Even the best detective in the business had to prove his worth to his father
6 May 2024
The Thin Man Goes Home (1944) : Brief Review -

Even the best detective in the business had to prove his worth to his father. This is a very common issue in families: a successful son has to showcase his skills to his father. Sometimes they don't understand, or rather, don't know, what their son has achieved. That cold war between what the father wanted his son to become and what the son wanted himself to become lasts for years, and that's why even the great success of the son becomes invisible. The Thin Man Goes Home shows that story again, applied to Nick Charles. His father wanted him to become a doctor and help him with his hospital, but Nick ran away and became the best detective in the business. Mr. And Mrs. Charles travel to Nick's hometown for a vacation, and there you have it. As the doctor says, "Every place he goes, he finds dead bodies." Yeah, we all agree. Hasn't it been the same for every Thin Man movie? However, this time Nick has to prove it to his father, even if he doesn't show that nervousness out. Nora is more concerned about it-verbally, I mean. Junior Charles and Lt. Abrams were missing, and I missed them a lot. Although the case is tricky and there are a lot of angles to it, Nick solves it alright. The one thing that he wanted the most in his life was that pat on his back from his father. Well, he gets it. Nora, as expected, stands for him, and you know her chatterbox nature when it comes to praising her handsome and intelligent husband. William Powell has done well once again, and he didn't get tired of it. The entire supporting cast was a good surprise, while Asta has very little to do again. A man knocks on the door, begins to talk, and is shot dead. Nick just looks at Asta, and that fury detective runs right outside the house to catch the killer. That's some understanding of the characters themselves. Writers had a sense, I believe. Richard Thorpe served as the first director to direct The Thin Man film after Duke's demise, and this was a humble tribute, I would say.

RATING - 7/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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