A journey to the dark side
4 May 2024
The Evil at the Center. Just as we once accompanied Anakin Skywalker on his journey to the dark side, there are now finally two more characters we get to accompany into the abyss.

The approach of the Star Wars creators is emotional and profound. The atmosphere is truly dark, rarely seen except in Andor. Now, we are actually on the side of evil. Whether Morgan Elsbeth, seemingly a supporting character, needed to be chosen as the main character remains questionable. There are certainly much more intriguing characters in the Star Wars universe. But in the end, after the story of Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader, we witness another transformation into evil. And it is precisely this that makes this series so compelling in the otherwise rather cheerful Star Wars cosmos.

The most intriguing question in all of this is ultimately why they had to make the whole thing an animated series.
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