Fury of the Gunfighter - predictable dull Western
19 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
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*Plot and ending analyzed*

Fury of Johnny Kid (1967)

A predictably dull Western that seems to borrow plenty of ideas from American Westerns, but has no idea on how to make it all work together. It is an absolutely ridiculous and dumb movie.

Two warring ranch families have long feuded with each other, and the Mexican Campos ranch family got the upper hand by putting explosives into the ground and shooting at them while the Anglo-Saxon Mounter ranch family was passing through. Implausible scenes ahead.

Johnny Mounter (the eminently uninteresting German actor Peter Lee Lawrence) is captured and then breaks away with some other guy that was captured by the Mexican Campos ranch family, in one of the most unbelievable scenes ever. The bloke's nickname is "Lefty" because he is wearing a hook for a hand. He supposedly teaches Johnny Mounter (the eminently uninteresting German actor Peter Lee Lawrence) how to shoot in a five minute sequence. Now Johnny Mounter is an expert. (?) Lefty definitely becomes the movie's most annoying character, next to the sheriff, and just about everyone else.

The dubbed voices are horrible, attempting to sound like American country folks. The corny dubbing is in that Italian horror movie vein from the 1960's whereby some ridiculous 'dubbers' overexaggerate and ruin any sense of tension or urgency in the script. The movie also overuses the insipidly drab theme music throughout. You can probably guess how it all ends. No mystery there.

What to look out for:

"Lefty" teaching Johnny Mounter (the eminently uninteresting German actor Peter Lee Lawrence) how to shoot by putting pieces of bread on his hook and having him shoot them.

Two men arm wrestling in a cantina with nails on each side of their hands/arms. Loser gets nailed.

A woman stagecoach passenger who shoots the bandana off of Johnny Mounter's (the eminently uninteresting German actor Peter Lee Lawrence) face.

The woman stagecoach passenger who Johnny Mounter (the eminently uninteresting German actor Peter Lee Lawrence) fell in love with, getting slapped in the face by him, after he tells her that he loves her.

The ridiculously stupid ending that seems to belong more in a Mario Bava horror movie.
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