Canceled (2023)
Painful to watch
28 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Flat characters and a badly written manuscript makes this Swedish movie painful to watch. The actors show no emotion whatsoever at any time and seem to be reading their lines from an autocue. The only jumpscares in this movie are when it changes from conversation to music. As usual in Swedish movies, the music is tons louder than the people speaking. So when there's just conversation on screen, you have to turn the sound up to hear what they're saying. Then, when music comes on for any reason, you have to throw yourself at the remote to lower the sound so you don't go deaf. Those are the only jumpscares in this movie - the sound...

The story itself is completely predictable. And the footage they "find" in the movie, of the family living in the mansion in the 70's? It's supposed to be homevideos made by the family. So who was filming when the grandmother went on her killing spree? A ghost?

No, this movie was a complete let down, as I figured it would be. If Joakim Lundell is behind it, you know it's gonna disappoint...
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