An Intelligent Indie Sci-fi
14 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I give this 7/10 in the indie sci-fi sub-genre. Being a low budget indie, I overlook cheaper special effects and lack of A-list actors. I grade more on story and engagement.

The movie had an intriguing start. What happened to the Liam? Why was the nurse withholding information? Where was he? Why was he skipping between alternate realities? Who is the old guy that looks like a Monk?

The movie revealed the story at a pace that kept me engaged. I like a 'heady sci-fi' and this had all the pieces. Some good little twists along the way including the identity of the old man and what he was doing.

My favorite actor was Zed Josef who played the assistant. The other actors were good too but something about Zed drew me in.

There were a few things I wish they would have done better. I believe they were going for a Nolan-type movie but it fell a bit short of that. Still very good though.

1) I found there was a lack of chemistry between Liam and Emma. Both are good at acting...but I had a hard time believing their connection for some reason. Emma seemed more concerned for his well-being than as a love connection. And when they kissed is was those pecks on the lips I give my grandma. A bit more believable passion please. Also, the very last line in the elevator, she should have been genuinely shocked instead of a pleasant smile.

2) At times it jumped around a bit too much. A little less of that and more development in each scene perhaps.

3) But my biggest problem was the ending. Yes, I liked that they wrapped it up nicely. But I felt that the protagonist didn't have to try hard enough for it. It kind of just fell in his lap and he made an easy choice and credits roll.

What I wanted to see was Liam figuring out that he could make a choice but it only mattered at one exact point in time. And he should have had to struggle and maybe do something special in 4 different time zones to make it happen. Perhaps he had to trick someone in one time to get a piece of information in another and hide the special something in the past so it would be in the present for where it all came together. As it was, he simply decided to hit 'stop' on his iPad and happy ending. But it didn't feel deserved so my dopamine didn't fire like it should have.

Overall...a very interesting movie and I can easily overlook the few flaws. Well done. But it could have been much better with a little more effort and an extra 10 minutes in the third act.
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