23 May 2024
This movie was barely funny and had a very thin plot. I even paid to rent it from Prime and didn't bother watching the last 30 minutes because I didn't care what happened. The actors are wasted in this. There is a summary of the Gef mongoose incident in Wikipedia. Read that if you're curious. I don't watch movies for gorgeous camera work, unfortunately, so to me this is a solid 4. I'd rather watch a gripping story on videotape. This could've been cut down to an hour, easily--not that much happens! Editing, costumes, and camera work do not make up for a poor script. If you have insomnia, this could be a good choice for you. Normally I love Simon Pegg but this was just a very boring movie. I even enjoy Jane Austen movies, and "costume dramas," as they're called, with dense dialog and no action. There was just very little to hang onto here.
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