Really Annoying To Watch
4 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Terrible TV. I was so uncomfortable watching this. From the episode where he tried to have his friend unpack childhood trauma through stand up was so stoooopid. All the dude did was curse. And tell stories that were probably untrue.

Then the episode where his mom said she accepted him, but the way she did wasnt good enough for him. He needed to create fake drama about conditions on her love.

What took the cake for me was him brinign his Dad's business on the show. That showed the true narcissist in him.

He is such a boring, self serving fake homo. He needs the world stop on its axis to accept a lifestyle that he barely made his way into.

Him disrespecting his mother and father behind this weird homeless lookin boyfriend is pitiful. I hadnt heard of the "comic" before this series, and I question a network giving this boring, self serving "reality show" the green light.
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