Kate completely cut the chap off whilst he was in process of explaining about his cycle challenge following the deliveroo driver biting off his thumb! She then just talked
6 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The young man traumatised by having his poor thumb bit off by that deliveroo driver was speaking about his experience and Kate completely cut him off whilst he was still talking about his next role cycling for charity and mental health it was so obvious by her face that she was rude in fact toward him proceeding to stop him mid sentence to then talk herself in the time available! I was interested in listening to him not her! It was uncomfortable for him and to watch.. I don't like her approach she much prefers her own voice to that of others and this happens time after time with her, she's very over powering in her style of interview extremely annoying to sit through as a watcher especially first thing in the morning Often if I see its her actually presenting ill instead switch channels. The young man in question had had to have a toe amputation, lost his home his relationship his career he'd trained for as a plumber whilst the "woman" that inflicted these injuries on him was still in fact still delivering for deliveroo herself, shocking, it was his time his story his experience his struggle towards recovery but Kate showed no compassion in her interview I felt just hurrying him along winding the interview up it was embarrassing to me to watch for him really disrespectful towards him.
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