I was rooting for the mice at the end
28 April 2024
Never have I wanted a main character to meet her demise more than I did watching this film. Three-quarters of her dialog was screaming and crying, and she did it in the most annoying manner possible (though I imagine I'd make some rather annoying sounds myself if I was attacked by mutant rat-people in the woods or anywhere else for that matter). I do give the film some points for make-up and gore, though it should have been more of a gorefest given how bad it was in scares. Amazingly (sarcasm intended), the characters use no logic whatsoever when fighting blind, mutants that move at the pace of a giant tortoise. Oh look, her back is turned for 10 minutes - I wonder what will happen. And the sound the mutants make is horribly annoying as well, and it doesn't look like it's even coming from them.

I needed a mind-numbing horror movie after watching a couple dramas that had me in tears, but this was just too mind-numbing and annoying to recommend.
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