The Lion (1962)
This is one unusual kid!
4 May 2024
In this film, William Holden and Capucine play ex-spouses. Christine has invited her ex-, Robert, to stay with them in Kenya...and much of it is that she's worried about the sort of person their daughter, Tina (Pamela Franklin), is growing into being. It seems that Tina has 'gone native'...and spends most of her time with the wild animals near their home. The problem with this is her favorite is a wild male lion...a VERY dangerous creature who Tina has managed to tame! But there is a concern that sooner or later, Tina will be hurt or killed. But Christine isn't sure what to do and wants her ex-husband's advice. However, to complicate things, Christine has remarried and it sure seems like her new husband, John (Trevor Howard), is NOT pleased to see Robert! What's next?

Much of this film seems like a travelogue...showing the glories of African wildlife. I am not surprised, as Holden devoted much of his life to preserving African wildlife and he owned a huge piece of land in Kenya that was made into an animal reserve. I assume Holden wouldn't have made the film if it was about big game hunters or didn't respect the local people.

So is it any good? Well, I think it's worth seeing just to see the footage of the creatures. You'll see lots of lions, elephants, hippos, rhinos and more. As for the story, I just appreciate how different it is from other films...though the soap opera elements later in the film were just okay. Overall, I'd give this one an 8. Nice escapism in Africa and a most unusual movie...with a rather strange ending that will make you take notice!
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