Give the woman some credit please!
29 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the documentary first because I've seen all the TikToks of people making fun of it and I thought "what the heck I'll see how unhinged she is". I'm not a JLo superfan nor hater. I like some of her music and she looks dang good to be twice my age. However, in the documentary, I actually felt sad for her. It still seems she is struggling to find that peace she seeks in men, attention from fans, etc. Like Ben mentioned. I will say I commend her for putting her own money into the movie, even when she knew it could turn out to be a total flop. I think it shows how passionate she was about it. At least in the documentary, it seemed she was very hands on in the decision-making and treated her employees and fellow actors well. She worked very hard on the project. The movie itself wasn't terrible. If you don't like musicals, then you won't like this. I hadn't listened to the album before watching and it actually has some bops on it. The movie is NOT about her going from man to man to man. It's about her figuring out who she really needed to love was herself and then still hoping for that one true love in the end. I think we can all relate to that. I don't think this was a project to inflate her ego, but I do think she still feels she has something to prove, just like when she was a little girl, and that's why she fought so hard to get this movie out. Can we all just remember that celebrities are humans too at the end of the day and not rip them apart all the time?! They need kind words too just like anybody else. If you don't like it, then just move on and don't watch it!
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