The Fall Guy (2024)
Gosling and Blunt are Crushed by Bloated Run Time
27 April 2024
Let's get some postives out of the way. One of which are; The two leads, there charisma and charm is one of the few reasons this movie was tolereble. The action was also handled with Leitch's flare. Which is becoming a trademark when it comes to action set pieces. The shots where we were watching a film being made was well choreographed. And Finally there's a cameo that made me grin ear to ear(involving the final shot of the film they were making).

Now lets talk about the elephent in the room. Which is the over inflated run time, there are dialogs in this film that span for five minutes but feels like twenty. They added no depth to the characters and did nothing to progress the story. The marketing of this movie reminded me of Goslings other film The Nice Guys(2016) a detective -noir film that I love and was hoping to get a similar experience here, but alas it's nothing like it. The story telling felt like it was inspired by Kiss Kiss Bang Bang(2005) which is a fantastic film by the way. But comparing it with this would be insulting to Downey Jr. And to add insult to injury the plot of the movie is predictable. Not a quality you want in any movie. The concept of the film is one that actually demands respect but the fear of commitment to it's core story is a main reason it stumbles.
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