Godzilla means the 'business'....and that's the business of destruction!
9 May 2024
A big thumbs up to Takashi Yamazaki for not only setting up a compelling human drama, but also distributing Godzilla's screen time so cleverly throughout the film that it never felt like we were getting deprived of Big G's majestic presence at any given moment.

As a lifelong Kaiju fan, I understand the rarity of finding a moving human story in this kind of genre films, but Yamazaki made that so easy and emotionally moving that you'd find yourself on a rare occasion to root for the triumph of the human characters this time.

Director Yamazaki's respect for Godzilla lore is another thing that demands high praise from the Big G fans. Minus One is one of the rarest of Godzilla films where they brilliantly depicted the iconic Atomic breathe (Heat ray) of this radioactive giant lizard. Whenever Big G unleashes the heat ray, it thoroughly means the 'business'....and that's the business of destruction! The way they choreographed Godzilla's rampage in Ginza and particularly the ultimate moment when he delivered the heat ray is undoubtedly one of the most horrifyingly powerful moments in his 70-year-long history in cinema.
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