A bad spin on the same old thing
19 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
My expectations were decently high when I saw the cast for this movie. I have previously enjoyed both Tanner Buchanan and Sebastian Croft's acting in other projects they have been a part of, so I had somewhat high hopes. The fact that the premise of this movie did seem cliche and silly did help lower my expectations to something that was more reasonable...or so I thought. Nothing could have prepared me for just how much of a letdown this movie truly was.

The cast was not the issue I had. The story, character development (or lack there of), and dialogue was a nightmare. I've never been so emotionally disconnected from anything in my life. Archie was such an unbearable character that I could not find myself rooting for in any way, shape, or form. The relationship between every person in this movie felt awkward and surface level, leaving me to have no investment in what was happening at all. I'm usually not very picky about how cliche a story might be, but this movie was so cut and paste that it was almost upsetting.

I'm honestly so sad that this movie was such a disappointment because I thought it sounded like a cute and funny plot with a solid cast. But in the end, it was a complete letdown. I've never been one to write a review on anything but this movie actively made me so angry I had to voice my opinion. One thing that I actually believe really could have turned this movie around was if Archie suffered a different fate. He was a truly heinous friend and was so unremorseful for all the pain he caused his alleged best friend that I felt it to be completely insane when he got the girl in the end. I'm all about the story where the guy who did wrong makes amends and gets the girl in the end (I actually am a sucker for a cheesy romance), but Archie's actions were so terribly evil and his apology was so horrifically shallow that I cannot believe it worked out for him. A different ending really could have made this movie a tiny bit better and at least played towards some kind of character development.

In the end, I unfortunately cannot find myself recommending this movie to anyone. It felt like a waste of an hour and forty minutes that I will never get back. The only thing I can say about watching it is that I'm glad I will no longer have to scroll by it and think, "I've been meaning to watch that." thinking I've been missing something by having not seen this movie yet. The only thing I was missing by not watching it was the headache of a poor plot and tired characters.
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