Definitely Watchable but not as good as t.o.j.
4 May 2024
So for the good, the visuals are done well. There are new aliens and certain elements flow well, made some decent connections and ended a question of one empirial operative.

As for the bad, some returning characters were visually revamped which I found unnecessary. A chunk of what I watched left me failing to see the characters logic and connection from pre and post empire. I get the idea but the character came off hypocritical to me. It doesn't have to be a hard negative but it would be if this is where the trail ends.

Neutral, the final episode had me wondering if it's intended to be continued or if that was it. If it is good, if not well what happens next?

Overall I found it watchable and others may enjoy it more or less than I did. There's good about it but plot wise and doesn't have the same connection or feeling of how a character got to the point they were at in other shows, like tales of a jedi did.
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