That's messed up
21 May 2024
I kept watching hoping to see the story go somewhere and that there would be some interesting reveal of the creators take on human nature or connections or relationships or anything but it seemed to be mostly just gratuitous tentacle porn involving children.

Maybe I missed something when I kept skipping past the torn under garments.

The hero is a teen boy that gives birth to preteen looking dragon girl. The girl is often naked and getting lascivious when intoxicated. I am not particularly disturbed by the inter-species issue as with the rolls that the two have in each others' lives, and the obligations to each other. Its all messed up. Is he her father, her care-taker, her teacher, or love interest. He literally had her in his body like a child and she was just newly born at the beginning of the story. She can't be informed or consenting to any relationship.
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