote, who, after a brief pause, lets out a hilarious yell. He then tries to fly in the air with one arm holding onto a kite and the other arm clutching an aerial bomb, but he immediately falls to the ground, and the bomb explodes.

"Zipping Along" is a very good cartoon in the Road Runner/Coyote series from director Chuck Jones. Don't miss it!
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zip along now
lee_eisenberg1 November 2006
More of Wile E. Coyote - aka Road-Runnerus Digestus - trying to get Road Runner - aka Velocitus Tremendus - and always ending up getting himself. Probably the best gag here is the hypnotism trick; it's almost hypnotic to watch (of course, in this sense it won't lead you to do what Wile E. ends up doing!).

So, maybe "Zipping Along" doesn't really add anything new to the cinematic landscape, but it's always great to see what happens to WEC. It just goes to show that the more you try to harm others, the more you get harmed.

And what was with that train at the beginning?
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