Robot Dreams (2023)
Of loneliness and friendship
12 May 2024
Robot Dreams is a beautiful and heartwarming story that doesn't shy away from tugging at the heart strings. The animation, while simple, is great and features some very memorable shots and scenes. There is no dialogue in the film so most of the emotions, especially from the robot, is communicated entirely through mouth shapes. It is really hard to put into words how much heart is communicated in those scenes, and it doesn't really shine through in the trailer.

There is an underlying tragedy and sadness to the story though. For every heartwarming feel-good moment, you get an equally sad one, with one in particular having been downright soul-crushing to me. It's not a depressing movie by any means, but I did tear up multiple times.

In the end, it left me with a bittersweet, hopeful feeling and the thought that even if you, your life, or the people in it can never go back to being the way they were, there is still happiness and good times ahead, and it's best to face it with a smile.
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