Two Flags West (1950) Poster

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Troops Stretched Thin
bkoganbing27 March 2011
Two Flags West begins with Confederate colonel Joseph Cotten given an offer to have his men get paroled from prison if they'll serve in the union army out west where the troops are stretched pretty thin. Over some objections he takes the offer from Captain Cornel Wilde.

Wilde takes Cotten and his men to Fort Thorn in the Southwest which is commanded by rebel hating and Indian hating Jeff Chandler. There's a good reason why this guy is in a backwater command as you'll see as the film unfolds. In addition there's Linda Darnell, wife of Chandler's late brother who was killed in the Civil War and who all three guys have their eyes on. But Chandler scares Darnell as well he should.

It was interesting to see Chandler whose career role was Cochise playing an Indian hater. But he does successfully put over the character. His Indian hating causes a lot of tragedy before the film is over.

Two Flags West is a brooding kind of western that's not for the squeamish. It's an exceptionally violent film that I'm not sure how it got through the Code. It's one of Jeff Chandler's best early roles, too bad Universal didn't cast him in more films like Two Flags West.
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Trumpet to the Morn.
hitchcockthelegend4 September 2013
Two Flags West is directed by Robert Wise and adapted to screenplay by Casey Robinson from a story by Frank S. Nugent and Curtis Kenyon. It stars Joseph Cotten, Linda Darnell, Jeff Chandler, Cornel Wilde, Dale Robertson, Jay C. Flippen, Noah Beery Jr., Harry von Zell, Johnny Sands and Arthur Hunnicutt. Music is by Hugo Friedhofer and cinematography by Leon Shamroy.

"On December 8th, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued a Special Proclamation, whereby Confederate Prisoners of War might gain their freedom, provided they would join the Union Army to defend the frontier West against the Indians."

A great premise drives this brooding yet action pumped Western forward, a production bolstered by crisp black and white location photography at San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico, skilled direction by multi-genre director Wise and characterisations rich in thought and human interest value.

Film essentially centres around the workings of Fort Thorn, a Union Army stronghold commanded by embittered Maj. Henry Kenniston (Chandler). As he takes delivery of a unit of Confederate prisoners from Rock Island Prison Camp, themselves commanded by Col. Clay Tucker (Cotten), he struggles to contain his distaste. Something which obviously isn't helping an already pressure cooker atmosphere as groups of men divided by the on going war, are expected to stand or fall next to each other against the looming presence of chief Satank and his army of braves.

As the screenplay rolls on we learn about the main players beliefs and reasons for such, with the tragedy of the war deftly born out by the actors in their portrayals. The presence of widow Elena Kenniston (Darnell) also is cause for simmering tensions, where although an underwritten potential love triangle sometimes feels like a token offering on the edges of the frame, her character is so well drawn into the moody atmosphere, her back story packing emotional sting, that the film benefits from this case of testosterone lowering.

In amongst the Fort's uneasy alliance there are devious plans afoot on both sides of the coalition, that is to be expected, for it would be pretty standard stuff if these guys all agreed to shake hands and get on with it. But again the screenplay delivers some well thought out scenarios where agents and spies come into play, the safe transporting of civilians away from the Fort throws up some spice, as does a desperate act of violence by Major Kenniston. It all builds to a head and then Wise unleashes his skills as a overseer of action.

The crowning moment comes with the Indian attack on Fort Thorn. It's a prolonged attack filled with hundreds of extras and action aplenty. Each frame shot by Wise features flying bodies, arrows and bullets making their mark, fire raging in all parts of the ravaged Fort. Men, women and even children taking up the good fight as well, the Indian braves a fearsome and athletic foe coming in continuous waves. And this is not some Western where all the characters we have come to know are going to be singing come the end, some will die and it makes for dramatic and emotional impact.

Great cast, great direction and a great screenplay, this definitely deserves to be better known and loved by those into Westerns/Civil War movies. 8.5/10
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Intelligent script and pleasing conclusions
audiemurph22 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"Two Flags West" starts off feeling like it will be a rather clichéd affair: Cornel Wilde as an honor-bound good guy, the Confederate soldiers unreconstructed and unbowed, Jeff Chandler as an unmovable rebel-hater, and so on. But stick with it: "Two Flags West" develops into an unusually smart movie in which the strands of plot do not end predictably (for example, the expected flourishing of love between Linda Darnell and somebody, anybody, never occurs), and the dialogue becomes increasingly nuanced and thoughtful.

This is a movie whose intelligence does not insult your intelligence.

Joseph Cotton has always fascinated me. He is not particularly handsome, always looking older than he probably is, and his voice is strangely distinctive. But he is a wonderful actor, and his Southern Colonel is more than just obviously conflicted about whether he should stay with, or abandon, the Union army with his men: his conflict is more subtle, as he ponders where his future ultimately lies in a post-Civil War country; his very interesting dialogues about this with Linda Darnell, especially toward the end of the film, are quite pleasing to this lover of Westerns (me), who otherwise cheerfully acknowledges the clichés that often dominate this genre.

The battles with the Indians are violent and nasty: we really suffer with the lonely horse soldiers of the west who are slaughtered in the fort. And the glorious black and white photography does a great job of bringing out the loneliness and understated beauty of the plains (though filmed in New Mexico) (contrast John Ford's celebratory treatment of Monument Valley).

A great little Western with unexpected endings to the various strands of plot. It will leave you exceptionally fulfilled and pleased at the end.
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Better Than Average
dougdoepke3 July 2012
Civil War rivalries were popular story material for Westerns of this period. Here, the rivalry is used more effectively than usual. A contingent of Confederate pow's is sent west to help Yankees fight the Indians. Okay, but what guarantees that the Johnny Rebs won't desert to rejoin their Southern comrades. Well, nothing really, except the Southern commander Col. Tucker (Cotton) does have a sense of honor. He's going to need it since the Yankee fort commander (Chandler) is given to temper tantrums, to say the least. Throw in some angry Apaches and a lovely widow (Darnell) who'll do anything to get to California, and you've got some strong dramatic material.

It's a well-mounted movie from big budget TCF, with a great battle sequence and a surprising outcome. There's also realistic attention to battle detail inside the fort that helps lift the sequence. Then too, the wide open New Mexico locations convey the kind of scenic sense that I think Western fans so love. Meanwhile, Cotten and Wilde, a Union officer, play off one another effectively, signifying the opportunity for post-war reconciliation between North and South. It's also a fine supporting cast with a number of familiar faces, such as Hunnicutt and Beery Jr. But how did pudgy glad-hander Harry von Zell escape TV's Burns and Allen show to turn up in a Western, of all places. Nonetheless, he's shrewdly cast in what can only be called a slippery role.

Not all are aces. The complex narrative sometimes meanders, along with a few believability stretches. Nonetheless, add 'em all up and it's still a solid entry in the A-Western category.
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Dark, almost western-noir Civil War epic
frankfob7 January 2003
Jeff Chandler is cast against type (and does a terrific job) in this big-budget western as the commander of a cavalry fort in the West during the Civil War who hates both Indians and Southerners with equal passion. With his command stripped to the minimum due to the Union's need for troops to fight the Civil War back east, Chandler is forced to accept a unit of Confederate prisoners who have volunteered to fight Indians under Union command as an alternative to rotting in POW camps. Chandler's all-consuming hatred and racism result in his killing the son of the local Indian chief, which causes the Indians to go on a rampage against the whites in the area, culminating in a massive attack against the fort itself. This is a dark, gritty and, considering the time in which it was made, brutally graphic and violent western that explores and exposes issues--racism, sexual tension, even a hint of mental illness--seldom, if ever, touched upon by westerns up to that time. The supporting performances by Joseph Cotten, Linda Darnell and especially the great--and always underrated--Arthur Hunnicutt are top-notch, but this really belongs to Chandler, and he does a tremendous job, as good as (and in some ways better than) what is usually considered to be his finest performance, that of Indian chief Cochise in "Broken Arrow" of a few years later. Chandler was never a particularly expressive or emotional actor--when he tried to be, the results sounded more like a lecture (his speech at the end of "Pillars of the Sky" is a case in point)--but his coldness works to his advantage here, which makes his bursts of anger and hatred all the more chilling. This is an intelligent and thoughtful yet also rousing and action-filled western, hardly your run-of-the-mill cavalry-vs.-Indians tale. I don't think this would be the kind of western John Ford would have made, and it's probably the better for it. Don't miss it.
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Superior Credits - Superior Western
krocheav1 December 2013
You only have to look at the production credits to see that this western has the promise of being an above average yarn. And it is. When my Brother in Law asked me if I wanted to see this film, I hesitated, expecting another run-of-the-mill Cavalry show. After noting the impressive cast and behind the scenes crew, just had to take a look.

For it's year, it's a surprise in both story elements and production handling. Not having before seen Jeff Chandler take a lead role in an 'A' grade feature (and this being quite early in his tragically short career) I had not realised he was such a professional performer. It seems his Universal International years may have sold him short. His performance as an embittered commanding officer in this film is a powerful one.

For me, Multi Award winning Director Robert Wise has always been a favorite, and this western is further proof of his skillful hand. Helping Mr Wise is another multi Award winner, Director of Photography: Leon Shamroy. I was surprised that Fox did not use Techicolor for this outdoor epic, but pleased they did not. The powerful on-location settings, featuring low horizon shots and huge dramatic sky scape's, dwarf the humans as they strive to survive this hostile environment. The wonderful use of quality black and white stock, evokes the visual poetry of a John Ford classic.

Cornel Wilde, does what Wilde does best, and Cotton is reliable as always. The cast is good right down to the support players. Linda Darnell is convincing as the sole female lead and the reason for her character to be in this situation is fully believable. This beautiful woman also had a tragically short career, both Chandler and Darnell died within months of the same age (Chandler only 42 through Medical 'misadventure' ~ Darnell 41 following a house fire) The original story is above average (founded on some historical facts) it was co-written by Curtis Kenyon and Frank S. Nugent ~ two writers also known for their screenplays. Their story was then honed into a tight adaptation for the screen by the great Casey Robinson ('Kings Row' etc) Robinson also Produced this film, so had a strong interest in it's success. If you enjoy character driven action entertainment, then this could be a western for you.

The Music credits are also interesting, with Fox's resident composer, the marvelous Alfred Newman taking a back seat as: Musical Director to composer: Hugo Friedhofer (although Newman contributed some incidental music) The score adds handsomely to the powerful images. Much of the dramatic action is surprisingly graphic and superbly staged, showing considerable time and care had been taken in all areas.

I have heard 20th Century Fox sadly junked many of their B/W Negatives when the studio foolishly made the decision to make 95% of their later films in CinemaScope and Color (a poor move in terms of artistic creativity) For the DVD release, they have at least produced a good digital master from available fine-grains and release prints. Recommended, and worth buying.
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Quite entertaining....and about a part of history which has been forgotten.
planktonrules25 May 2021
The story begins in a prisoner of war camp in Illinois during the US Civil War. Conditions in these camps were godawful...and some of these Confederate men have a chance to leave. They are being offered a chance to join the US Cavalry out west....not to fight against their own but against renegade Indian tribes. Considering the alternative is starvation and sickness in the camp, it makes sense that they'd take this offer....even if it meant possibly helping 'the enemy'.

Much of the film concerns how these former Rebels do in adjusting to life on the prairie. It also shows how their new commander (Jeff Chandler) has his own issues which exacerbate the problems with these new recruits. The acting is uniformly good, writing and action about the same. Well worth seeing and better than the average western.

By the way, I did some reading an apparently about 5600 former Southern soldiers and cavalry men DID agree to join the Union Army during the war. And, in 1863, just like in the film, President Lincoln offered Confederate prisoner of war parole if they joined the western Cavalry in patrolling the area around the Indian territories. And, if you care, they were sometimes called 'Galvanized Yankees'.
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A movie about the Galvanized Yankees
ghatbkk26 September 2022
During the American Civil War, the Union offered captured Confederate Soldiers the chance to serve in the west against the Indians. That really happened. This story is a fictional account of a group of those Confederates and their actions in the west. Like the real-life Galvanized Yankees, these men choose to do their duty. It's a pretty good movie, even if it is a typical 1950s war movie, with lots of drama and some romance. Still, better than many others, and does illustrate a real historical circumstance - Reb POWs were given the opportunity to serve in the west in return for a pardon, and told they would not be asked to fight against the Confederacy.
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Uneven but interesting Cavalry Westerns with a formidable cast with plenty of notorious main and secondary actors
ma-cortes30 April 2022
A civil war western set in 1863 ,with some battle scenes of nice quality and passable interpretations . During the Civil War (1861-1865) , Confederate prisoners of war agree to join forces with the Union Army in the common fight against Indians . In return,the Confederate POWs are promised their freedom by President Lincoln during his Special Proclamation. A company of Confederate Georgia cavalry POWs ,under the command of Confederate Colonel Clay Tucker (Joseph Cotten) teams up with the Union on the sole condition they wouldn't have to battle against the Confederacy . They're assigned to Fort Thorn, New Mexico, on the Western frontier commanded by stiff-upper-lip and cripple Union major Henry Kenniston (Jeff Chandler) who hates the Confederate . Then , hateful , enmity and treason resurfacing during this difficult alliance . Unfurls the banner to high adventure !

Attractive western with spectacular action battles mixed with appealing storyline and decent perfermances . Dealing with a peculiar , fragile and hard alliance , forced by risked circumstances , between Confederate POWs and Union soldiers , both of them joining forces against Indians , but unfortunately , old animosities rekindle . Filmmaker Robert Wise had just left RKO where he had made his name and started up at 20th Century Fox , where his career would reach its high point 15 years later with West Side Story . Here Wise augmented a stunning main and support cast between cavalry and Indians . Dramatically , however , the movie is much less stirring . Stars a prestigious main cast , such as : Joseph Cotten as Col. Clay Tucker , Linda Darnel las Elena Kenniston , Jeff Chandler as Maj. Henry Kenniston , and Cornel Wilde as Captain Bradford . Being accompanied by a familiar secondary cast , such as : Dale Robertson , Noah Beery Jr. , John Sands , Arthur Hunnicutt , Robert Adler , Stanley Andrews Jay C. Flippen , among others .

The motion picture was professionally directed by Robert Wise . He worked in RKO where he became a skilled editor. He worked with Orson Welles on 'Citizen Kane' and 'The Magnificent Ambersons'. He then became director at R. K. O. And was then presided over by Val Lewton who gave Robert his first directing opportunities on what was expected to be a series of low budget horror films but emerged as striking psychological studies in terror such as 'The Curse of the Cat People', which was held in high critical esteem and which he credits Val as one of the major influences of his career The horror cycle was followed by 'The Set-Up' with Robert Ryan which won the the Critics Prize at the 1949 Cannes Film Festival then at M. G. M. His direction of Paul Newman in 'Somebody Up There Likes Me' resulted in Newman's emergence as a star. He became a freelance director on such films as 'Run Silent Run Deep' and 'I Want to Live!', earning an Oscar nomination for himself and an Oscar for Susan Hayward. And the high point was his awesome films as The Sound of Music , West Side Story and Star Trek the movie . Rating : 6/10 . Acceptable and decent Cavalry/Indian Western.
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great characters make great films
drystyx13 May 2012
This is an action packed cavalry film set during the Civil War.

It begins with our protagonist, Joseph Cotton's character, a Confederate officer rotting in a Union prison with 43 of his men. They are offered a chance to fight Indians in the West, an act guaranteed not to hurt the Southern cause. When Cotton's character puts it to a vote to his men, it is deadlocked 21-21, with the tying vote a dying man who passes away before he can voice an opinion.

Cotton grabs the chance, and becomes a cavalry man, befriended by Cornel Wilde, a Union officer. Jeff Chandler plays the commander of the fort he is taken to. The star studded cast includes some great character actors, and their talents aren't wasted.

At the fort, Chandler quickly becomes the antagonist. His character resembles Henry Fonda's commander in FORT APACHE, obviously on purpose. In ways, this is almost a remake as far as characters go, but with a different story line.

A damsel in distress, the widow of Chandler's brother, killed in a battle in which Cotton took part, makes for high tension and high drama.

Later on, Chandler captures the head honcho Apache's son, and when the Apache chief demands his son's release, Chandler kills the son.

The other parts of the plot, I won't spoil. What we get are very identifiable three dimensional characters in great Western action. The fifties were the golden age for good reason. Great characters. This is a prime example. The two main antagonists both climax with acts of honor, one in supreme sacrifice, and one in relenting against a massacre for the sake of justice.

Compare these characters to the one dimensional clichés of Leone debacles, cardboard cutouts who do nothing but hate and kill, of the caricatures of "Tombstone" and other garbage, and there's no comparison. This film is so superior, it boggles the mind.

It took Hollywood four decades to realize their mistake, and now we at least see some Westerns that deal with credible characters, such as the ones you'll see Robert Duvall in. The difference is that this golden age dealt in splendor, scenery, and cinema, while the modern Western aims for total realism. While the modern Western has value, I still prefer the spectacle of cinematic glory and color to the modern dullness and dust. Both are good, but this type is more uplifting, and gives you the energy to get more done, so I give these films an edge.

Excellent acting, great scenery, directing, everything you could want, but my two chief criteria, writing and characters, are both of high quality here, too. This film is an example of "great characters make great films".
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An okay western elevated by a good cast and director
rdoyle2923 December 2022
Joseph Cotten commands a troop of Confederate cavalry who are in a Union prison camp near the end of the Civil War. They are approached by Union cavalry officer Cornel Wilde and offered amnesty if they will enlist in the Union army and go out west to help fight the natives. They somewhat reluctantly agree and head off for a sparsely manned fort commanded by Jeff Chandler, a fairly bitter man sent to this command because of a leg injury sustained escaping a Confederate prison.

Obviously Cotten and Chandler don't get along very well and Wilde is stuck in the middle. Most of the plot is focused on how poor Chandler is as a commander while he's nursing bitter resentments, and on Cotten's determination to take his men and desert. Both have to learn the error of their ways mostly by having the natives as a common enemies. (In the film's defense, the native's hostility is mostly explained by Chandler's really poor decisions.)

Another major plot thread involves Linda Darnell, the widow of Chandler's brother. She is at the fort hoping to push on to California, but Chandler won't let her leave due to an unhealthy fixation. Wilde is also in love with her.

It's an adequate western with two many disparate plot lines vying for dominance that is elevated by it's fine cast and Robert Wise's assured direction. It's a really great looking film.
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The Blue and Gray against Indians
NewEnglandPat24 May 2003
This gritty western is a post-Civil War affair set in New Mexico where soldiers of the Blue and the Gray are obliged to let bygones be bygones and tame the wild frontier for westward expansion. The usual antagonisms are present in abundance, with Union officers reluctant to trust the Confederate troops and question their allegiance to the United States. A top cast is headed by Joseph Cotten and Jeff Chandler, who constantly spar with each other about men, munitions and how to meet the Indian threat. Linda Darnell is the lone femme in the cast and her presence sparks romantic interest and jealousy in equal measure at the army post. The Yank-Rebel forces manage to put their bickering aside to defend against an Indian attack that remains one of the best ever filmed. The black and white lensing is good and enhances director Robert Wise's fine film.
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Two Flags West
CinemaSerf27 January 2024
"Col. Tucker" (Joseph Cotton) is the Confederate officer who is offered a chance to re-enlist in the US Army after the end of the US Civil war and so he and his men accept - so long as they never have to bear arms against their former colleagues. Now reduced to a Lieutenant, off to the remote and dilapidated Fort Thorn they all go where they find in the commanding officer "Maj. Kenniston" (huff Chandler) a man with a limp and an axe to grind. You'd think they'd have enough on their hands with the marauding Indians raiding the frontier, but nope - these two men manage to get under the other's skin and soon it's probably safer to be outside the fort than inside it! The first half hour follows the traditional path and is nothing special, especially the rather dull romance between an out-of-sorts Linda Darnell ("Elena") - the daughter of the grumpy major and "Bradford" (Cornel Wilde). Once that settles though, we start to get more action with the raiding parties getting bolder and more audacious and the soldiers having to retreat to the safety (they hope) of their wooden enclosure. The last half hour offers us a decent siege western adventure and the denouement - well look not for an happy ending for anyone! Robert Wise takes his time to get this going, but once he does it delivers plenty of action, for once doesn't treat the Indians as if they were rather feeble and intimidated foes and Chandler and Cotton carry off their roles well enough too.
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An OK Movie
denis88827 September 2013
The story of so called Galvanized Yankees (imprisones Confederates, opting to swear allegiance to the Union and joining the Ynion army to fight with Indians in the frontier) is not so well documented, thus fresh and can be quite good. THis old, black and white movie is a quick glance on this piece of history. The movie itself is OK - it is not devoid of all certain clichés of 50's works - horrible Indian murderers, dazzling ladies, handsome tall men, laughable battle scenes with all the poor montage and sped-up action sequence. Here, a very strong cast (Joseph Cotten as Col. Clay Tucker Linda Darnell as Elena Kenniston Jeff Chandler as Maj. Henry Kenniston Cornel Wilde as Capt. Mark Bradford Dale Robertson as Lem Jay C. Flippen as Sgt. Duffy Noah Beery Jr. as Corp. Cy Davis (as Noah Beery) Harry von Zell as Ephraim Strong Johnny Sands as Lt. Adams (as John Sands) Arthur Hunnicutt as Sgt. Pickens)is a big asset, but still, the somewhat trite and predictable pace ruins a very potent idea. The film is not bad, but it is not better, either. It borders on the brim of greatness, but still plunges mostly down, due to very banal plot twists and very obvious dialog lines. But still, it is OK and can be watched well.
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Cavalry comes to the rescue in interesting Civil War yarn...
Doylenf27 August 2011
JEFF CHANDLER does a creditable job as tough Army Major Kenniston at Fort Thorn with a hatred of Confederate rebels. His sister-in-law LINDA DARNELL wants to go back to California from the New Mexico fort, but Chandler is smitten with her and tries to prevent the strong-willed lady from having her own way.

Meantime, two other men have their eyes on Linda--Confederate Col. Clay Tucker (JOSEPH COTTEN) and dashing Capt. Mark Bradford (CORNEL WILDE), both of whom fall for Major Kenniston's sister-in-law.

Seems the Yankees are willing to free Confederate prisoners if they're willing to help them fight off the Indians surrounding the fort. While this is the major plot driven device, the romantic sub-plots involving Chandler, Darnell, Wilde and Cotten get a fair share of time too.

It all comes together as an above average cavalry western under the crisp direction of Robert Wise, who makes the most of some excellent camera work in the rugged western settings. The story has some interesting components but takes time in setting up the various conflicts. Nevertheless, enough action and a little romance to satisfy most viewers of the genre.
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Cotten could have been Ashley Wilkes
HotToastyRag4 July 2023
An interesting premise forms the war drama Two Flags West. Confederate POWs are offered their freedom by Northern troops if they agree to swear allegiance to the Union and fight in a blue uniform against Indians. Joseph Cotten is a colonel in gray, but when he leads his men to follow Cornel Wilde, he gets demoted to a second lieutenant. Cornel is a decent guy who respects the Southern sentiments, but Jeff Chandler is cruel to his new soldiers. He's also cruel to the Indians and cruel to his sister-in-law, who lives with him in the dangerous fort.

Linda Darnell plays a Spanish widow (although her accent when she spoke Spanish was so atrocious I couldn't understand a word she said!) and every man in her life is in love with her. Jeff, her husband's brother, obviously desires her even though he never sends a kind word her way. Cornel is sweet and shy, but just as obviously would do anything for her. Joe, the new kid in town, recognizes her appeal but is far more concerned with the Confederacy, his current battle, and controlling his men. You'll see some faces that will be very familiar if you've seen a lot of westerns: Jay C. Flippen, Noah Beery Jr., and Arthur Hunnicutt.

This isn't the most famous Civil War movie by any means, but it is a very good one. Had Gone With the Wind been made just a few years later, Joseph Cotten would have certainly played Ashley Wilkes. He makes a great Southern gentleman, a stark contrast to Jeff Chandler's rudeness and perpetual grumpiness. Seriously; can't that fellow ever smile?
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Excellent Cavalry Picture
dlf-NwARE23 June 2022
Was Robert Wise making his version of a John Ford cavalry picture ? Ford had released 2/3 of his magnificent trilogy by then.

The emotionally resounding mythic backgrounds, complex characters, heart and quality ring true as if it almost belongs in that trilogy (Fort Apache, She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, Rio Grande).

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The Blue and The Grey join forces to fight the Indians
rogerblake-281-71881915 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In the early 1950's Hollywood made a spate of Civil War based westerns where the main plot line concerned Union and Confederate forces joining together to fend off native Films such as "Rocky Mountain" "The Last Outpost" and "Escape from Fort Bravo". Probably the best example is "Two Flags West".One wonders where they found the time to slaughter 620,000 of each other and is there any historical basis for such an occurrence? Certainly Lincoln did issue a proclamation offering pardons to any Confederate prisoners who were prepared to go west and fight the Indians.They became known as Galvanized Yankees. Here we have Colonel Clay Tucker (Joseph Cotton) excepting Captain Mark Bradford's (Cornel Wilde) offer of freedom from their prison camp if they will go and fight the Indians.The film here doesn't pull it's punches in depicting that conditions in Northern prisons were just as appalling as their Southern counterparts. When they reach Fort Thorn in New Mexico they receive a less than enthusiastic welcome.Their new commanding officer Major Henry Kenniston (Jeff Chandler) is a bitter man who hates rebels and traitors as he puts it.He also has an interest, not returned, in his dead brothers widow (Linda Darnel) There are the usual North/South tensions within the fort but Tucker is an honourable man who tries to do his duty.Kenniston's behaviour is so outrageous that eventually Tucker and his men decide to desert to Texas.Meanwhile Kenniston who by now is almost completely deranged commits murder when he shoots an Indian chief's son.The consequence of this is that the Indians lay siege to the fort. Captain Bradford escapes and rides after Tucker's men and explains the situation to them.Its no great surprise when Tucker and his Confederates decide to ride back to the fort to support the people there which includes women and children. A pitched battle follows which is magnificently staged though some reviews state that it was explicitly violent,perhaps but compared to "Soldier Blue" for example it is fairly restrained. Major Kenniston in a complete change of character agrees to give himself up to the Indians who will then leave peacefully and spare the fort.The scene where he walks through the gates into a mist is brilliantly done and one can only imagine the terrible death he must have suffered. It is a superbly done cavalry western and in all deference to John Ford a complete absence of knock about Irish humour is most welcome. The cast is superb, here we have Cornel Wilde in his last film for 20th Century Fox playing almost a supporting role being expendable.He was at his best as a team player in films like "The Greatest Show on Earth" and "Womens World".Jeff Chandler is a revelation, normally a fairly monolithic presence here he is quite chilling as a completely troubled man who at the end atones for his actions giving his life so that others may live.As for Joseph Cotton though usually associated with lounge suit roles here he is excellent as the decent and honourable Confederate Colonel,and lucky chap ,at he end he gets the girl the lovely Linda Darnel. As an added bonus the supporting cast contains such western icons as Dale Robertson,Jay C.Flippen,Noah Beery and best of all Arthur Hunnicutt. A wonderful western of the type they don't make any more where the premise is that you don't let the facts get in the way of a good story.
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Two Flags West
Prismark1027 November 2023
An American Civil War western from director Robert Wise. However this is a low budget B potboiler.

During the Civil War. Confederate prisoners of war could gain their freedom. If they joined the Union Army to defend the frontier against Indian attacks.

Confederate war hero Colonel Clay Tucker (Joseph Cotten) reluctantly agrees to bring his men over to be led by Major Henry Kenniston (Jeff Chandler.)

It is an uneasy relationship. The Confederate soldiers are glad to be out of prison and planning to escape when the time is right.

Major Kenniston does not trust or even like the Confederate soldiers. He blames them for is brother's death in the war. It is an uneasy alliance. Especially as Major Kenniston is also a hothead.

Tucker gets friendly with widow Elena (Linda Darnell.) She was married to Kenniston's late brother. The Major also has designs on her along with another Union officer.

Events come to a head when there is an Indian attack on the fort. Major Kenniston full of hate, fans the flames of hate even more.

There is an interesting premise to the story. Wise handles the material solidly. But it is all a bit plain and dull.

Kenniston is bitter, angry and unstable. Tucker is honourable and even decent. Irregardless of the cause he was fighting for was the continuation of slavery.
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One ot the Best American Civil War Westerns!!!
zardoz-1319 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"The Day the Earth Stood Still" director Robert Wise helmed only two westerns during his long career in Hollywood. The first was a Robert Mitchum oater, and the second was the Civil War western Two Flags West. Movies about the American Civil War out west usually dealt with the Confederates trying to commandeer gold for the Lost Cause. Two Flags West qualifies as one of the best simply because it doesn't rely on a contrived plot. Instead, there is a lot of historical accuracy. The premise in Casey Robinson's screenplay based on a story by Curtis Kenyon and Frank Nugent concerns Southern prisoners-of-war who are released from prison camps on the condition that they don Union blue and fight hostile Native Americans. Despite its having been made before the advent of Cinemascope, "Two Flags West" is a pictorially elegant, black & white masterpiece of composition. A panning shot early on of the desert with Union cavalry riding through the austere terrain pulls back to reveal Indians atop mountains observing the troops. Indeed, this panoramic image is straight out of a John Ford western. In 1863 we are told that Abraham Lincoln offered Confederate soldier the chance to take an oath to the Union and be allowed to put on Yankee uniforms. Union officer Captain Mark Bradford (Cornel Wilde) puts the offer to Southern Colonel Clay Tucker (Joseph Cotton of "The Hellbenders") and he lets his imprisoned men made their decision. Naturally, they don't like the deal, but they abhor prison, so Tucker takes a demotion to Second Lieutenant and his men join him. Once they arrive at the fort, fort commandant Major Henry Kenniston (Jeff Chandler of "Broken Arrow") doesn't trust Tucker and his rebels. Moreover, he expects them to defect.

Kenniston is a grim character. He is lame and jealous of his brother whose wife, Elena Kenniston (Linda Darnell of "My Darling Clementine") sulks because she wants to go to California and rejoin her family, but Kenniston refuses to let her out of his sight. Eventually, when Kenniston assigns Tucker and his troops to provide an escort for a wagon train, Elena persuades a minister and his wife to let her hide in their wagon. During the journey, Tucker learns about her presence. At the same time, a Confederate spy masquerading as a Union agent confides in Tucker that he can serve the South best by refusing to desert and staying with Kenniston. Kenniston is convinced that Tucker and his men will desert, but Tucker surprises him by not only returning but also bringing back Elena. Meantime, while Tucker is out on patrol trying to locate mysterious wagon trains, Kennison goes berserk and murders the son of an Indian chief and the tribe surrounds the fort. Tucker learns about Kennison's misfortune and decides not to desert but ride to Kennison's aid.

"Two Flags West" boasts a strong cast. Joseph Cotton is at his virile zenith with Jeff Chandler delivering a commanding performance as the paranoid Kennison. Cornel Wilde, Dale Robertson, Arthur Hunnicutt, and Noah Beery Jr., round out the cast. If you enjoy Civil War westerns, "Two Flags West" should be on your not-to-be-missed list.
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Tensions of the Civil War brought to the war with the Indians.
clanciai31 August 2021
Jeff Chandler and Joseph Cotten make the great performances here, flanked by Linda Darnell as a beautiful Spanish lady and Cornel Wilde. They are all wrecks of the civil war, Jeff chandler lost his brother in it, who was Linda Darnell's husband, and Cornel Wilde appears from the start with only one eye. There willl be more blood. A unit of southern prisoners of war are offered the opportunity to regain their freedom if they join the Union in a war against the Indians in New Mexico, and they accept it, just to be able to ride horses again and have some action of war again. Jeff Chandler is the commander of that desolate station in the desert, constantly coping with hopeless problems of Indian aggression, illegal tradesmen selling booze and weapons to the Indians, and his difficult relationship with his widowed sister-in-law Linda Darnell on top of that, whom also Cornel Wilde and Joseph Cotten love. The most interesting character is Jeff Chandler's brooding and limping veteran, tortured by his responsibilities and worries, a very complex character under severe stress who under all this duress of circumstances has to commit some mistake, which he does, and pays for it. You will never forget this character. The film is splendidly made, with powerful cavalry sequences, riders galore enjoying showing off to the cameras who wallow in shooting them, and a finale that touches on a great noir drama of destiny, like a Greek tragedy. In brief, this is a major western totally different from all the others and only the better for that.
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Excellent Western
januszlvii21 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I am surprised that there were only 20 comments on this movie. It has an excellent Director ( Robert Wise), cast ( Jeff Chandler ( Major Kessington), Joseph Cotton ( Col. Tucker), and especially Linda Darnell ( Elena), action and story. I would also note the supporting cast: Arthur Hunnicut ( Sergeant Pickens) and Noah Beery (Corporal Davis). It takes place during the Civil.War, and it is about Southern prisoners in order to gain their freedom, agree to fight the Indians under the command of the North. The movie is about honor no matter the cost. Spoilers ahead: You see that when the Southern troops. ( led by Tucker), left the Fort to return South but decided to teturn to save women and children from an Indian attack. Even the bad guy Major who was.angry and embittered.and was responsible for the attack by killing.the.son of the Indian Chief sacrificed himself so others could live. Finally the Indians decided not to kill.everyone by offering the Major the choice and after killing him went away. I rarely add to a movie after I review it, but I watched it again, and noted a couple of interesting things. There were three different men who wanted Elena. Tucker, Kessington, and Union Captain Bradford ( Cornel Wilde), who was eventually killed. Elena who wanted to run back to her family ( even hiding in a wagon train), decided to remain at the Fort, and asked Col. Tucker if someone could help her rebuild her home, and gave her Pickens, he notes was a Mason. Tucker (despite being a Confederate) was given command by Kessington). Tucker also found out that his home in Savannah was ruined and he had nothing to go home to, and Elena comforted him by saying in Spanish "It will all seem better tomorrow." It is heavily implied that Tucker will remain in the Union Army and end up with Elena. Again an excellent western
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Great story, wonderful performances
hines-20003 April 2021
Captain Mark Bradford (Cornel Wilde), offers 43 Confederate prisoners the chance to be paroled on a full pardon if they agree to be recruited into the Union army. Arthur Hunnicutt (Sgt. Pickens) defends his commander (Joseph Cotton) and admonishes the captain, "the colonel don't need no reminders of his duties, he's brought us through more tight squeezes...." Cotton cuts him off as Captain Bradford is doing well as the affable liaison officer. Linda Darnell (Elena Kenniston) plays it true to form as the Spanish widow of the Major's brother who is waiting at the fort to receive an armed patrol to escort her back to her Monterey home. Jeff Chandler (Maj. Henry Kenniston) is open in his hostility toward the rebel forces but disguises his desire for the stunning Darnell. Joseph Cotton gives a command performance of his role with sly ambiguity and an equivocating irony. Cotton, Darnell, Wilde and the great direction of Robert Wise make this film one of the great classics. Of course it wouldn't be possible without a wonderful supporting cast of Dale Robertson (Lem), Jay C. Flippen (Sgt. Terrance Duey), Noah Beery (Cy Davis), Harry von Zell (Ephraim Strong), John Sands (Lt. Adams).
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Courage and Honor
tmills7778 February 2002
I first saw this movie when it came out and it has remained my favorite cavalry movie of all time. Yes, even more than the great ones John Ford produced, but not by much. In this story a detachment of cavalry is called upon to defend the plains and west from the Indians who have taken advantage of the Civil War to wreak havoc among the settlers, trappers, and gold seekers. This unit, however, has former prisoners from the CSA, who have been remanded from prison to serve in the west with the Yankee cavalry. If one knows anything about prison conditions in the north or south during the war, it is not difficult to see why many southern prisoners opted for service against the Indians. During World War II, the Germans got many Europeans and Russian prisoners to fight for them as the alternative in prison camps was tantamount to death. This story centers around a fort commanded by Jeff Chandler character, who tricks an Indian chief, killing, I believe his son or brother. The enraged chief attacks the fort with overwhelming force and only when Jeff Chandler goes out of the fort to trade his life for those left in the fort, does the attack stop with his sacrificial death. After a relief column arrives at the fort, do the survivors learn that the war is over and the south has lost. An interesting bit of history and true. Unfortunately there was another aspect to the Indian wars on the plains that has received short shrift, and that is the service rendered by the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry regiments: the Buffalo soldiers; the all-black army units who served faithfully and with honor for over twenty years, trying to subdue a people who wanted to live free for the benefit of a government that treated these soldiers as second class citizens. To my memory, only two films have been made about these Buffalo soldiers, and both 30 years apart. Yes, Two Flags West ably covers the part that southern prisoners played in the settling of the west, but it has taken too long to tell the story of the black soldiers who, often facing discrimination within the army itself, and trouble from white settlers, still carried out their duty. I hope that this fine film, Two Flags West, will come out in VHS soon.
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Superb Civil War western, unjustly forgotten
gerdeen-120 January 2012
"Two Flags West" is a real surprise, entertaining and powerful. It contains its share of Hollywood clichés: Yankees and Rebels teaming up to fight Indians; an unhinged officer commanding a lonely outpost; a beautiful women creating tension among comrades in arms. But it's original in the way it handles them.

Jeff Chandler plays Maj. Henry Kenniston, a Union officer put in charge of a desert fort after being partially disabled by a war wound. Distrustful of Indians and bitter about his assignment, he dreams of returning to the war and taking revenge on the Confederates who hurt him and killed his brother.

Worst of all, Kenniston is obsessed with his brother's widow (played by Linda Darnell). He's an honorable man in his own way, and he feels a genuine sense of responsibility toward her. He tells himself he's keeping her at the fort for her own protection. But in his heart, he lusts after her, and he hates himself for doing so.

When reinforcements arrive at this troubled outpost, Kenniston is shocked to find that most are former Confederate POWs. They have pledged to serve the Union as Indian fighters as long as they don't have to make war on fellow Southerners.

To the already unstable major, being put in command of such troops is a crushing insult. And it doesn't help his state of mind when the Southerners' leader (played by Joseph Cotten) and an idealistic Union officer (played by Cornel Wilde) begin to show interest in the beautiful widow themselves. Kenniston soon embarks on a course of action guaranteed to alienate both the Indians and the Southerners -- and endanger the peace.

"Two Flags West" is a well plotted western, with events that flow from the characters' motivations instead of from a predictable plot. It's full of action, and its violence is grimly realistic for the time it was made.

Chandler is excellent as a complex, disastrous leader who inspires anger, pity and even some admiration in the viewer. Darnell, in one of her better roles, makes a convincing object of desire. Cotten and Wilde are fine, although they could have switched roles and still been just as effective.

Any fan of westerns ought to enjoy this a lot, and non-fans should give it a look.
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