The Red King: Episode #1.1 (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Episode 1
26 April 2024
This could be Midsomer Murders melded with Beyond Paradise and with Vera.

Detective Grace Narayan (Anjli Mohindra) an Asian heritage cop has been banished from Newcastle for whistleblowing.

She has been ejected to a small rural Welsh island of St Jory. It was once rife with paganism rituals known as the True Way.

The local GP, Doctor Ian Prideaux comes to see her about his missing teenage son from a year ago.

When Grace pursues this, the locals clam up. Her predecessor Gruffudd Prosser belittling her and becoming hostile.

All the while there are signs that the pagan rituals have not completely gone away.

Some wonderful scenery but writer Toby Whithouse has gone for a creepy Wicker Man vibes.

I did find the opener to be very average until Prosser had his rant. Allowing Grace to show that she is not to be messed around with.

I think the six part series will show whether Grace will be a sheep to the slaughter. If she fails to recognise the wolf at the door.
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