Review of Cobra

Cobra (2020–2023)
Cobra - CRAP!
16 May 2024
"Cobra" is an utter disappointment from start to finish. Despite its promising premise of a government grappling with a national crisis, the series falls flat on every level. The characters are caricatures with absurd backstories that border on laughable. The politicians are portrayed as cartoonish villains, and the unions are painted as petty and power-hungry, both unrealistic and pathetic.

The show's plot is riddled with clichés and implausible scenarios. In the third episode, a lynching scene marks the point of no return for believability. The idea that a Chief Constable and a lone WPC would be the only law enforcement in a refugee camp, despite the presence of other officers, is laughable. The depiction of northerners turning into violent mobs within three days is both offensive and unrealistic.

The series tries to escalate the drama with ridiculous subplots, including a civil servant magically teleporting from London to the North East to save the day and back again in a blink. The story is further bogged down by unnecessary and unconvincing side stories, like a fake plane crash and a poorly executed affair.

The script is abysmal, and the acting, forgivable given the material, does nothing to redeem it. The whole premise of a government collapsing into chaos over a power outage is glossed over in minutes, expecting viewers to believe that society would instantly descend into anarchy. The idea that a handful of thugs could take over a police command center with nothing but baseball bats is just one example of the many absurdities.

Ultimately, "Cobra" is a mishmash of poorly executed ideas and unrealistic portrayals. The series promises much but needs more substance. It's a waste of time that leaves viewers feeling frustrated and skeptical that such a project was greenlit in the first place. Save yourself the agony and avoid this train wreck at all costs.
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