Animal Farm (1954)
A sweet little animal satirical fantasy that explores human-life political problems.
15 May 2024
Animal Farm (1954) : Brief Review -

A sweet little animal satirical fantasy that explores human-life political problems. Joy Batchelor and Joy Halas direct a well-known adaptation of the satirical novel with human-driven conflicts. Political ambitions, tyranny, and greed have been human-society issues forever, but have you ever thought about them making waves in the animal world? Let's step into Animal Farm's world, then. Animals at Animal Manor are oppressed by a human owner, and one night they decide to fight against it. They take charge of the place and name it "Animal Farm," where the eternal slogan is "All animals are equal." While one of the pigs is thinking about the future and trying to feed other animals with education, the other jealous one takes over the farm and starts his dictatorship. All the animals work more and eat less, except for pigs. The pig leader expands his business and becomes rich, leaving other animals working under him as poor slaves. This is a simple plot, which again follows the same old method of mutiny. We have seen it in hundreds of films, but they were led by humans. Here, it's the animal world. It makes things allegorical by adding human conflicts to their fantasy world and making us believe in the consequences of greed and selfishness. While doing so, it hardly takes 70 minutes, but the narrative still looks a bit stretched. Why were those animals tolerating the Pig Napoleon's orders for years? It should have been a few days, or maybe months, not years. The screenplay lost some of its credibility there, while the rest of the show was highly convincing. Joy Batchelor and Joy Halas' film could have been motivational and easily added some social speeches to leave kids with good thoughts. Instead, it decided to remain a cute and sweet little entertainer without any heavy rocks. You'll notice and enjoy many adorable scenes here, just like you'd imagine while reading storybooks in childhood. This one is like a childhood fascination, if nothing more.

RATING - 7/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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