Annoying and More Annoying Make a Movie
19 May 2024
Oh my lord how is it possible two people can so quickly screw up a "falling in love under strange circumstances" premise?

ANSWER: Cast the most self-absorbed talentless guy that films everything in his (dull) life like it was Citizen Kane and pair him with a shallow 30-something woman that speaks like a teenage Valley girl from the 80s. Gag me with a spoon this couple was repulsive.

I can't give it only one star though, as the production quality was pretty good and the Costa Rican scenery was impressive. The random shots of wildlife were fun too.

Still, I find this movie impossible to recommend short of *only* using it as a cautionary tale of what you might dredge up on Hinge. Scary.

Don't do it. Just don't.
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