Bad Boys II (2003)
The budget increased, not the quality. Yet, fairly good.
13 May 2024
Bad Boys 2 (2003) : Brief Review -

Bad Boys 2 got almost 6x the budget of its prequel, Bad Boys (1995), and was a longer film too, but the quality? Oh, don't ask that. We can cut that shiit and get back to entertainment. Yes, BB 2 has some crazy car action sequences and witless banter between Marcus and Mike, but it isn't funny enough compared to the first film. Mike and Marcus are off to bust a drug racket, but the opponent leader has quite a strong record against the cops. He has fooled them many times before, so all they need is strong evidence against him. While Mike and Marcus are planning to bust into his house and get the evidence, Marcus' cop sister is doing her part as an undercover agent turned the leader's girlfriend. As expected, M & M get what they want, but the sister, who also happens to be Mike's girlfriend, is in the bad guy's custody. Meanwhile, Marcus had made plans to part ways with his partner, Mike, who still believes in "We ride together. We die together. Bad boys for life." The entire department turns into their aides, and we have a long and big action sequence in the climax. As mentioned earlier, the comedy is weak, mostly because the banter between two buddies lacks humour and wit. Bad Boys 1 ended with Julie and Mike getting handcuffed together, so I wonder what happened to Julie. There was no mention of her in this film. It just started off like a fresh film altogether. The scripting is fine, but the film is 15 minutes longer. That doesn't mean it's boring. It's a tight shiit alright. Lawrence and Smith save the day, and thankfully they get the maximum screen space. Jordi Mollà, as the new baddie, is decent, while Gabrielle Union, as a female cop, was okayish. Michael saved the bay with enough light from his signature explosion scenes and terrific action. Overall, a good flick but a step down from the predecessor.

RATING - 6/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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