I. Need. My. Battery. Charged.
12 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Good morning, Miss Dove could have been a very good movie, but Jennifer Jones's character, Miss Dove was too robotic in her speech and mannerisms. She showed no emotion, a paper cutout. A most unpleasant character. Miss doves, robotic demeanor will get on your nerves after a while. Jennifer Jones was a great actress a very beautiful woman. Miss Dove is one movie I could not sit through again. Was Miss Dove a robot? I don't know I felt as though I was watching a science fiction movie. Human beings just do not speak in that manner robotic. Yes, she was a teacher, stern and disciplined. But for cry, not loud why did the Director feel the character needed to speak like a robot? Mr. Chips was so much more pleasant. I don't recommend this movie.
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