This Is Us: The Challenger (2022)
Season 6, Episode 1
How Do You Feel
24 May 2024
There are so many scenes of painful realizations here. It shows how as we age things become less precise. We live in absolutes when we are young and we believe we can come through anything unscathed. The thing is that for most of us, we haven't experienced enough to make that a truism. Here we have Kevin trying to maintain a closeness, even though Madison cut him loose. He lives in her garage and her book club has men with whom she is close (not sexual or anything, at least for now), and he hasn't had the time to reconcile that. He also finds that his career is in horrible shape, but he has a chance to be a part of the reboot of The Manny. Toby and Kate are hanging in there and he is doing romantic things from afar, but how can that be sustained. Randall is trying to save the world when he decides to confront the burglar who dismantled his family for two years. And, of course, we have the caboose business with Rebecca's fractured memory trying to remember what is the last car on a train. She admits that she is getting worse. All this is in the wake of the Challenger incident where young Rebecca and Jack must try to soften the blows for their children who witnessed it on TV in their classroom. Sometimes life comes along and tears us to pieces.
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