X-Men: Deadly Reunions (1993)
Season 1, Episode 4
Best episode so far.
13 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Props for the surreal sequence in Sabertooth's mind. Professor X working as a therapist is not what I expected but it makes sense given his psychic powers. Magneto wrecking a chemical plant strangely feels more impactful than him trying to launch a nuke despite the stakes being objectively lower. The moment where Rogue absorbs Cyclops' powers is pretty cool. Charles hits Magneto with the power of PTSD by making him remember the not-Holocaust. The mutantphobic senator mentioning the Mutant Registration Act provides a nice bit of continuity. Xavier's optimism backfires against him, which is nice and gives complexity to his character. Overall the best episode so far in terms of character development.
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