Review of Part Seven

Masters of the Air: Part Seven (2024)
Season 1, Episode 7
The Calm Before the Storm? - Episode 7 - "Part Seven"
7 May 2024
Episode 7 is similar to episode 6 in its pacing, although it tries to tell more in the same timespan as its predecessor. Because of that, episode 7 feels clunkier, more forced, a deliberate calm before an eventual storm. Directed by Dee Rees, who is probably not known by a bigger part of MotA's viewerbase, this one feels like it was given goals to tie up loose ends that would've otherwise been scrapped from the script alltogether. And as honorary as that might seem, it makes the episode feel rushed. Not even the narration by Crosby delivers a sense of being in the moment, something that most often than not connects storylines together the actual scenes in-show struggle to do.

Performances by leading actors and, more importantly so, supporting ones, remains to be strong. Given the material they had to work with during this episode, the actors save us from what would otherwise be bland and dull television. An additional argument for the show's success up until now were the aerial combat scenes, which episode 7 also features, albeit in a timed manner. The batallion's missions take an unexpected and, rightfully so, terrifying new direction, and I can't help but feel this new path would've done well with more of a backstory. To be more 'in the moment' when the news is brought upon our now, mostly, young pilots and soldiers.

Everything it tries to do, it does well enough to not be a bother. But a sense of rushness and inclarity persist within me when I reflect on Part Seven. Even now, when writing this review, I find myself grasping for meaningful words to put on digitalized paper. And while this can definitely be a welcome change in an otherwise hectic entertainment landscape, it seems to be lesser welcome here.

Hoping it's a deliberate and well-meant calm before the storm, episode 7 of Masters of the Air scores a just-as-well-meant 7.
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