Not what I expected, but still worth it
4 May 2024
I've been a Conan fan for quite some time, I do feel that he goes a bit far on the cringe jokes here and there but then again that's his style and both the sketches with Jordan as well as the Conan Without Borders remotes were some of his best work!

Naturally I was highly expectant of this show, it didn't start great, a mix of the Nordic cold and blend culture and humor on the Norway episode with strange editing and the lack of a live audience that somehow validates the jokes made for a whole strange and cringe first episode.

It was okay but far from the highly amusing episodes in foreign lands that Conan got us used to.

Once I've seen the remaining episodes my opinion changed, Thailand, Argentina and specially Irish people made for a way better chemistry and the jokes landed way better since the people seemed more eager to go along with Conan foolishness.

The last episode was almost emotional to an extent, seeing Conan acknowledge his past relatives who migrated to the US years ago.

The fact that we got to see Jordan and Conan again together in Argentina, seeing Jordan breaking character again made up for the initial impact.

It seemed forced at times and with some strange editing but it still managed to be fun thanks to the people on the last three episodes of this first season!
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