Not good but worth a look
23 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If you go into this thinking of it as a horror movie instead of sci-fi or alien then it comes off a little better. It is still a low budget B movie but has some interesting twists even if they are not fully fledge out.

Just to note that this is one of those beginning movies by a guide who wrote it and directed it. In sort doesn't have editors or producers to focus him.

LOCATION. The location is simple and they use some same spots more than once but knowing it is in Spain then the area was new to me including whatever old base they filmed inside of. I liked that.

ACTING. The acting was sub-par most of the time but it looks like a number of actors, and maybe all of them, were dubbed. Hard to tell. I think for sure the police officers were.

The actress who played the nurse played her part well.

PLOT. The Alien Invasion element seems minor and not really the point of the movie. This is a enforced human-alien hybrid impregnation program so the scares revolve around that the most.

There are a couple of plot twists that are easy to predict if you are thinking about them but since the movie doesn't make you think too hard then they came as a bit of a surprise.

There are a couple of subplots that don't really go anywhere nor are explained.

ENDING. I wonder if people skipping quickly through the movie miss the ending. One reviewer said he didn't like movies that don't have an ending. But this one has a clear ending. The woman escapes and runs into the guy making the videos, just after he says that one of the evil doctor's sons has a mark on his face. So when the woman finds the police and is "rescued", it is revealed that the police officer has a mark on his face. (A rather drastic one so we couldn't miss it.) So as we see at the very end, she's back in captivity. Also the park ranger shows up and then repeats the same dialogue that he did at the start of the movie as this time he goes after female victim. So we are left with the bad guys winning.

It is worth an hour plus of your time although should not be a high priority if you have many other movies to watch.
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