Miller's Girl (2024)
Adolescent garbage.
28 April 2024
I started reading about this movie a year ago. It has been getting a lot of press, and I think mostly because the two stars are both great actors and it's implausible that they decided to make this film. It's a first time writer-director and she is in way over her head. Freeman is a great English actor but his southern accent comes and goes. I think I was 30 minutes into the film before I realized he was supposed to be southern. Jenna was so brilliant in Wendy, but now I am wondering if she can play a character that is a real person. There seems to be a pandemic of student teacher relationships in America currently, and it's worth exploring, but this script is juvenile. It's one of the worst scripts of the year. It is also not sexy at all. It seems like a high school girl tried to write a sexy play who has never been in love.

Also the two do absolutely nothing to hide an inappropriate relationship. Freeman's teacher would have lost his wife and career if found out, but they appear in public like they are lovers.

I just felt cheated after looking forwards to this film for several months.
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