Back to Black (2024)
Sugar Coated & Lovable by Avoiding the Weeds
9 May 2024
I'm on the side who don't see how people can call this a bad movie. It's wonderful.

If they set out to show Amy's lovable personality by ignoring the bad, it's an entirely effective film. Also has one of the most endearing on-screen kisses I can remember since the ending of Planes Trains & Automobiles.

Her voice is powerful.

Blake's character is memorable perhaps a little too likable.

Chalked full of subtle Easter eggs reminiscent to aspects of Amy's life, with details one would remember from an interview, etc..They're able to get to the root of her trauma without taking us too far into the weeds.

The only casting I don't think they got quite right was Amy's father. He has a domineering personality and this character was small and soft in comparison. Also wish they gave Mark Ronson's character screen time and showed more of the process of making Back to Black. It was such an influential album and the process of how the unique sound came about is worth noting.

The story transitions are well done, sign posting to the causation of her increased addiction, while still maintaining Amy's integrity.

The close-ups are effective. Atmosphere of British street life is present. The soundtrack is excellent: not an overkill of Amy songs, GREAT choices by other artists she was influenced by.

I think the simplicity of the script is in order to translate across many countries. It was released in Europe a month before America gets the chance to tare it apart; which I believe was a smart choice,

I believe the simplicity in dialogue is so that it can translate well when duped in other languages.

On some level people are upset because the role of Amy is considered hallowed-ground and they expect a metamorphosis.. where as a few years ago an actress would push herself to the brink of death becoming the character. Marisa basically just learned the mannerisms... the days of artists dying over roles may be over.

I don't love, but appreciate the ending, we're left with the real Amy to remember.

There are some fun clips of Amy on Youtube to search which will show how accurate her portrayal was. Just a few breadcrumbs into the real Amy, I recommend watching:

Amy winehouse Stealing a Magazine?

Amy Winehouse Buys Paps a Cheeseburger.

Amy winehouse Talks About Divorce & X Factor.

Amy Does a Bump of Cocaine From Her Hair on Stage.

Amy Wandering Motorway.

One of the best answers I've ever heard to an interviewer asking a celebrity if she feels its difficult being a woman in the industry Amy replies: "Only when I'm on my period." Genius.

She was truly a free spirit. Wish the film showed how extremely funny and witty she really was. It was her best attribute. VERY polite but cutting when necessary.

Taunting the paparazzi saying "Where's your wife.. where's your wife... she can't cook... she can't cook... "

Lastly, I remember her Camden neighbor interviewed saying he heard strange sounds coming from Amy's apartment the night of her death. What was described sounded like a ritual and made to look like her death was a satanic sacrifice on behalf of the music industry..

It was reported the neighbors heard chanting, drums beating, and moaning like some sort of sexual snuff thing. These quotes from the neighbor can be found on line. I always thought it was strange because he said he heard them at 3am along with crying etc.. however, her body wasn't found until the next afternoon apparently... very strange.
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