Very entertaining series.
5 May 2024
Charles and Edwin are the Dead Boy Detectives, they team up with real life Psychic Crystal Palace, leaving London for The USA, to hunt for a missing girl.

I came so close to switching it off ten minutes into episode one, fast forward seven hours, and I've binge watched the whole show.

It's oodles of fun, exciting, outlandish and camper than a Carry on film, but totally entertaining.

Think Sherlock meets Ghostbusters, that's the vibe, and at times it does feel better suited to a younger audience, but there are also some very dark moments, particularly in Episode seven.

I urge you to find two more over the top characters than Esther and The Cat King, both so over the top and fabulous, but both worked really well.

Very well acted, nicely produced, with some pretty cool special effects.

It will keep you well entertained.

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