101 Dalmatian Street (2018–2020)
15 May 2024
101 Dalmatian Street is the hidden gem that shines in this new dark era for Disney.

A refreshing addition to the beloved Dalmatians franchise composed of attractive characters, an impeccable artistic design, impressive visuals, a vibrant voice cast and plots that, above all, are fun and agile in their narrative and in their good humor. An excellent series to spend time regardless of age. A series made with passion and a lot of heart with an emotional core focused on family union with a mature aura that is not afraid to become dark at the most appropriate moments.

The end of their first (and only) season could be satisfactory for some... while for others it could only increase the desire to know what's next in these dog's life.

It's a shame that Disney canceled it when it could still have given more...

Anyway. Watch and support the show on Disney+!
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