Review of Good Boy

Good Boy (II) (2022)
Too Good to be True
18 May 2024
Though I'm not a part of the Furries universe, I always say: "To each their own, as long as no one harms another." Well, I got burned here.

At first, I compared this to Fifty Shades of Grey, but definitely a better movie. Heck, even the main character is a rich, violent, jealous, obsessive, paranoid gorgeous loner named Christian with a fetish. At last, I would say it was better, but not by much.

This is so sad. I LOVED how this movie began. So richly original, intriguing, the sky was the limit. Despite that, I had to Google this movie 30 or so minutes in to make sure I was actually watching a horror movie. (I was pretty sure this was when I randomly selected it from an Amazon Prime recommendation.) It is horror, but it's gonna take a while to get there.

Christian meets Sigrid online, then in person and, slowly but surely, they warm up to each other. After they spend the night together, he finally introduces her to Frank, his "dog." Or a man who pretends to be a dog. Soon Sigrid will learn who's the b in this relationship.

Unfortunately, this movie becomes less and less realistic as it goes along. I mean, psychological holds only work so far. I really didn't buy the victims didn't have AMPLE opportunities to escape. Heck, a man always moving around on his knees has to be so painful after a while, he wouldn't even be able to move around as much as its shown.

This really sucks because, again, I loved the first half, the setup/premise. I love to be wowed with something new in horror or pretty much any cinema. But to botch it up so much like this. Such a pity.

A movie that starts off promising and unique suddenly becomes very predictable. Now that's a feat.


Final Thoughts: A character actually says the words "What could possibly go wrong?" They should've known straight from the Pitch Meeting.
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