Pointless fan service ruins an otherwise decent show
30 April 2024
Not the best in its genre. Can be overly dramatic and a little too convenient, but when a plan or scheme comes together it's not bad at all. Based on those merits I'd say it's worth watching if you like this kind of thing.

However, the fan service is awful. I don't really like fan service to begin with, but depending on the tone of the show it can work. It can even be really funny. What's featured in this series, though, just ends up being distracting. A random panty shot at a critical moment. Boobs displayed like a museum exhibit during an important plot point. Massive cleavage focus in one scene, and then the following for pretty much no reason except boobs. It's almost as if they don't trust the audience to continue paying attention unless there's nudity on the screen. Things like this alone already make the show seem kind of cheap, but when you combine it with the standard anime tropes you'd come to expect it just amplifies that to the point where you can't take anything seriously. This is a shame because there are moments that really shine, but none of it matters because somehow boobs have to be involved. It's the kind of thing that sabotages potentially great shows and turns them into instantly forgettable garbage, which is exactly what this is.

If you don't mind watching trash with some halfway decent psychological strategy, this is an okay choice.
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