Babes in Arms (1939)
Child artists rule the show in a sensible drama based on Vaudeville against roaring talkies.
14 May 2024
Babes in Arms (1939) : Brief Review -

Child artists rule the show in a sensible drama based on Vaudeville against roaring talkies. Mickey Rooney has been a part of some great movies as a child artist, but as a performer, this one is one of his best roles ever. He has shown that talent does not limit itself to age. The entire film rides on his shoulders, and he has done an amazing job. That scene when he mimics Clark Gable and Lionel Barrymore shows what high-level acting skills he has. Simply phenomenal and unbelievable for an actor of that age. Judy Garland was on the verge of becoming a star, and 1939 has to be the greatest year of her career. The iconic The Wizard of Oz came in the same year, and Judy stole the limelight from many experienced actresses. Show them Babes in Arms. How good she is here-not as a confused child but as a teenage lover and yet so mature. The film deals with several issues, and some of them were so relatable and real. Troupers really had a bad time after the arrival of Talkie-Sensation, and they were out of business. Well, income and business were one thing, but they were out of the only thing they were good at in their lives. Their kids, who thought that they belonged to the entertainment business and had enough talent to survive, had to go to academic society and give up their passions. It was a burden for one generation that they didn't want the next generation to carry, and this argument created indifferences between them. It wasn't easy for parents and for the children, but they both had to go along with it. This film manages to put all those things in a mild format, adding some romantic comedy touch and a Ziegfeld kind of grandeur in the end. Such a beautiful film on such a beautiful topic, and yet it has remained underrated for years. Maybe they didn't know the magic and importance of Vaudeville. Sad.

RATING - 7.5/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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